what is psychology (1) Flashcards
the scientific study of the mind and behavior
find out?
what is perceivable and measurable
what do scientists do?
Develop a hypothesis
Test the hypothesis: Collect Data
Decide if the hypothesis is correct
father of psychology
Wilhelm Wundt; Defined psychology as consciousness that consists of thought, emotions, and experiences
Edward Titchener
understanding the conscious experience through introspection (focuses on contents of mental processes rather than their function, study of basic elements of the mind)
william james
focused on how mental activities helped an organism adapt to its environment (whole mind rather than individual part)
sigmund freud
psychoanalytic theory
therapy based on childhood developments
Gestalt Psychology
“whole” Sensory experiences can be broken down into individual parts
john watson
father of behavioralism
focuses on observing and controlling behavior; science of behavior
Little Albert Study
Freud: phobias are unconscious
Watson: created this study to prove that phobias were learned (conscious)
B.F. Skinner
Behavior is affected by consequences (reinforcement, punishment)
learned how to manipulate voluntary behavior by changing the consequences of behavior
operant conditioning
a learning process that uses rewards and punishments to modify voluntary behaviors in humans and animals.
carl rogers and abraham maslow
humanism “hierarchy of needs” created
Noam Chomsky
Believed: psychology needed to focus on mental functioning in order to fully understand human behavior
feminist psychology
Margaret Floy Washburn, Martha Bernal, Dr. Rheeda Walker
Multicultural & Cross-Cultural Psychology
psychologists develop theories and conduct research with diverse populations, typically within one country. psychologists compare populations across countries, such as participants from the United States compared to participants from Japan
Study how the structure and function of the nervous system generate behavior
Evolutionary Psychology
Argues that human behavior is a result of psychological adaptations that help people successfully function and survive
Focuses on both physiological aspects and psychological experience
Cognitive Psychology
How thoughts relate to our experiences and behavior
How people think, remember, and store information (language, problem solving, attention, intelligence, and decision making
Developmental Psychology
Physical and mental attributes of aging and maturing
Includes moral reasoning, cognitive skills, and social skills
Jean Piaget
theories regarding changes in cognitive ability that occur as we move from infancy to adulthood
Developmental Psychology
Focuses on how patterns of thoughts and behaviors make everyone unique
Traits determine how a person will behave
The five-factor model of Personality: OCEAN
Social Psychology
Focuses on how we interact with and relate to others
Clinical Psychology
Health Psychology
Individual health is directly related to biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences
Industrial Psychology
Psychology in the workplace