Wildlife test 1 Flashcards
what does wildlife include?
Living things that have not been domesticated
the process of living things under the control of humans-when referring to wildlife
what are the uses of wildlife
consumptive and non-consumptive
what is consumptive
taking and harvesting the wildlife-hunting, fishing, and trapping
what is non-consumptive
watching or using as a not to destroy or take
what are the five basic values of wildlife
commercial, game value, aesthetic, scientific, ecological
what is commercial value
money earned from sales from exotics-bison- and some wildlife has been explored-elephants and rhinoes
what is aesthetic value
value of beauty and appeal-state national parks and forests–Yellowstone, moose, elks, bears
what is scientific value
research and study of plants and animals to help understand the environment
What is game value?
Value on wildlife that is game
What are examples of game?
Sport hunting, vegetation harvesting, money or revenue from licenses provided for improving wildlife management
What is is an example for scientific value?
Lichens to determine pollution in the air
What is ecological value?
value of the role that each species play in nature
What is wildlife conservation
the use of allocating wildlife resources efficiently
What is an example of wildlife conservation?
Maintaining a habitat (supporting species, community from destruction)
Help people make good decisions related to land use (prevent waste)
What are the areas in wildlife conservation?
Research, Education, and law enforcement
What is the purpose of research in wildlife conservation?
To understand the wildlife and the habitat it needs
Promote good habitat growth
What is the purpose of education in wildlife conservation?
Informing people about their roles in conservation
Hunting for knowledge, those that hunt need to know more
What is the purpose of law enforcement in wildlife conservation
Ensures laws related to wildlife are followed, research and education, hunting
What is wildlife management?
Art and science of manipulating a wildlife system to achieve a desired goal
What are examples of wildlife management?
Habitat production
How humans use wildlife
What are benefits of wildlife management?
Human population increase, demand for land decreases for wildlife (making good use of space helps wildlife sustainability)
Promotes hunting and non-hunting activities
Brings in money to many towns and cities
What are examples of wildlife recreation?
Viewing wildlife
Intense recreation hunting/fishing
(activities are in-charge by park rangers)
What are park rangers in charge of?
Give tours and lectures
Provide info and safety
Operate boats, snowmobiles, trucks, and automobiles
Usually have a college degree in biology, wildlife science, or closely-related fields
What ways are wildlife organisms classified?
Scientifically and by habitat
What are the scientific categories wildlife can be organized?
Animals, plants, fungi, monera, protista
What are characteristics of animals?
wildlife not domesticated; free to roam land, air, and water; find food on their own; retain natural behavior
What are characteristics of plants?
not domesticated; found on land or water; grow without human help; e. g. vines, grasses, trees, or shrubs; make own food; could be a pest; poison ivy (causes allergies)
What are characteristics of fungi?
Fungi: grow in the wild or domesticated; absorbs its food; molds are small mushrooms; sometimes can be found on a plant (mildew); helps decay other animals; releases CO2
What are characteristics of monera?
(single cell): performs a function in the environment; can be bacteria; helps with decaying materials; provides nutrients for plants and food for aquatic animals
What are characteristics of protista?
single cell, e.g. algae
What are the habitat categories wildlife is classified
terrestrial or aquatic (fresh or saltwater)
What does terrestrial mean?
species that live on land yet need water and nutrients to live
What are the two categories of aquatic habitats?
Fresh and saltwater
What are fresh wildlife
species that live in water, may split time between land and water, little to no salt
Examples: alligator and turtle
What are saltwater wildlife
has high salt content (33 to 37 parts per thousand [PPT])
What is wildlife population? (IMPORTANT)
number of individuals in a group of organisms that occupy an area. May include many or a single species
What is population density?
equals the number of organisms in an area
What two factors influence population density
natality and mortality
What is natality
number of new animals born in a year, birth rate
What is mortality
number of deaths per 1000 animals each year
What is a renewable natural resource?
wildlife is renewable (can produce more of itself) if the conditions are right;
if not, then decrease (long-term decrease = extinction)
What are examples of long-term decreases?
Beavers in 1800s nearly exterminated
Buffalo near gone, laws now protecting them
What is the SPECIFIC EXAMPLE of extinction (that Spangle told us to remember)?
Extinction of passenger pigeons (Martha: last pigeon who died in a zoo 1914)
What is overpopulation?
(can result from protecting wildlife) excessive number of wildlife that exceeds carrying capacity of their habitat
What is the goal of wildlife management
to find balance between how many to protect and how many to limit
Ex. adjusting how many you can/can’t shoot
What is biodiversity
variety of living things
affects ecology of the area
Why is biodiversity important?
To have a healthy environment and relatively balanced ecosystem
What can decrease biodiversity?
Loss of species
This will alter the natural environment
What are the factors of biodiversity?
Species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity
What is species diversity?
Number of different species in a place
Ex. warmer the climate, greater diversity