Weight and Balance Flashcards
21.5 - 38.5
What is Basic Weight?
The weight of the aircraft, including all basic equipment, unusable (trapped) fuel and oils
+ Variable Load:
Crew, Crew baggage, Catering, Role equipment
+ Variable Load
+ Variable Load
+ Payload:
Expendable load:
-Airdrop cargo
-Chaff & Flares
+ Variable Load
+ Payload
+ Fuel in tanks
+ Variable Load
+ Payload
+ Fuel in tanks
- Taxi fuel
+ Variable Load
+ Payload
+ Fuel in tanks
What is Ramp Weight?
- Taxi fuel
- Expendable load
- Fuel burn
What is a MOMENT?
The turning effect (moment) of any weight about a point of balance (the fulcrum) is directly proportional to its distance from that point (the arm).
What is a BALANCE ARM?
The distance from the aircraft’s Datum to the CofG position.
What is the CofG?
This is the position where the mass of the airplane is considered concentrated for balance purposes. It is normally referred to in terms of %MAC
What is the Airplane Datum?
This is a plane perpendicular to the fuselage centerline from where all arm measurements are taken.
What is the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC)?
This is the chord of an imaginary rectangular airfoil with the same area of the actual wing and which produces the same resulting force vectors of the actual wing. Take-Off %MAC, i.e. the take-off CofG figure calculated during weight and balance planning, should be noted by the crew in order to set the elevator trim after completing the trim check.
What is Leading Edge MAC (LEMAC)?
If a general MAC is not given but a LEMAC (Leading Edge Mean Aerodynamic Chord) and a TEMAC (Trailing Edge Mean Aerodynamic Chord) are given (both of which would be referenced as an arm measured out from the datum line) then your MAC can be found by finding the difference between your LEMAC and your TEMAC.
What is Payload?
This is the weight of occupants, baggage, cabinet contents.
Where is the Datum point on the Phenom?
On the nose
What is the distance from Datum to LEMAC?
What is the length of MAC for the Phenom?
MAC is 1.640M in length and ends at TEMAC
What is the length of LEMAC Balance Arm for the Phenom?
5.325 m
What is the Basic Empty Weight?
3124 kg
What is the Phenom Balance Arm figure?
5.977 m
What is the equation for moment?
force (weight) x distance (arm)
How to calculate Ramp Weight?
Add the fuel weight to AZFW to find the RW
Multiply the fuel weight by its respective arm to find fuel moment contribution
Add the moment to the AZFW moment to find the RW moment
Divide the RW moment by the RW to find resultant arm
Convert the arm into %MAC
How to calculate TOW?
Subtract the taxi fuel weight from fuel quantity
Add the resultant fuel weight to AZFW to find the TOW
Use the remaining fuel quantity to find the resultant fuel arm (Fuel table), and then calculate the new fuel moment
Add the moment to the AZFW moment to find the TOW moment
Divide the TOW moment by the TOW to find resultant arm
How to calculate landing weight?
Subtract the trip fuel weight from take-off fuel quantity
Add the resultant fuel weight to AZFW to find the LW
Use the remaining fuel quantity to find the resultant fuel arm (Fuel table), and then calculate the new fuel moment
Add the moment to the AZFW moment to find the LW moment
Divide the LW moment by the LW to find resultant arm
Convert the arm into %MAC
What are the four different types of weights that must be determined before flight?
Aircraft Zero Fuel Weight (AZFW)
Ramp Weight (RW)
Take-Off Weight (TOW)
Landing Weight (LW)