Week__9_Fall 13_on_line__11_22_13_.pdf Flashcards
PART I – REGULATIONS CH. #28, 26, 25, 23 & 22: PART II – FFP – TAXPAYERS (con’t): PART III – BISP MANUAL {All Ranks - Company Officer & BC Material}
1) Please choose an incorrect Hydrant Inspection procedure? (Regulations chapter
28, section 28.2.2,
A) Inspection duty by members with apparatus shall be performed between the hours of 0930
and 1700 hours.
B) An officer, or an acting officer, and not less than three firefighters, exclusive of chauffeur,
shall perform inspectional duty with properly operating radio-equipped apparatus.
C) A relocated company shall not perform hydrant inspection duty while relocated.
D) In the event a unit does not perform hydrant inspection duty in accordance with the
schedule, the officer on duty is only required to notify the Battalion Chief on duty.
- Answer: D = In the event a unit does not perform hydrant inspection duty in accordance
with the schedule, the officer on duty shall promptly notify the Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief
and the dispatcher by telephone
2) Please choose the most correct answer(s) from the list below, in regards to hydrant/
auxiliary fire protection discs? (Regulations chapter 28, section 28.3.2)
A) White disc - available in two sizes, for placement on 4 1/2” or 2 1/2” outlets of
unserviceable hydrants and 3” siamese of out-of-service auxiliary fire protection systems.
B) Yellow disc - available in two sizes for placement on 4 1/2” or 2 1/2” outlets of frozen
C) Blue disc - for placement on hydrants or the 3” siamese of auxiliary fire protection systems.
Disc is used to indicate a system that is not functioning as a fully automatic system and/or a
portion of the system is such that it will operate effectively when supplied.
D) All of the above.
- Answer: A & B = C = Blue disc - for placement on the 3” siamese of auxiliary fire
protection system. Disc is used to indicate a system that is not functioning as a fully automatic
system and/or a portion of the system is such that it will operate effectively when supplied.
3) Hydrants found unserviceable at fire operations shall immediately be the cause for the
proper placement of discs. The officer who orders the disc placed shall forward a report to the
___________ in whose administrative district the hydrant or system is located. Please fill in the
blank? (Regulations chapter 28, section 28.3.3)
A) Deputy Chief
B) Battalion Chief
C) Borough Commander
- Answer: A
4) Auxiliary fire protection equipment in tunnels and on bridges, also towers, shafts and
approaches thereto, shall be inspected semi-annually during the months of April and October as
directed by and in accordance with schedules established by Division Commanders. The
following general instructions shall be complied with: Please choose an incorrect instruction
from the list below? (Regulations chapter 28, section 28.5.1)
A) Inspections shall be carried out under the direct supervision of Deputy Chiefs.
B) Such supervisory Chief Officers shall utilize the apparatus and members of Engine
Companies and other units in carrying out necessary inspectional duties.
C) Supervisory Chief Officers shall notify the dispatcher of the identity of units participating,
their location, and the unit designated as radio contact.
D) During such inspectional activity, units shall not respond to any alarms.
- Answer: D = During such inspectional activity, units shall not, unless otherwise directed
by dispatcher, respond to alarms.
5) The preferring of charges is the initial step in the processing of formal disciplinary
action against FDNY members. Please choose an incorrect procedure from the list below?
(Regulations chapter 26, section 26.1.1 to 26.1.3)
A) Charges may originate because of a violation of any law, regulation, order, command or
instruction governing the uniformed force.
B) Charges may be preferred by one member against another, or by a civilian against a
C) Charges may be also initiated by the Bureau of Investigations and Trials or Inspector
D) The individual instituting the charges is known as the complainant. The member against
whom charges are being preferred is known as the respondent.
E) Charges must be prepared and forwarded with endorsements to the Bureau of
Investigations and Trials within 30 days after occurrence, unless delayed due to unusual
- Answer: E = Charges must be prepared and forwarded with endorsements to the Bureau
of Investigations and Trials within 10 days after occurrence, unless delayed due to unusual
6) “The officer preparing charges must forward them via the chain of command. If
the respondent is not under the regular command of the officer preparing the charges, a
copy of the charges must be sent to the respondent’s assigned unit. The officer preparing
charges must immediately notify the respondent’s assigned unit by telephone of the
alleged violation.” Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the above statements?
(Regulations chapter 26, section 26.1.6)
A) Agree or D) Disagree
- Answer: A = Note: Command Discipline is performed by the member’s Company
7) Please choose the correct procedure(s) to follow when investigating charges?
(Regulations chapter 26, section 26.2)
A) Officers on duty must, when actions of members under their command are subject to
charges, promptly telephone the battalion chief on duty.
B) The battalion chief must immediately investigate and notify the deputy chief of the results.
If necessary, the deputy chief may investigate further.
C) A member who has been arrested, or who is under investigation for a criminal offense, may
not be questioned except at the direction of the Inspector General.
D) Charges and related reports must be examined and endorsed by the officer on duty and the
respondent’s administrative battalion and deputy chiefs.
- Answer: A, B, C = D - Charges and related reports must be examined and endorsed by
the officer on duty and the battalion and deputy chiefs under whose jurisdiction the respondent is
working at the time of the alleged infraction. Note: Member could be on a detail out of his
administrative command.
8) Please choose an incorrect procedure in regards to the service of charges?
(Regulations chapter 26, section 26.5)
A) Trial notice must be served on the respondent at least 10 days before time set for trial
unless the respondent waives such notice or applies, or has applied for, service retirement.
B) The officer on duty, upon receipt of charges or trial notice, is responsible for the service
of the document upon the respondent, and must make entries in the company journal regarding
C) If charges or trial notice cannot be served upon the respondent personally within 72 hours
after receipt, or in cases of continued absence without leave, the officer must promptly notify the
Bureau of Investigations and Trials by written report.
- Answer: C = If charges or trial notice cannot be served upon the respondent personally
within 72 hours after receipt, or in cases of continued absence without leave, the officer must
promptly notify the Bureau of Investigations and Trials by telephone.
9) A member who is arrested or issued a desk appearance ticket shall immediately notify the
officer on duty of the member’s assigned unit. Such notification shall include: Please choose the
most correct answer? (Regulations chapter 25, section 25.4.2)
A) The nature of the charges
B) Date
C) Time
D) Location of the occurrence
E) All of the above.
- Answer: E
10) The following procedure shall be adhered to when unit citations are awarded by the Board
of Merit: Please choose an incorrect procedure from the list below? (Regulations
chapter 23, section 23.1.5)
A) Presentation of award shall be by the division commander responsible for administrative
efficiency of the battalion wherein unit is located.
B) The Battalion Commander shall be present at the presentation.
C) Citation shall be presented at a roll call.
D) The report, describing the duty performed by the unit, shall be read by the chief officer who
is presenting the award.
- Answer: B = Battalion chief on duty shall be present at the presentation.
11) Upon return to quarters, reports of meritorious acts, embracing all pertinent information,
shall be promptly prepared, signed and forwarded in accordance with the following: Please
choose the incorrect item from the list above? (Regulations chapter 23, section 23.2.1)
A) Meritorious acts performed by members below the rank of lieutenant; by the company
officer on duty.
B) Meritorious acts performed by company officers: by the administrative battalion chief. (If
no chief officer responded, report shall originate with officer in command).
C) Meritorious acts by battalion chiefs: by the deputy chief on duty at scene of operations. (If
no deputy chief present, report shall originate with officer in command.)
- Answer: B = Meritorious acts performed by company officers: by the battalion chief
responsible for report of operations. (If no chief officer responded, report shall originate with
officer in command).
12) All meritorious acts, voluntary duty and unit citation reports should be forwarded to the
Board of Merit not later than _______ days from the date of the act. Please fill in the blank?
(Regulations chapter 23, section 23.5.1)
A) 45
B) 60
C) 30
D) 90
- Answer: C
13) “A copy of the fire, emergency or operations report where meritorious act was
performed, shall be forwarded with each meritorious act or request for a unit citation to
facilitate the processing of such awards by the Board of Merit.” Please indicate if you agree
or disagree with the above statement? (Regulations 23, section 23.2.5)
A) Agree or D) Disagree
- Answer: A
14) A drill and instruction period of one (1) hour each tour must be conducted by the company
officer from Monday through Friday inclusive. Please choose the incorrect drill procedure from
the list below? (Regulations chapter 22, section 22.4.3)
A) Standard drill time is from 1400 to 1500 hours on the 9x6 tour, and 1900 to 2000 hours on
the 6x9 tour.
B) The subject and/or time of drill should be flexible. When company officers need to change
the subject and/or time of drill, they should notify their administrative division.
C) Company officers are encouraged to expand the subject matter of drill to include such
topics as post fire critiques and unique fire problems in their response area.
D) When a unit performs MUD, no other drill need be conducted. When MUD is canceled or
interrupted due to inclement weather, an indoor drill will be conducted.
E) When a unit performs P.M. - AFID, the 1400 to 1500 hour drill period will be dispensed
- Answer: B = The subject and/or time of drill should be flexible. When company officers
need to change the subject and/or time of drill, they should notify their administrative battalion.
15) All engine and ladder companies shall take part in at least one multi-unit drill each week.
Squad, rescue, and marine companies, and special units shall participate in such drills as directed
by the Special Operations Command (SOC). Please choose an incorrect procedure(s) from the
list below at a Multi-Unit drill? (Regulations chapter 22, section 22.5.3)
A) Each drill shall include not more than two engine companies and one Ladder Company,
unless otherwise approved by battalion commanders.
B) Multi-unit drills shall be of at least one and one-half hours duration and conducted between
the hours of 0630 hours and 2000 hours.
C) When MUD is canceled or interrupted as a result of signal 10-51 transmission, an indoor
drill shall be conducted.
D) At each multi-unit drill, officers on duty with participating units shall be responsible for
proper supervision of an operating test and inspection of each mask carried. Such test shall be
conducted immediately after the scheduled start of the drill.
- Answer: A = Each drill shall include not more than two engine companies and one ladder
company, unless otherwise approved by division commanders. D - At each multi-unit drill,
officers on duty with participating units shall be responsible for proper supervision of an
operating test and inspection of each mask carried. Such test shall be conducted immediately
prior to the scheduled start of the drill.
- Which of the following general ladder co tactics at a taxpayer fire is stated incorrectly?
A) Prompt ventilation at the roof is very important for the safety of the occupants and to
enable search and rescue to be carried out
B) It’s the responsibility of the first ladder co to arrive to locate and indentify the fire.
C) Roof access should only be attempted via the interior in extreme circumstances
D) Engine co’s can be pressed into service to perform truck work such as forcing a door,
feeling partitions for heat and opening ceilings to get water into the cockloft ahead of a traveling
- C = Never attempted
- Which of the following ladder co tactics at a cellar fire in a taxpayer is not correct?
A) Suspect a cellar fire if smoke shows in many stores and there is a high heat condition on the
1st floor with no visible flame in either case
B) In taxpayers don’t expect to find the cellar layout conforming to the 1st floor layout
C) Floors should not be cut until a hoseline is in position to protect personnel and prevent
D) Ventilation Support Groups are of little value with regards to cellar ventilation
- D = Are of value, particularly where openings are limited