Week__8_Fall 13_on_line__11_15_13_.pdf Flashcards
PART I – PA/IDS #1-72, 1-77, REGULATIONS CH. #28, 29 & 30: PART II – TB – SEARCH (con’t): PART III – BISP MANUAL {All Ranks - Company Officer & BC Material}
- Members requesting official permission for variances of tours to attend school shall
forward a report in duplicate, to the Bureau of Personnel, via the chain of command. Please
choose from the list below the primary medium for arranging necessary time off to attend
scheduled classes? (PA/ID 1-72, section 3.1)
A) Compensatory time due for Memorial or Veterans Day.
B) Adjusted tour (15 hours).
C) Any other compensatory time due.
D) Mutual exchange of tours.
- Answer: D
- Please choose an incorrect procedure from the list below, when members conduct mutuals
for members attending various schools covered under PA/ID 1-72? (PA/ID 1-72, 3.1.1)
A) Tours of duty shall not exceed 24 hours.
B) Mutual exchange of tours may be made between members assigned to the same division.
C) Part tour mutuals shall be governed by the following restrictions; not less than one (1) hour,
not more than six (6) hours.
D) If the cooperator desires, the reimbursement of several part tour mutuals may be
accumulated to be reimbursed as a complete tour. Not more than one 9 hour tour may be
- Answer: D = If the cooperator desires, the reimbursement of several part tour mutuals
may be accumulated to be reimbursed as a complete tour. Not more than one 15 hour tour may
be accumulated.
- Members attending Fire Science, Nursing, EMT Certification, Paramedic Programs and
other schools are eligible to apply for excusal time. Whenever a member, attending any of these
programs, is unable to make mutual exchanges of tours or is lacking other time owed, the
member may be permitted excusal time up to a maximum of ______ hours. Please fill in the
blank? (PA/ID 1-72, section 3.4)
A) 15
B) 24
C) 36
D) None of the above.
- Answer: C
- Members shall repay School Variance excusal time as soon as possible, at their
convenience. No time limitations for repayment shall be imposed as long as a member is
enrolled. However, when a member owes 36 hours of excusal time for a period of ______ or
more days no further excusal time shall be allowed. Please fill in the blank? (PA/ID 1-
72, section 3.4.2)
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 30
- Answer: D
- Upon notification of an alleged incident of discrimination by a member, the Officer/
Supervisor is required to notify the Fire Department’s EEO Officer. Please choose the correct
procedure(s) from the list below? (PA/ID 1-77, section 6.2)
A) Routine notifications may be made by; Telephone between 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to
Friday or E-mail at eeo@fdny.nyc.gov.
B) For incidents that effect operations; the Officer/Supervisor shall contact the EEO Officer
during office hours at between 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to Friday. During non-office hours,
the EEO Officer can be reached through the Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC).
- Answer: A and B
- Please choose an incorrect procedure from the list below in regards to EEO procedures?
(PA/ID 1-77, section 6.3 to 6.9)
A) The member is not required to give the Officer/Supervisor or any other Fire Department
official except the EEO Officer or EEO Liaisons any information concerning the complaint.
B) If the member elects voluntarily to provide any information regarding the alleged incident,
other than the fact that a complaint is being made the Officer/Supervisor is then required to
complete a Confidential EEO Incident Report.
C) Upon completion, the Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be submitted DIRECTLY to
the EEO Officer in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” without intermediate endorsement.
D) No copies of the Confidential EEO Incident Report shall be retained by the Officer/
E) Company Journal/Log Entries shall be entered with regard to any EEO Complaints.
- Answer: E = Company Journal/Log Entries shall not be entered with regard to any EEO
- A member has a right to meet privately with the EEO Officer or an EEO Attorney/
Investigator during office hours; however, the member should obtain approval to do so prior to
leaving his/her work assignment. Reasonable leave requests to meet with an EEO Office
representative during work hours cannot be denied by supervisors. Officer/Supervisor shall allow
members to meet with EEO Office representative at the earliest practicable time consistent with
the operational needs of their units. Concerns about the above should be immediately addressed
to the __________. Please fill in the blank? (PA/ID 1-77, section 7.2)
A) EEO Office
B) Administrative Battalion
C) Administrative Division
D) Borough Commander
- Answer: A
- Unless otherwise indicated in Department Directives, Orders, Rules and Regulations the
following instructions shall be adhered to: Please choose the most correct answer?
(Regulations 30, section 30.1.2)
A) Reports shall be forwarded in single copy.
B) Reports shall be promptly forwarded through official channels.
C) Reports shall be addressed to the Chief of Operations.
D) All of the above.
- Answer: D
- Reports of special importance or of a nature similar to the following shall be preceded by
an immediate telephone communication to the Deputy and Battalion Chief on duty: Please
choose the incorrect item from the list below? (Regulations 30, section 30.1.6)
A) Unusual occurrence at a fire or elsewhere.
B) Loss of life or minor injuries to members or civilians at a fire or elsewhere.
C) Accidents to apparatus, or the placing of a company or apparatus out of service.
D) Structural or occupancy hazards imminently dangerous to life or property.
E) Depletion in a unit of manual strength required for fire duty.
- Answer: B = Loss of life or serious injuries to members or civilians at a fire or elsewhere.
- Whenever a Fire Department unit or member is involved in an incident or unusual
occurrence with a member of another city agency (i.e., jurisdictional disputes, conflicts etc.), an
Unusual Occurrence Report is to be prepared by the Officer of the unit involved. Please choose
an incorrect procedure from the list below? (Regulations 30, section 30.8.5)
A) This report is to contain all particulars including names, I.D. numbers, time, location, etc.
B) This report is to be forwarded via the mail bag to the Bureau of Operations by 0900 hours
of the following business day. On weekends/holidays the report is to be FAXED to the Citywide
Command Chief. Proper and full endorsements are required.
C) Administrative Deputy Chiefs can authorize overtime to those members required to prepare
this report within the prescribed time frame. The officer receiving authorization shall make
appropriate journal entries.
- Answer: B = This report is to be FAXED to the Bureau of Operations by 0900 hours of the
following business day. On weekends/holidays the report is to be FAXED to the Citywide
Command Chief. Proper and full endorsements are required.
- Please choose the correct uniform procedure(s) from the list below?
(Regulations 29, section 29.6.3)
A) The wearing of ties with Chief and Company Officer’s long sleeve work/duty shirt is
optional from 2300 to 0900 hours.
B) Ties are required at all hours when dealing with the public (e.g. receiving visitors,
inspection duties, etc.).
C) Ties are optional when responding to, operating at, and returning from alarms.
D) Ties are optional for Chief and Company Officers at all times when wearing short sleeve
work/duty shirt.
E) Chief and Company Officers may wear only solid white T-shirts under open necked work/
duty shirt. T-shirts shall have no lettering, logos or graphics visible through the uniform shirt.
- Answer: All are correct
- The wearing of Department issued shorts is authorized, subject to the following guidelines:
A) Shorts are an optional part of the uniform year round. They may be worn by Company
Officers, Firefighters and Chief Officers.
B) Shorts may be worn while in quarters and may be worn under the bunker gear during fire
and emergency operations. (Shorts shall not be worn for CFR-D/CPR responses, ERS NC, and
Class E alarms unless worn under bunker gear.)
C) Shorts may not be worn for AFID, Annual Education Day, hydrant inspection, complaint
investigation, or public education activities (e.g., Operation Sidewalk, Fatal Fire Campaigns).
D) Units called to Bureau of Training and Satellite Training Locations (e.g., Brooklyn Navy
Yard) may wear shorts.
Please choose the incorrect item from the list above? (Regulations 29, section 29.6.4)
- Answer: A = Shorts are an optional part of the uniform year round. They may be worn by
Company Officers and Firefighters. (No Chief Officers.) Note: “D” is correct as written in
Regulations 29, however PA/ID 1-2008, section 4 (AED) states no shorts. AED is conducted at
the Bureau of Training.
- Chief Officers, company officers, and engine company chauffeurs shall familiarize
themselves with the following information relative to hydrants and water mains in their
respective administrative districts and response areas: Please choose the incorrect item from the
list below? (Regulations 28, section 28.1.3)
A) Location of all hydrants
B) Hydrants with drain valve plugged or history of freezing.
C) Sizes of water mains; location of dead-end mains; mains not cross-connected.
D) Mains supplied by DEP.
- Answer: D = Mains supplied by private water supply corporations.
- ________________ are authorized to order engine companies to respond with the
apparatus for the purpose of shutting down hydrants unlawfully used. During such duty officers
shall be alert to summon police assistance when required. Such units shall remain in service by
radio for response to alarms. Please fill in the blank with the appropriate rank that could order a
company in the situation listed above? (Regulations 28, section 28.1.9)
A) Battalion Chiefs
B) Deputy Chiefs
C) Division Commanders only
D) Battalion or Division Commanders
- Answer: B
- ____________ shall, when hydrants are obstructed by large accumulations of snow,
request the cooperation of the Department of Sanitation. If satisfactory results are not obtained,
the deputy chief on duty shall be notified by telephone. Please fill in the blank?
(Regulations 28, section 28.1.11)
A) Battalion Chiefs
B) Company Commanders
C) Battalion Chiefs or Company Commanders
D) Captains
- Answer: A
- Once an engine company reaches an apartment door with a charged hoseline, the engine
officer must notify the ladder company officer of their readiness to enter the apartment and that
the apartment door will be opened. The door should not be opened until the ladder company
officer acknowledges and it is approved by whom? (9.10.1 Note)
A) Ladder Co. Officer only
B) IC only
C) Ladder Co. Officer and IC
D) Fire Sector Supervisor only
- A