1791-2 war Flashcards
Aug 1791 event?
Declaration of Pillnitz
What was the Declaration of Pillnitz
27 Aug 1791 (following Padua Circle of July 1791 where Leopold tried to rally support for Louis)
Austrian in associaton with Russia saying they hoped for restoration of French monarchy and would use force
Issued by Leopold and Frederick William II of Prussia
Reaction to the DoP?
Threat to France
Rumours of French foreign policy being run by Austrian Committee, led by Antoinette, plotting counter revolution
Growing worrries that emigres were building private armies
How many officers by end of 1791?
60% of 12k pre-rev officers had emigrated
Girondin attitudes to war?
Esp Brissot
Rly wanted it- believed it would save revolution
Thought it would sprk revolutions all over Europe and they would fight with France
Brissot- france needed war to ‘purge her of the vices of despotism’
Marat attitude to war?
Opposed it; thought Girondins were doing it for their own gain
Feuillant attitude to war?
Against it; would threaten middle ground
Robespierre attitude to war?
Believed war should be waged internally instead of going across borders
Saw foreign as merely intimidation and not as serious as internal threatt
Believed Lafayette would hijack revolution for personal means
Antoinette attitude to war?
Led the Austrian Committee- secretly informing Austrians of Fr military inf ot diminish French chance of success
In favour of war
When was war declared? Why then?
20th April 1792
Cautious Leopold replaced by impulsive Francis
When did Prussia join?
Bruswick led Prussian involvement from May
When/what was the Bruswich Manifesto?
Threatened death to those who opposed Louis’ restoration
Promised to inflict ‘exemplary vengeance’ on Paris if Louis was harmed
Obv didn’t help Louis
11th July call?
La Patrie en Danger- calledd on men to support the war effort; decree no longer required sanction of the King
Journee of June 1792?
20 June 1792
8k sc with NG marched to Tuileries to demand Louis withdraw vetos and reinstate pro-war ministers
Louis came out wearing a revolutionary cockade, satisfied crowd
Journee of Aug 1792?
10 Aug 1792
20k sc with 2k federes and NG
2 hr battle in the Tuilleries
2-3k Swiss Guards protecting Louis; nearly all of 600 king’s men killed
Paris Commune removed the king to the Temple
300 sc died
Result of Aug 10 Journee
Louis goes to Temple
300 sc killed
Commune took control of Paris until new assembly were elected
Many moderates fled the assembly
Who were federes?
Militant republicans brought in from the provinces
Powerful pressure group in Paris
Created war patroism
Called for removal of King
Louis trying to sabatage war?
Replacing pro-war ministers with Feuillants
Refused Assembly’s attempt to disband his guard which had appeared to celebrate war drawback (Lille April retreat and killing commanders unfairly accused of treason)
Vetoed federe camp which would house 20k men- harming war effort and stopping coup against him