What happened following Thermidorian Reaction (1794-5) Flashcards
Broad categories?
Dismantling the machinary of the Terror
Depriving s-c of power
New constitution
Dependence on army (suppression of 1795 armies)
(Religious revival and White Terror emergence)
First thing that happens following the Thermidorian Reaction?
1 August- Law of 22 Praril repealed
What did the Convention do in Sept?
Stopped paying clerical salaries
What did the Convention do in October?
Parisian sectional assemblies forbidden from meeting and salaries for members were withdrawn
What did the Convention do in November?
Closed the Jacobin Club
Paris Commune abolished
And salaries for members were withdrawn
What did the Convention do on 24 December?
Economic maximums abolished
Public workshops to provide employment were closed
What did the Convention do in 1795 Feb?
Guaranteed the free exercise of religion
What happened in April?
Assignats fell to 8% face value- exacerbated by poor harvests 94-95
Germinal- 10k
What happened in May?
Revolutionary tribunal was abolished
Chief prosecutor, Foquier-Timille, was executed
20 May- 1 Praril= 20k military had to put it down
What was happening in summer 1795?
White Terror- esp bad in the NW and SE: 2k killed in 1795 SE
What happened in Aug 1795?
1795 Constitution (with law of 2/3)
What happened in Oct 1795?
Vendemaire - Napoleon led reprisals; 300 killed
Other (non-date specific) ways the Terror was dismantled?
CPS and CGP membership changed by 1/4 per month ; their role restricted to wars and diplomacy; Convention exercised greater oversight
SC disempowered- surveillance committees dismantled than abolished
Examples of terror structure being dismantled?
Law of 22 Praril repealed
May 1795 rev tribunal abolished and chief pros executed
CGP and CPS committee restricted and membership changed
Reps-en-mission restricted
Nov 1794- Jacobin Club closed& Paris Commune abolished (Convention depriving sc of power despite originally providing communes and sections with power)
Examples of sc deprived of power?
Restriction than abolition of committees of surveillance deprived sc of office, income and power
Parisian sectional assemblies (another sc powerbase) prohibited from meeting in Oct 1794 and salaries for membership were withdrawn
SC economic power reversed- economic maximum abolished; public workships to provide employment were closed
Inflation - assignats = 8% face value by April 1795
Examples of 1795 riots suppressed?
Germinal- April 1795=10k
1 Praril- 20 May 1795= mostly women
What did Germinal and Praril indicate?
The decline in the power of the SC- without the org of sectional assemblies, they were ineffective
1 Praril reprisals?
6k militants were arrested/disarmed and nearly 80 were executed
Riots suppressed demonstrating?
Dependence on the army - 20k troops used to counter Prairil
Thermidorian had no popular mandate and therefore their power increasingly depended on use of armed force
(also seen in Oct 1795 Vendemaire; N led troops and killed 300)
Why did Vendemaire happen?
Royalists annoyed that the constitution didn’t restore constitutional monarchy
Who was The White Terorr led by?
Royalists and armed gangs known as Companies of the Sun and Companies of Jesus
Vengeul - had lost out due to terror and bien nationaux
Regions White Terror effected?
N and W of teh Loire
NW and SE= v violent
2k killed in SE (1795) and continued into 96-97
Religious Revival under the Convention
Convention abandoned the Constitutional Church- in sept 1794 they stopped paying clericla saaries
Feb 1795- guaranteed the free excercise of all religions, but no outward signs
1795 new Const?
lay power in hands of the very rich
5m in the electorate- but property qualification at voting second stage put power in hands of 30k
This ensured bourgeoise had power over the working class
Bicameral legislature- Council of 500 and Council of Ancients
Separate leg and exec- Directory
Divided power and rotated membership to ensure no return to a centralised dictaorship
To esnrue elections didnt provide a royalist majority, rule of 2/3 was decreed- 2/3 deputies must come from existing deputies in the council