Phenom SOP's Flashcards
When can you assume a V1/VR Unity?
V1/VR unity where possible and this must be proven through the use of
OPERA by selecting ‘Maximum V1’, and/or through the ‘Airport Analysis’ function
Under what circumstances is V1 not required?
When operating from the main runway at CWL, WAD or CGY (Dry or Wet)
with WingStab selected OFF for takeoff, and AUW ≤ 4500 for takeoff with a tailwind component ≤ 5 kts,
When AUW ≤ 4700 for takeoff, with no tailwind.
What is the oxygen content required?
For local trg flights, the minimum oxygen to be carried is 1050 psi.
This is sufficient for all crew and passengers to be on oxygen for 30 mins.
For ac departing on landaways
and overseas flights, the normal minimum oxygen pressure is 1590 psi.
Where is the standard muster point?
100m off the nose of the ac unless
briefed otherwise.
What is the Min Voltage for an Engine start?
When should you check the Hydraulic Page?
The MFD Status synoptic page should be checked during, or shortly after, initial taxi, to confirm the hydraulic pressure.
What checks can be complete on Taxi?
Other than the three minute check of the WingStab system, which must be conducted with the parking brake applied, checks may be performed whilst taxiing.
What is the standard taxi fuel?
The standard taxi fuel for Rwy 26 is 40kgs (20kgs for Rwy 08)
Is single engine taxiing available?
Taxiing should be conducted with both engines running.
However, in extremis and where operationally required, the ac may be taxied on a single engine; ground control and manoeuvrability is considered satisfactory.
What is the PF’s Flight Crew Duties?
Fly, navigate and manage the ac and systems, monitor radios, and
initiate/action checklists.
What is the tailwind starting limitation?
Explain the lookout procedures
When either crew member is heads-in for a prolonged period (eg
Routine Checks), they will state ‘Heads in’ and the other crew member
should reply ‘Heads out’ whilst maintaining a lookout.
What is the PM’s Flight Crew Duties?
Monitor flying and navigation of pf
Manage the radios
action checklists and ensure that they are completed
gather weather information under the
direction of the PF
maintain any required navigation and fuel logs.
The PM should also complete any other duties as directed by the PF.
What should you do if engine anti icing is required for take off?
If Engine AI is required below 1500ft on the departure, it should be set to ON prior to takeoff to prevent any FADEC logic failures.
What is the Normal Takeoff procedures?
Line up and stop on the runway centreline. Release the toe brakes and stand up the TLs to check symmetric response, then apply TOGA thrust.
What is the Rolling Takeoff procedures?
The rolling takeoff is the preferred Phenom technique. Instead of pausing when on the runway centreline, thrust is applied once the ac is rolling straight.
What is the Performance Takeoff?
The Performance takeoff may be carried out for reasons of increased ac takeoff performance and when briefed beforehand.
TLs are actioned as per a Normal takeoff but toe brakes are released only once TOGA thrust is achieved.
Caution should be applied in wet runway conditions, especially when
positioned on painted surfaces.
What is the Minimum Acceleration Altitude?
What are the Reasons for Low Speed Abort?
A takeoff below 70kts should be rejected for any abnormality or safety of flight issue.
What are the Reasons for High Speed Abort?
CAS Message.
Sign of FIRE.
Undemanded loss of thrust.
Loss of directional control.
Any other situation that either pilot considers merits an abort.
What are the PF’s abort duties?
- Inform crew: ‘Stopping’.
- Retard both TLs to Idle.
- Use maximum braking as required to stop the ac within the distance
available. - Maintain directional control.
- Once stationary, apply the parking brake unless airmanship dictates
What are the PM Abort Duties?
- Monitor the PF’s abort actions. Call out the groundspeed and stopping
distance to go until assured of doing so. - Call ATC: ‘Callsign stopping’
What are the Post Abort Actions?
Inform the crew of the reason for the rejected takeoff then (should an
emergency evacuation not be necessary) action the following:
o FRCs. Are there any FRCs that need to be actioned?
o After Landing checks.
o Brake cooling time? The minimum Phenom brake cooling time is 50 mins;
however, iaw the POH (3-45-50) the ac must undergo an engineer
inspection after any RTO as damage to the landing gear, wheels, brakes,
or tyres may have occurred.
* If it is safe to do so, consider vacating the runway then inform ATC of your
intent using the NITS1 message format.
What are the standard climb speeds?
180kts to FL200, 200kts to FL300 then
What is the One Engine Inoperative Climb procedure?
Once the Net Flight Path is complete,
continue to climb at VFS with CON/CLB thrust set until all obstacles have been cleared.
After reaching a safe altitude, a climb at VFS+10kts can be employed to improve ac controllability.
What are the Performance Climb speeds?
If operating with a ForeFlight Navlog (eg joining airways) a performance climb of 200kts to FL300 should be used, then M.55.
What is the maximum speed
for turning a CAT B?
165 Kts
What should be checked on the pressurisation climb checks?
- Cabin altitude and rate of climb.
- Differential pressure indications.
- Switch positions.
When should windshield 1 & 2 be on?
When climbing above FL150, or whenever fogging exists on the windshields, WSHLD 1 and 2 should be set to ON.
If necessary, set the Cockpit Fan
switch to HI position to avoid fog on the cockpit side windows
What Radar service should you be under outside CAS?
Phenom crews should operate under a Traffic Service (or higher)for all trg activity
To preclude avoidable RAs during climb or descent when flying in CAS, or when traffic dictates, the final 1000ft to any cleared level should be flown at…
1500ft/min or less.
What is the standard cruise technique?
Long Range cruise
What is Long Range Cruise (LRC)?
LRC gives the best compromise of speed and range.
Set the N1% for the given FL and ac weight using the Ready Reckoner at Annex L.
If conditions differ from ISA, the POH or Rapid Planning Document (RPD) must be consulted and a performance check
should be completed in the cruise.
What is Max Speed Cruise (MSC)?
MSC offers the shortest flight time but at the expense of increased fuel usage. Caution is required at lower altitudes, as
VMO can easily be exceeded.
What is an overview of the Drift Down Procedure?
In the event of an engine failure during the cruise (or an in flight engine shutdown) the drift-down procedure is to be employed to ensure that altitude loss is minimised. Where terrain clearance may become an issue, ac cdrs should alter track to minimise risk.