Week 9: Stimulability Testing Flashcards
what is stimulability testing?
sampling the child’s ability to produce the standard form of an error sound when provided with the clincian’s input
stimulability testing includes
- examining how well the client imitates sound produced in error
- examining the child’s response to clinician cuing
- examining varied contexts (ex. isolation, syllables, words, phrases)
sound errors that the child is stimulable for are more likely to
self correct and generalize in therapy
how is stimulability testing done?
- specific instruction has to be given
- client attempts to produce sound
- clinician provides cues (minimal to max)
benefits of stimulability testing?
provides prognostic information - children who are very stimulable move through therapy quickly
begin treatment for stimulable phoneme because it will result in early success
affects on treatment planning
determine starting point
predict nature on occurrence of generalization
impact on goals and strategies used by clinician
gives insight into child’s learning strategies
cuing hierarchy
in cueing it is important to
move away from cuing as quickly as possible by going down the latter from max cuing to minimal cuing