Asymmetric Flight Flashcards
What is the first effect of an engine failure in a multi engine aircraft?
The aircraft will Yaw due to Asymmetric thrust
What factors effect the magnitude of a yawing moment?
Residual thrust, airspeed, CofG, weathercocking and the rate of thrust decay. The dead engine itself will create drag. Wind milling if a turbo prop.
What is the critical engine?
The critical engine is the engine which, when it fails, creates the greatest yaw. In aircraft with more than one engine per wing, this will be the outer engine due to the greater moment arm.
How can you control asymmetric yaw?
How can you control asymmetric yaw with Thrust?
Following an engine failure, the easiest way to eliminate asymmetric forces is to reduce thrust on the live engine.
How can you control asymmetric yaw with Bank?
Directional control can be maintained by applying bank towards the live engine and using the resultant sideslip to balance asymmetric yaw forces
How can you control asymmetric yaw with Rudder?
Using rudder to control asymmetric forces is the preferred technique. Keep the wings level and stop the yaw by applying opposite rudder.
What is Minimum Control Speed - Air? VMCA?
The minimum control speed air (VMCA) as ‘the minimum speed at which, in the event of sudden and complete failure of the most critical engine in the take-off configuration, it is possible to maintain directional control
What conditions must be applied to VMCA?
Landing gear up
Critical engine feathered (Propeller aircraft only).
Live engine at TOGA thrust
Full rudder applied
5° of bank towards the live engine
Rearmost C of G
What is the VMCA of the Phenom?
The VMCA for the Phenom is 97 KIAS
What is the Minimum Control Speed - Ground? VMCG
‘The minimum speed, under take-off power conditions, at which in the event of a sudden and complete failure of the critical engine, it is possible to recover control with the use of rudder alone and without reducing thrust on the live engine(s).’
How are Simulated Asymmetric flights undertaken?
One thrust lever set to IDLE - both engines will remain running but one thrust lever will be set to IDLE.
Touch Drills to simulate actions - you will be asked to touch the controls that would be selected in a real time situation.
How are Practice Asymmetric flights undertaken?
One engine shutdown - engine shutdown will only be carried out in the simulator.
What should you do in the event of an engine failure before V1/VR?
If an engine fails or loses thrust before V1, either pilot should initiate an aborted take-off by stating, “ STOP! STOP!”
What are the PF’s abort duties?
Retard both thrust levers to IDLE
Use maximum braking as required to maintain directional control and stop the aircraft within the distance available
Once stationary, apply the parking brake
What are the PM’s Abort duties?
Monitor the PF’s abort actions
Assist by calling “Distance to GO” and ground speed until stopping is assured
Call ATC, “Callsign, STOPPING”
What are the post abort actions?
Turn the aircraft towards the failed engine so that any fire is downwind of the cabin
Consider requesting assistance
State the reason for the rejected take-off and action appropriate FRC drills
Consider Emergency Evacuation Drill
Consider brake cooling times