WEEK THREE Flashcards
What is epidemiology
-the study of disease patterns and transmission
Epidemiology is concerned w/ the distribution and determinants of health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability and mortality in populations
Fields in which epidemiologists have some knowledge of ?
- public health (disease prevention)
- clinical medicine (disease classification and diagnosis)
- pathophysiology (understand basic biological mechanisms)
- biostatistics (quantify disease frequency)
- social sciences (understand social context in which disease occurs )
Who is Barry Marshall
- internist who together w/ collaboration w/ Robin Warren, discovered H. Pylori was consistently present in biopsies from ulcer patients
- started successfully treating patients w/ antibiotics
- won Nobel prize
What is a classic case example of epidemiology?
- cholera
- cause: vibrio cholera bacterium
- mid 19th c. Outbreak in London
- John Snow believed outbreak was spread by contaminated water
Who was john snow
English anesthesiologist who innovated several key epidemiological methods that remain today
“Father of epidemiology”
1900 main causes of death in US
Influenza and pneumonia
GI infections
Heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
1950 main causes of death in US
Heart disease
Disease of early infancy
2010 main causes of death in USA
Heart disease
Chronic airway disease
What is epidemiological transition
Describes a shift in the patterns of morbidity and mortality from causes related primarily to infectious and communicable diseases to causes associated w/ chronic, degenerative diseases
What is demographic transition
Shift from high birth rates and death rates found in agrarian societies to much lower birth and death rates in developed countries
Define distribution
Distribution implies that diseases do not occur randomly
What are determinants
Factors that can cause a change in a health condition or outcome
What is morbidity
Illness due to a specific disease or cause
What is mortality
Death due to a specific disease or cause
Define endemic
The habitual presence of a disease within a given geographical area
What is an epidemic
The occurrence of an infectious disease in excess of normal expectancy and generated from a common or propagated source
Examples of endemics
Plague among rodents in AZ
Rabies in several animal species in US
Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) is an endemic in AZ
Examples of epidemics
Upper respiratory infections
Human rabies
Outbreak of vibrio infections following hurricane Katrina
Examples of pandemics
1918 influenza
What is a sporadic disease, examples?
Disease occurring singly, widely scattered, not an epidemic or endemic
Human rabies
CJD (creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
What are the phases of natural history of disease
Preclinical phase
Clinical phase
Exposure to pathogen and biological onset of disease occurs during what phase of disease
Prior to preclinical phase
The preclinical phase begins with the _______ and ends with ?
Preclinical phase begins w/ biological onset of disease and ends when symptoms appear
What occurs during the clinical phase
Diagnosis and therapy begins
Who was Robert Koch?
1843-1910 German physician
- Koch’s postulates demonstrated the association b/w a microorganisms and a disease
What are Koch’s postulates?
- Organism must be observed in every case of the disease
- Must be isolated and grown in pure culture
- Pure culture must, when inoculated into a susceptible animal, reproduce the disease
- The organism must be observed in, and recovered from, the experimental animal
Who was Sir Austin Bradford Hill and what is he known for?
English epidemiologist
Developed Hill’s criteria for causation in 1965
What are Hill’s 9 criteria for causation
- Strength
- Consistency
- Specificity
- Temporality
- Biological gradient
- Plausibility
- Coherence
- Experiment
- Analogy
What is temporality in Hill’s criteria for causation
The cause (exposure) must be observed before the effect
What is biological gradient in Hill’s criteria for causation
- AKA dose-response, shows a linear trend in the association b/w exposure and disease
what is plausibility in Hill’s criteria for causation
The association must be biologically plausible from the standpoint of contemporary biological knowledge
What is the epidemiological triangle
A model used to describe the etiology of infectious diseases
3 major factors: agent, host, environment
Affected by: time, transmission types, vectors of vomîtes
What is a dose response curve
Type of correlative association b/w an exposure and effect
Threshold refers to the lowest dose at which a particular response occurs
Ex: dose-response relationship b/w the # of cigs smoked daily and mortality from lung cancer
What is an epidemic curve
Graphic plotting of the distribution of cases by time of onset
Helps in identifying the cause of a disease outbreak
What is internal validity
The degree to which a study has used methodologically sound procedures
what is external validity
One’s ability to to generalize the results of the study
what is the definition of error
Difference b/w the value obtained and the true value for the population
Two categories: sampling error and non-sampling error
What is sampling error
Variation that occurs because we are studying a sample rather than an entire population
Even if samples are chosen properly and are representative of the population, there will always be natural variation b/w diff samples
Can be quantified