Fire Tech Promotion Course 7/18/14 SUMMER 2014 On-line Program Flashcards


  1. RBIS is not static but rather a dynamic system that will re-evaluate a company’s district each day and upon new information in order to provide the user with the most up to date priority list of inspections. Please choose an incorrect item about the Risk Based inspection System (RBIS) from the list below? (2.5.1)
    A) If a Company is unable to inspect an item on their list RBIS will automatically re-evaluate the list and input that missed inspection into a new priority list for the next day.
    B) Fire Officers will be required to log into RBIS at the start of every 9x6 tour regardless if the Unit has BISP duty or not.
    C) RBIS will schedule inspections on BI and non-BI days according to policy rules.
    D) RBIS is limited by one component; it only schedules and/or records inspections that have an associated address, regardless of a Building Identification Number.
  1. Answer: D = RBIS is limited by one component; it only schedules and/or records inspections that have an associated Building Identification Number.
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  1. RBIS will provide a list of various inspections each day for fire companies in order to manage and perform building inspections; all of these inspections do not have to be completed in one inspectional period. Company Officers should attempt to complete as many inspections as possible based on the priority list for their district. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the below paragraph as it relates to the RBIS priority list? (2.5.2)
    “Company Officers may conduct inspections in whichever order they choose (ex. If one high priority and one low priority building were located in close proximity, in the interest of using time more efficiently the lower priority inspection may be conducted before moving on to a higher priority inspection.”
    A) Agree or D) Disagree
  1. A
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3. RBIS will individually score the buildings assigned to a particular administrative district. The significance of this feature is the customization of inspectional frequency based on risk severity within a particular administrative district and not citywide. RBIS is limited by one component; it only schedules and/or records inspections that have an associated Building Identification Number. Building Identification Number and Address issues should be forwarded to the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ via an e-mail or a phone call. Please fill in the blank? (2.5.2 Note)
A) Battalion
B) Division
C) BISP Unit
  1. C
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  1. After rigorous testing the RBIS development group realized that inspections can be added in error by company officers, for example a complaint is entered under a different BIN in the same administrative district. At this time RBIS does not have the ability to delete this inspection at the company level; however BTDS can override the system and prevent the added inspection from appearing on the pre-inspection schedule. In order to do this, Company Officers will notify the BISP Unit via an ____________. Please fill in the blank? (2.6.2)
    A) immediate phone call
    B) e-mail
  1. A

2.6.2 As mentioned in 2.6.1 above certain inspections will be added by the Company Officer
and have been identified in section 2.6 (Examples of Inspection Type Priority) with a
double asterisk. After rigorous testing the RBIS development group realized that
inspections can be added in error, for example a complaint is entered under a different
BIN in the same administrative district. At this time RBIS does not have the ability to
delete this inspection at the company level; however BTDS can override the system and
prevent the added inspection from appearing on the pre-inspection schedule. In order to
do this Company Officers will notify the BISP Unit via an immediate phone call, the
BISP Unit will document all relevant information and notify BTDS through an
“Inspections Added in Error” tab only available to BISP Officers in RBIS. BTDS will
take the steps necessary to un-schedule the added inspection. If a Company Officer adds
an inspection by mistake and realizes the mistake, do not add any further information into
the system as it pertains to this inspection; call the BISP Unit for assistance.
Note: All Officers will be able to view an “Added in Error Records Report” for their unit
in RBIS, under Reports. Officers will have the ability to check the status of requests, either
pending, processed, or returned to the BISP Unit for further clarification.
2.6.3 Another situation that can occur is when a Company Officer by mistake picks the
incorrect building and begins to add information about the inspection he or she performed
on a different building. If this occurs and the Company Officer has already saved the
inspection he or she will be unable to delete the saved information. The Company Officer
should record the inspection data under the correct building. The Company Officer
should re-open the building with the incorrect data and mark it as incomplete. The
Company Officer should also record a note, so the next Officer conducting inspections
will understand that this incomplete building requires an inspection and the data already
entered needs to be updated. An incomplete building will be displayed by RBIS on the
next inspection set.

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5. Three family multiple dwellings with no common area have been identified in many sections of the city, these dwellings are typically three stories in height with no basement. A separate exterior entrance gives direct access to each individual apartment. Separate heating units are found within each unit. No common area in the building is available for inspection. These buildings will be placed into an \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ inspection classification by the administrative unit.
Please fill in the blank? (2.7.1)
A) Exempt
B) Building Not Found
C) Temporarily Unoccupied
D) Vacant
  1. A
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6. An Exempt Status Change in RBIS is automatically approved by default for \_\_\_\_\_ days. (2.7.1 Note)
A) 7
B) 14
C) 21
D) 30
  1. B
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  1. True or False? Small garages associated with adjacent buildings will also be placed into an Exempt status. (2.7.2)
    A) True or B) False
  1. A
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  1. If an Operational Unit is prompted by RBIS to conduct an inspection and the inspection reveals the building is a Private Dwelling, which is a one or two family residence, the unit can perform the following: (2.7.3)
    A) An exterior inspection and remove the Private Dwelling from the Risk Based (Full Building Inspection) category.
    B) When the unit returns to quarters the Private Dwelling can be updated through the status change tab.
    C) This status change is instant and does not require Battalion Chief approval.
    D) All of the above.
    Please choose the most correct answer from the list above?
  1. Answer: D

2.7.3 Private Dwellings:
If an Operational Unit is prompted by RBIS to conduct an inspection and the inspection reveals
the building is a Private Dwelling, which is a one or two family residence, the unit can perform
an exterior inspection and remove the Private Dwelling from the Risk Based (Full Building
Inspection) category. When the unit returns to quarters the Private Dwelling can be updated
through the status change tab. This status change is instant and does not require Battalion Chief
Note: An Operational Unit will continue to have access to building data to record
inspections as a result of complaints or other issues. However, “Private Dwellings” will be
removed from the risk based inspectional cycle and do not require Battalion approval.
Additional Note: Please refer to the RBIS user manual in order to complete a status

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  1. Upon inspection, buildings which are found to be temporarily unoccupied may be removed from RBIS by requesting a status change to “temporarily unoccupied”. Please choose an item from the list below that is not correct according to this procedure? (2.7.5)
    A) Changing the building status to “temporarily unoccupied” will reschedule this building one year from the Company Officer’s requested date of the status change.
    B) The modification of a building to “temporarily unoccupied” will void any outstanding violations.
    C) Any violation voided by this building status change will have a void reason of “temporarily unoccupied”.
    D) A “temporarily unoccupied” building will be rescheduled one year later as a Risk building with a designation of “temporarily unoccupied Full Building Inspection”.
  1. Answer: A = Changing the building status to “temporarily unoccupied” will reschedule this building one year from the Battalion Chief’s approval date of the status change
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  1. Upon inspection, buildings which are found to be vacant may be removed from RBIS by requesting a status change to “Vacant”. Please choose the correct procedures from the list below in regards to Vacants? (2.7.6)
    A) This status change will require approval by the Administrative Battalion Chief.
    B) The modification of a building to “Vacant” will halt any incomplete inspections from future scheduling and void all outstanding violations.
    C) A vacant building will not be scheduled for one year and then RBIS will schedule the building again.
    D) Any violation voided by this building status change will have a void reason of “Vacant”.
    E) Officer’s finding a vacant building in their administrative district shall file an E-CIDS report and either forward an A-8 or High Priority Referral Report.
  1. Answer: A, B, D, E = C = A vacant building will no longer be scheduled.
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  1. Procedures for Buildings with “No Access” after 2 attempts are provided below, which one is incorrectly listed? (2.7.7)
    A) When a unit is unable to gain access to a building the officer should record the inspection as “No Access.”
    B) After attempting to gain access a second time and still unable to gain entry the officer will once again record the inspection as “No Access.”
    C) After recording the second consecutive “No Access” for the same address RBIS will not reschedule that inspection again for 6 months from the initial “No Access” inspection set date.
    D) All outstanding Violations for this BIN number that are not associated to another inspection type must be voided by the user.
  1. Answer: D = All outstanding Violations for this BIN number that are not associated to another inspection type may be voided by the user
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  1. Please choose an incorrect Public School inspection policy from the list below? (2.8.1)
    A) All public schools K-12 will be inspected during every school year by the Bureau of Fire Prevention or the Bureau of Operations.
    B) The Bureau of Fire Prevention will utilize a school unit in order to conduct inspections of public schools K-12.
    C) The Fire Prevention school unit will conduct these inspections from September to February 1 of each year.
    D) After February 1, an assessment of public school inspections will be conducted by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. If required, Fire Operations may be requested to assist in the completion of public schools by the end of the school year.
    E) Whenever a school which does not occupy the entire building is scheduled for inspection, units will be required only to inspect the school occupancy.
  1. Answer: E = Whenever a school which does not occupy the entire building is scheduled for inspection, units will be required to inspect the entire building as well as the school occupancy.
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  1. Please choose the correct Public School Familiarization Drill policies from the list below? (2.8.1)
    A) Operational Units will conduct their first familiarization drill once the school is automatically scheduled by RBIS.
    B) Units will subsequently continue to conduct familiarization drills every two years from the last inspection or familiarization drill date.
    C) If an Operational Unit performs an inspection at a public school that was not inspected by the Fire Prevention school unit, the two year clock for familiarization drills will be reset. This inspection will satisfy the two year drill requirement.
    D) An inspection can satisfy the drill requirement however a drill cannot satisfy an inspection requirement by the Fire Unit, if requested.
    E) Familiarization drills are not to be conducted during BISP and shall be conducted during company and multi-unit drills.
    F) If field units are unable to enter the school because of access issues they shall document the drill using RBIS and in the notes section indicate “exterior drill conducted”.
  1. Answer: All are correct
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  1. Operational Units will be required to inspect all Private/Charter Schools and College/Universities within their administrative districts during every school year, no exceptions. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the above statement? (2.8.2)
    A) Agree or D) Disagree
  1. Answer: D = Exception: Occasionally private/charter schools can be found in larger public schools. These schools are occupancies inside the public school. If this situation occurs Fire Prevention will inspect these schools when the larger public school is inspected.
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15. RBIS will automatically schedule theaters for inspection from \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ through \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of each year. Please fill in the two blanks? (2.8.5)
A) June / August
B) April / June
C) October / December
D) None of the above.
  1. A
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16. Operational Units will perform \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ inspection of New York State Day Cares. Please fill in the blank? (2.9.2)
A) an annual
B) a semi-annual
C) a one time
D) None of the above
  1. C
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  1. In any premises having a fire alarm system or a smoke detector that automatically transmits signals to the Department or a central station, the owner (including any lessee or tenant) of the premises shall be responsible for preventing the transmission of unnecessary or unwarranted alarms, and shall be liable for any violation of this section. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the below statement? (2.9.8)
    “It shall be unlawful to transmit two (2) or more unnecessary or unwarranted alarms in any three-month period.”
    A) Agree or D) Disagree
  1. A
  1. Please choose an incorrect item about Building Record Folders from the list below? (2.10.1)
    A) A Building Record Folder is required for each building in a unit’s inspection district requiring an inspection only.
    B) The folder shall contain all pertinent information concerning that building and its occupancies.
    C) Individual addresses are placed in the upper left corner of the folder. Unit block numbers are placed in the upper right corner.
    D) Folders are filed by address in numerical or alphabetical sequence, NOT by unit block numbers.
  1. Answer: A = A Building Record Folder is required for each building in a unit’s inspection district requiring an inspection or familiarization drill.

1. An Engine officer supervising operations of the first line at a 10-75 for a fire on the 2nd floor of an OLT building would be correct to know that she should not delegate which one of the following tactics? (Engines—Chapter 5—5.1.25, 5.1.26)
A. Calling for more line
B. Stream direction as the line moves through the apartment
C. Direction of the nozzle team advancement
D. Opening the nozzle in an emergency

  1. C
  1. You are a Lieutenant in an Engine performing hydrant inspection with your unit when a civilian approaches you and makes a complaint about an overcrowding condition in a dance club across the street. In this situation, it would be most correct for you to? (Regs 12.1.6)
    A. First verify the location is in your administrative district, and if it is, conduct a prompt inspection to determine conditions within
    B. Conduct a prompt inspection, and if the overcrowding exists, immediately notify the Battalion and the Division
    C. Immediately call the Administrative Battalion regarding this situation
    D. Immediately notify the Public Assembly Unit at the Bureau of Fire Prevention

2) C = Complaints received for a place of public amusement or entertainment like a theater or dance club—make no inspection—instead—immediately notify ADM BC who will investigate with the appropriate fire company and inform the DC of actions taken

  1. An officer conducting a drill on the potential for a backdraft in a taxpayer, was incorrect when he stated that? (FFP—Taxpayers—4.4.1–NFC)
    A. The severity of a backdraft is influenced by the amount of turbulence in the building
    B. A room or fire area requires only 25% of its space to contain the explosive mixture for the entire area possibly to explode
    C. To prevent a backdraft, one alternative that is more effective than roof venting is the use of a hose stream
    D. When using a hose stream to avert or minimize a backdraft, the hose stream can be placed in a flanking position and then immediately discharged into the fire area when the fire area is opened up.
  1. C

C. Factors that influence the severity of the backdraft are:

  1. type of gases, their temperature, pressure and make up.
  2. size and location of the areas involved.
  3. type and size of openings made by the Fire Department.
  4. proximity of openings in relation to the fire.
  5. amount of turbulence in the building caused by the direction and velocity of the wind and hose streams directed in the building.

N. An alternative to roof venting although not as effective, is the use of a
hose stream.

  1. A Lieutenant giving a drill on the Roof FF position at Tenement fires was correct when he stated that? (Ladders 3—Pg 23)
    A. The interior stairs may be used to access the roof only if there is a light fire condition
    B. The aerial ladder is the preferred method to reach the roof if the building is isolated
    C. The 1st arriving Roof FF shall bring the power saw to the roof for top floor fires
    D. Always vent the skylight prior to removing a roof scuttle
  1. B

1. Adjoining Building - Generally, there are contiguous buildings making this
the safest and most dependable method. Be aware of possible extension of
fire to exposures.
2. Aerial Ladder - The aerial ladder is used when the building is isolated or
the roof cannot be reached, or accessed from the adjoining building, due to
a difference in height or obstructions caused by security barriers, fences
etc. Roof access from the aerial can be dangerous. The cornice slopes
towards the roof and in some instances there is a high front parapet wall.
Use caution stepping off the aerial, especially when visibility is poor.
3. Rear Fire Escape - This access to roof is least desirable. It is only used
when other means are not available and when the fire floor can be safely
passed at this location. It is obviously dangerous to try to pass the fire
floor when the fire is exposing the fire escape or is on the verge of venting
itself in this direction. Rear fire escapes extend to the roof (Figures 3D
and 3E) unless of the party wall balcony type (Figure 3F). Front fire
escapes do not extend to the roof (Figures 3C and 3E).
NOTE: The interior stairs are NEVER used for the following reasons:
 Danger of being trapped above the fire.
 Banked heat and smoke may prevent member from reaching roof.
 Will lead to a delay in roof ventilation when it proves dangerous or

  1. Engine companies arrive on the scene of a major collapse in a 5-story multiple dwelling caused by an explosion and find a large volume of fire on arrival. In this situation, the highest priority for the Engine Company would be to: (FFP Collapse, 7.1.1)
    A. Extinguish active fire in burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse
    B. Protect the exposures
    C. Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris
    D. Stretch a 3 ½” line to supply a Tower Ladder
  1. C
  1. You are the officer of an engine company reporting in to a 10-77 for a fire on the 10th floor of a High-Rise MD. You are ordered by the IC to operate the High Rise nozzle. In this situation, you would be correct to know? (TB—Tools 7-DS 17—4.3, 5.6, 5.10, 5.14)
    A. The supply line must be attached to the High-Rise nozzle after the nozzle is slid out on the window sill
    B. If repositioning of the High-Rise nozzle is required, the supply line should be shut down at the shut-off located one length back and the nozzle opened to bleed the line.
    C. Putting the nozzle into service requires the service of one Engine Company
    D. The correct pressure when supplying the High Rise nozzle with 3 lengths should be 50 psi at the standpipe outlet gauge with water flowing
  1. B

4.3 Supplied by a 2 1/2” hoseline, the high rise nozzle will produce flows of 200-225 gpm at
50 psi nozzle pressure with water flowing. Units must use the standpipe pressure gauge
and consider the number of lengths in the supply line. As a general rule when supplying
the high rise nozzle with 3 lengths of 2 1/2” hose, the pressure at the outlet gauge should
be 70 psi with water flowing and 80 psi when using 4 lengths

5.6 Putting the nozzle into operation will require the services of two engine companies
equipped with roll-ups, standpipe kits, forcible entry tools including a rabbit tool and the
high rise nozzle

5.10 The supply line must be attached to the high rise nozzle before the nozzle is slid out on
the window sill for use. Firefighters operating the high rise nozzle will use the T-handle
to properly position the nozzle for optimum stream placement. The T-handle will allow
the firefighters to move the nozzle along the window sill and maintain control

5.14 A shut-off shall be placed in line one length back from the nozzle. When repositioning of
the High Rise Nozzle is required, the supply line should be shut down at the shut-off
located one length back and the nozzle opened to bleed the line. This will make it easier
to move the nozzle and supply line while repositioning. Once in position, the officer
supervising nozzle operations will order water started. This officer will then notify the
IC that the nozzle is in position and ready to operate. The nozzle will not be operated
until the IC has given approval.

  1. An Engine Company is ordered to relay water to another Engine Company at a 10-77 for a fire on the 19th floor of a 24-story fireproof multiple dwelling. In this situation, it would be correct to state that? (Evol 8—3.3, 3.4, 3.12, 3.13)
    A. Both the Supply Pumper and Operating Pumper should be in the volume position
    B. The Supply Pumper may hook up to a hydrant using either the 35’ hydrant connection or a 50’ length of 3 ½” hose
    C. If the Supply Pumper’s intake pressure gauge drops below 15 psi, the Supply Pumper should contact the IC and request augmentation via a relay from another pumper
    D. If the Operating Pumper’s intake pressure gauge should drop below 15 psi, the ECC of the Operating Pumper should request the Supply Pumper to increase his throttle in 10 psi increments
  1. D
  1. Units arrive on the scene of a 1st floor fire in a newer type of taxpayer. CIDS information indicates the roof supports are lightweight open web steel joists supporting a roof deck made of corrugated steel with a gypsum concrete roof on top. In this situation, it would be correct for members assigned to the roof position to? (FFP Taxpayers—5.5.26)
    A. Not commit to any roof operations at all
    B. Limit vertical ventilation to removal of skylights and scuttles on the roof
    C. If necessary, cut an 8’ x 8’ section of the roof
    D. If cutting a trench, insure the trench is at least 3’ wide

8) A = Open web bar joist allows removal of skylights and scuttles on roof with no cutting permitted, but this roof had both open web steel joists and gypsum concrete roof Gypsum concrete roof—means no roof operations at all

  1. A Lieutenant conducting a drill on Engine operations at taxpayer fires was correct to state that? (FFP—Taxpayers—7.1.2, 7.2.3B, 7.3.1A, 7.3.5AB)
    A. Light, medium or heavy fire conditions all require the use of 2 ½” hose
    B. At a medium store fire, the first two hand lines stretched should be 2 ½” and stretched to the store involved
    C. At store fires, it is the 2nd Engine that must insure that the sprinkler is supplied
    D. At a cockloft fire, the first line must always be stretched to cover an exposure
  1. B
  1. A Tower Ladder arrives first at the scene of a fire in a 5-story MD where there is an obese occupant on a front fire escape that needs to be rescued. In this situation, it would be most correct to align the: (Ladders 6—5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4)
    A. Turntable with the victim and place the middle basket railing level with the top railing of the fire escape
    B. Turntable with the victim and place the top basket railing level with the top railing of the fire escape
    C. Basket with the victim and place the middle basket railing level with the top railing of the fire escape
    D. Basket with the victim and place the top basket railing level with the top railing of the fire escape
  1. D
  1. Tower Ladder 99 arrives at the scene of a vacant building fire where the IC has asked them to setup the apparatus for possible exterior stream operations. Because the street where the apparatus is located is on a hill, it would be best if the apparatus was positioned (Ladders 6—3.4.1)
    A. Facing downhill, with the turntable past the objective, so that boom operations will be in the uphill direction
    B. Facing downhill, with the turntable before the objective, so that boom operations will be in the downhill direction
    C. Facing uphill, with the turntable past the objective, so that boom operations will be in the downhill direction
    D. Facing uphill, with the turntable before the objective, so that boom operations will be in the uphill direction
  1. A
  1. Units arrive on the scene of a terrorist incident where Mass Decontamination needs to be implemented for hundreds of people evacuating an Office building. The IC orders the first two arriving Engines to establish a Gross Decon Corridor by setting up their pumpers opposite each other and operating streams off of their discharges. In this situation, it would be correct if? (Haz Mat 7—2.4.4)
    A. The pumpers were positioned approximately 15 feet apart
    B. A turbomaster fog nozzle was placed on each pumper on an inside discharge gate on the pump panel side
    C. Operating pressure for the nozzles on each pumper was established at 65 psi
    D. A modified straight stream position was utilized off each nozzle
  1. C

2.4.4 A second option involves the use of two pumpers and greatly increases our
decontamination capabilities (See Figure 3):
a. Position two pumpers parallel to each other approximately 25 feet apart with
the control panels facing the outside.
b. Place an Aquastream fog nozzle on each pumper on a selected inside
discharge gate. Additional discharges and nozzles can be used if available.
c. Operate the nozzles in the fog position.
d. Monitor the operating pressure to ensure the stream is not too forceful. The
recommended operating pressure is 50 to 80 psi.

  1. The KO Curtain may be deployed? (Tools 3—Add 2—2.2)
    A. Only in the vertical position
    B. Only in the horizontal position
    C. Either horizontally or vertically
    D. Either horizontally, vertically or on a diagonal
  1. A
  1. A Lieutenant in a Ladder Company arrives on the scene of a 2nd Alarm where the IC has just withdrawn all units from the fire building. The IC then asks the officer to conduct an immediate roll call of all units. In this situation, the officer would be correct to? (Comm 9, Add 2, 4.1—4.4)
    A. Obtain an MDT printout listing all responding units, which must be obtained from a Battalion or Division vehicle.
    B. Obtain a preprinted Emergency Roll Call form, which can be found on any apparatus
    C. Utilize another member as an assistant who should monitor the HT frequency and record the members by position, as they reply.
    D. Remain in close proximity to the Command Post while conducting the Roll Call so that the IC can be immediately notified of any missing members
  1. C
    4.1 The member conducting the emergency roll call must have an updated list of all
    companies on the scene. An updated printout can be accessed from any apparatus MDT
    on the scene, as follows:
     Press the “Incident Summary” button - A blank form will appear requesting several
    pieces of information e.g., date, box. This information does not need to be entered.
     Press “Send” - This will automatically default the report to the box the unit is
    currently assigned to. The MDT will indicate a message is waiting.
     Press “Next” to retrieve the rundown of units.
     Press “Print” for the MDT to print the rundown.
    4.2 The member conducting the emergency roll call will be known as the Roll Call Officer
    (RCO). The RCO must be assisted by another member who is responsible for monitoring
    the HT frequency that the emergency roll call is being conducted on and recording the
    members by position, as they reply.
    4.3 Every Battalion and Division vehicle has a pad of pre-printed Emergency Roll Call
    forms. These preprinted forms will help keep track of companies and members as they
    reply to the roll call.
    4.4 The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an
    area away from the Command Post. This will reduce radio feedback, thereby putting the
    roll call team in a better position to hear and talk over the HT roll call frequency.
    Testing of this procedure has proven that the RCO conducting the emergency roll call
    from an area clear of smoke and confusion, is in the best position to hear and transmit over
    the HT. If weather is an issue, the RCO and assisting member will have to take a position
    in a dry area, such as an apparatus cab or Battalion vehicle.
15. An Engine inspecting a taxpayer on BISP finds a condition inside of a store that requires an NOV to be prepared. The taxpayer, known as Downtown Village Shopping, is a row of 6 stores, and the building is owned by John O’Reilly. The store with the violation is Joe’s Coffee Shop, owned by Joseph Smith. When preparing the NOV for the violation in the store, the officer should insure who is named as the respondent? (FPM Chap 4—Add 1—Page 6)
A. “Downtown Village Shopping”
B. “John O’Reilly”
C. “Joe’s Coffee Shop”
D. “Joseph Smith”

15) C = NOV - violation against a commercial tenant—NAME the business or entity, NOV-violation against a building—generally name the owner. This was a violation against the business, not the building—so name the business

  1. You are a company officer that arrives first on the scene of a fire in a 200’ x 250’ warehouse where a sprinkler is extinguishing a smoldering fire. Due to the smoke condition and the size of the building, you bring the unit’s search rope. While operating with the Search Rope, you would be correct to think? (TB Rope 6—3.2, 3.4, 5.6, 8.2)
    A. Distance knots are found 20’ apart
    B. Directional knots are always found closer to the tie off or exit
    C. The rope should be maintained approximately 6” above ground
    D. A relieving company should enter the area to be searched with their left hand in contact with the rope
  1. B
  1. An officer giving a drill on Unconscious Firefighter Removal procedures was correct when he stated that? (TB MMID Ch. 3, )
    A. Nylon tubular webbing may be used for dragging victims or vertical lifts
    B. The Drag Rescue device (DRD) may be used for either a horizontal drag or to drag a member at a 45 degree angle up a flight of stairs
    C. The sling that is used for the partner saw can be converted to a harness to help remove a trapped member that is not wearing an SCBA
    D. If the condition of the distressed member’s SCBA is in doubt ensure air is provided via the high pressure system.

17) C = A—dragging yes, but no vertical lifts, B—horizontal drag only, C—correct, D—DO NOT provide air via the High Pressure System

  1. An officer conducting drill on the use of the PSS with a remote anchor was correct to state? (Evolution 23—Pg 5, 6, 7, 9, 10)
    A. When exiting the window, the right hand must maintain its grasp on the interior wall until the body is in an upright position
    B. Leading with your left hand (Left shoulder pointing towards the exit window) is the most effective way to exit a room
    C. The EXO must always be brought beyond the outermost edge of the window sill
    D. The right hand, grasping the rope, must be maintained by the buttock during descent
  1. C
  1. In which one of the following situations is notification required to the Inspector General? (AUC 268—2.1.8, 3, 4)
    A. Arrest of Department employee
    B. On-duty incident involving drugs
    C. Allegation of falsification of FDNY records
    D. Misappropriation of Department time
  1. C
  1. A Lieutenant preparing an injury report on the Computerized Injury Reporting System should be aware that which one of the following would be considered a minor injury? (SB 7—2.1)
    A. A minor burn
    B. A minor sprain with slight discoloration
    C. A laceration requiring sutures
    D. A minor injury that results in a member fainting
  1. A

2.1.3 Minor Injury is an injury determined by the on duty medical officer. A minor
injury does not require the member to be granted the remainder of the tour or be
granted a medical leave. Examples of some minor injuries include, but are not
limited to:
 Small abrasions
 First degree burns
 Mild conjunctivitis
 Minor contusions
 Foreign body in eye, already removed
 Lacerations, not requiring sutures
 Minor sprains and strains with no swelling or discoloration
The following shall not be classified as Minor Injuries:
 Burns, other than first degree
 Chest pains
 Sprains or strains, with swelling or discoloration
 Any injury resulting in fainting, blackout, or loss of memory
 Shortness of breath

  1. You are the officer of the first arriving ladder company at a medium fire in the cellar of a 2 ½ story peak roof Private Dwelling. The decision is made to advance the first line through the main entrance as it provided the quickest access to the cellar. While conducting a primary search of the first floor, the 1st Engine Officer calls you for assistance to help advance the attack line into the cellar. In this situation, it would be correct for you to? (FFP Private Dwellings Chap 4—10.4)
    A. Send one member from your inside team to assist the Engine, only after you complete the primary search of the first floor
    B. Send one member from your inside team to assist the Engine, while you and the other member complete the primary search of the first floor
    C. Send one member from the outside team to assist the Engine, while you and your inside team complete the primary search of the first floor
    D. Personally assist the Engine with the line, while maintaining supervision of your inside team as they complete the primary search on the first floor.
  1. B
  1. An Engine Officer has been instructed by a Battalion Chief to stretch a foam handline to the cellar of a NLT for an oil burner fire. In this situation, the officer would be most correct to order? (TB Foam—Evol 1 2.2—2.4)
    A. The eductor placed directly on the pumper’s discharge outlet
    B. Only 2 ½” hose used to supply the eductor
    C. No more than 5 lengths of 1 ¾” hose between the eductor and the nozzle
    D. 220 psi provided at the eductor


23. Which arriving Engine company is responsible to insure that the sprinkler system at is supplied at a cockloft fire in a taxpayer? (FFP Taxpayers—7.3.5 C)
A. The first arriving Engine
B. The second arriving Engine
C. The third arriving Engine
D. The fourth arriving Engine
  1. C
  1. A lieutenant is operating at an all-hands fire where a 10-41 Code 1 has been transmitted for a suspicious fire. The IC asks the officer to collect some evidence for the Fire Marshals. In this situation, the officer would be correct to think that he may use? (TB—Arson—5.3)
    A. A one gallon metal can that if previously used, is now totally clean
    B. A glass jar with a tight fitting lid only if it is brand new and was never used
    C. In an emergency, two plastic bags, new and of heavy gauge
    D. A plastic “Tupperware-like” container
  1. C

5.3 One method is to use a completely air-tight container made from non-odorous materials .
5.3.1 This container should be a one (1) gallon metal can such as a NEW paint can.
(Never use a can that was previously used.)
A. The evidence should be cut or folded to fit into the can and top must be
tamped securely into place immediately.
B. Most common flammable liquids will float on water. A sample can be
taken from the water on the floor or in the basement. Merely skim the
surface of the water and enclose the sample in a clean new can.
5.3.2 If a new can is not available, use a clean glass jar with a tightly fitting lid. The
rubber seal around the lid may react with the sample and contaminate the
5.3.3 Try to avoid the use of plastic containers. Vapors may escape through plastic and
evidence may be contaminated by the deterioration of the plastic container.
5.3.4 A plastic bag can be used in an emergency. It should be new, of heavy
gauge and used in pairs.
A. Place evidence into one bag and tie it closed. Then place that bag into the
other and tie it closed.
B. As soon as possible, place into a can or jar and submit to the Fire Marshal.