cHpT. 25 wOrLd HiStOrY :D Flashcards
What is imperialism?
the extension of a nation’s power over other lands through diplomacy or military force
What is diplomacy?
international relations typically by a country’s representatives abroad (Ex. ambassador)
What is a protectorate?
A political unit that depends on another government
What is racism?
The belief that race determines a person’s traits and capabilities
What is direct rule?
A colonial government where local elites are kicked out and replaced by a set of officials brought from the colonizing country
What is indirect rule?
A colonial government where local rulers are allowed to maintain their position of authority and power
what did the people who resisted the colonial rule develop
what happened when France sent Christianity missionaries to Vietnam
The Vietnamese rejected the France because they practiced Confucianism. France then divided Vietnam into two countries. France made Vietnam sign treaty for protection against the Brits
the British took over what (Africa sheet)
The Cape from dutch, South Africa for diamonds and gold, and the Suze Canal
what did the British dream of (Africa sheet)
a railroad that extended from the (African) Cape to Cairo, Egypt
How much of Africa did France own and who stopped them (Africa sheet)
They owned most of Africa but Britain stopped them
What did Spain own and what do they want (African sheet)
They owned parts of Morocco but they want the whole country (but France no sharies)
In Belgium what was happening to king Leopard (African sheet)
He owned his own estate and made a fortune off of copper and rubber. He treated his workers poorly for 15 years causing half the population to die. The country made him give his estate up
What was the purpose of west expansion into Asia and Africa?
The west wanted to exploit the natural resources and sought European goods.
What were the goals of the colonies?
To establish a place for raw goods and markets
Why did France try to get Vietnam before the Brits?
It was a race to control colonies to gain prestige
How did colonies control economies?
Through indirect or direct rule
What was the cause of guerrillas and what was the result of the development of the method?
Cause: Some natives, both rulers or peasants, resisted colonial rule, but often had no success. So they developed the monkey plan
Effect: The US defeated the guerrillas to gain control over the Chinese government
What are guerrillas?
Jungle military
By 1900, virtually all of Southeast Asia was under…?
Western (colonial) rule: both the British and the US
In 1819, why did the British take over the small island of Singapore and Burma?
Singapore: major stopping point through China
Burma: to protect their investments in India
What was the significance of French missionaries in Vietnam?
They converted the Vietnamese to Christianity
What was the reaction of Vietnam towards the missionaries?
They were unhappy and saw that the missionaries were not welcomed, as they were Confucianists. They also persecuted the French
What did France end up doing to Vietnam as a result of their unhappiness?
France split Vietnam into 2 different government systems: the North and the South
Why was France nervous about Great Britain taking over Burma?
They wanted to stop the British from creating a monopoly
What did the French do due to this uneasiness of a potential British monopoly?
They convinced Vietnam to accept the French government to protect them in 1857
In 1883, France became the protectorate of the Vietnam empire
What advancements resulted from the 2nd Industrial Revolution? (Five things)
New military weapons, gunboat diplomacy, transportation, improved communication, and medical advances such as sanitation
What was the significance of new military weapons for Europe?
Machine guns made Europe superior and led to massacres of natives for land
What was gunboat diplomacy?
Naval forces sent out in gunboats
How was transportation made easier?
New engines invented from the industrialization made it easier
What was the purpose for Europe to exploit West Africa’s resources?
To keep trade routes
Who did King Leopold II (from Belgium) create a business with and why?
He partnered with Henry Stanley to open up to investors
who and what did Menelki
Menelki was the emperor of Ethiopia. He built up a large arsenal of modern warfare, he also signed a treaty with Italy but found some mistakes that stated Italy could have all of Ethiopia instead of a few. Menelki started a war with Italy and won.
What was the result of Africans being educated in Western schools?
They gained the idea of colonization and sought and end to colonial rule. The schools began to promote African nationalism due to European imperialism.
They also searched for rivers to navigate.
who was Menelki and what important things did he do
Menelki was the emperor of Ethiopia. He built up a large arsenal of modern warfare, he also signed a treaty
What was the result of Africans being educated in Western schools?
They gained the idea of colonization and sought and end to colonial rule. The schools began to promote African nationalism due to European imperialism.
What happened with Britain’s involvement with India?
The British introduced political stability, harmed local industries, and demean (or cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for) the people and culture
(Tbh I heard “demean” but I have no clue what exactly did she say)
What did Rabindranath Tagore promote and how did he promote it?
He promoted Indian culture through his writings
Who asked Britain to share its government?
Indian National Congress
What countries did the US colonize?
Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Hati, and the Dominican Republic
Why did the US conquer a bunch of countries in Latin America?
To protect their investments
What was the “Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine” and what was its importance?
Roosevelt stated that the US could intervene in Latin-American countries guilty of misconduct
This helped the US protect economic interest and become international police of western welfare
Monroe Doctrine- Europeans not allowed to colonize in Americas…Great Britain supported it and if the countries colonize they would attack US
What was a dollar diplomacy?
the diplomacy that seeks to strengthen the power of a country or effect its purposes in foreign relations by the use of its financial resources
Why did the US have a dollar diplomacy?
To expand its economic influence in Latin America
What was the effect of US involvement in Latin America?
They caused the Spanish-American War, the independence of Panama, the building of Panama Canal, Roosevelt (who was president 1901-1909) supported Panama which led to it becoming its own nation, and self-government commonwealth independent(?)
Who was Porfirio Dias?
A dictator who increases foreigners and made profit. However, he was forced from power.
Who was Francisco Madero?
A man who attempted to reform Mexican government
What did the agrarian reform lead to?
It led to redistribution of land
How did Latin America prosper?
They gained prosperity through exporting food and raw materials (Due to this the middle class increase)
what caused the sepoy mutiny
Indian soldiers hired by the British east Indian company. The mutiny was caused by a rumors that riffle cartilages were greased by pig and cow fat.
who was the Mexican revolution led by and what did he establish
The revolution was led by the President and he wanted to establish limits on foreign labors
Who was Porfirio Diaz
he was a dictator who increased foreign capitalist and made profit, he was forced from power
Who was Francisco Madero
He attempted to form American government
what effect did the boer war have on Africans
Once the Brits won the war they started to establish colonies and tried to change the social, political and economical lives of the Africans