Who developed this random thing for 100 Flashcards
Good enough mothering and transitional object? and was a central figure in the school of object relations theory
Stages of cognitive development consisting of sensorimotor, preoperational thought, concrete operations and formal operations
Stages of separation-individuation to describe how children develop identity that is separate from their mothers (normal autism, symbiosis, differentiation, practicing, rapprochement and object constancy)
Eight stages of life cycle
Trust vs mistrust
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
Initiative vs guilt
Industry vs inferiority
Identity vs role diffusion
Intimacy vs self absorption
Generativity vs stagnation
Integrity vs despair and isolation
Positive and negative reinforcement (operant conditioning)
Social learning theory which says we learn through modeling others and through social interaction
Neuropsychological aspects of learning, developing a drive reduction theory of learning
Learned helplessness-an organism learns that no behavioral change can influence environment
habituation and sensitization
Habituation: an animal can learn to stop responding to repeated stimulus
Sensitization: an organism can be taught to respond more easily to a stimulus or be made more sensitive to that stimulus
The concept that mental disorders have different outcomes was pioneered by who? He also was the first to differentiate between the course of chronic schizophrenia and manic psychosis. He used the term dementia praecox
Emil Kraeplin
Who termed the name schizophrenia and stressed that it need not have a deteriorating course?
Eugen Bleuler
Who is best known for his writings on narcissism and self psychology?
Heinz Kohut
Otto Kernberg
transference focused psychotherapy
Focused on the growth of the personality and individuation
- libido included sexual energy, but also spiritual urges and a drive to understand the meaning of life
Carl Jung
Saw human development as a function of social interaction
-defined each stage of life through the need to interact with certain individuals and these interactions shaped the development of personality
Harry Stack Sullivan
Developed a model of the life cycle that spanned from childhood to old age
Erik Erikson
Who first discovered schizophrenia and called it demence precoce?
Konrad Lorenz
Ana Freud
worte the ego and mechanisms of defense and was the first to give a comprehensive study of defenses
father of self psychology
Erich fromm
5 character types common to western culture
Productive healthy
founded the school of analytic psychology
martin seligman
learned helplessness
What does Beck’s triad consist of?
- depressed people see themselves as defective, inadequate and worthless
- depressed people experience the world as negative and self-defeating
- depressed people have an expectation of continued hardship and failure
believed this triad of negative thoughts lead to depression
kubler ross
5 stages of dying
denial, anger (why me, self blame), bargaining, depression, acceptance
First described projective identification?
otto kernberg, he did a great deal of work concerning object relations and borderline personality
heinz kohut
self psychology
- when parents mirror a child’s behavior this functions a form of empathy which is necessary for personality development the formation of healthy self-esteem
melanie klein
paranoid-schizoid position-a view of the world from the perspective of the infant, in which the whole world is split up into good and bad elements. The depressive position occurs when the infant is able to view the mother ambivalently as having both positive and negative aspects
- object relations theory
- schizoid, paranoid, depressive positions
-tension between true and false self
Nikolas Tinbergen
- measuring the power of certain stimuli to elicit specific behaviors from animals
- displacement activities-in times when the urges to fight or flee would be equal, the animal would do some other activity to diffuse the tension
- innate release mechanism-animals have specific response that is triggered by a releaser (an environmental stimulus that prompts the specific response)
- also worked with autistic children
what did the field of child psychiatry develop out of
the growth of child guidance centers in the early 1900s
david burns
the feeling good handbook where theory of cognitive disortions was presented
who developed concept of epigenetic principle which states that human development occurs in sequential clearly defined stages and that each stage must be properly resolved for development to proceed normally
Erich Fromm
5 personality types
kurt goldstein
self actualization
edith jacobson
an infant’s experience of pleasure or lack of pleasure and its impact on the mother-infant relationship
a happy childhood correlates with positive traits in middle life and that adaptive styles matured over time
- maturation was dependent on internal development rather than changes in the environmen t