Week 9: Anatomy of the Urinary system Flashcards
Kidney External Features
capsule, hilum (VAP) at L1, superior and inferior pole
Kidney internal features
Renal cortex, Renal medulla encases renal sinus.. (renal pyramids, Renal columns cortex extending into medulla), Renal papilla, minor caylx, major caylix, renal pelvis,
Kidney Location
Right slightly lower, T12-L3, Lateral to R&L crus of diaphragm
R Kidney - anterior relationships/impressions
Liver, Duodenum, colic (ascending), + small intestine
L Kidney - anterior relationships/impressions
Gastric, pancreatic, colic (descending), splenal, jejunum
Kidney arterial blood supply
Left and right renal arteries from abdominal aorta. Right is longer than left.
Kidney venous drainage
Left = longer, hooks under Superior mesenteric Artery Right = shorter - to IVC
Ureter natural constriction points
- uretero-pelvic junction (pelvis becomes ureter)
- pelvic brim (ureter cross pelvic cavity)
- uretero-vesical junction (enters bladder)
Ureter relationships male
passes under vas deferens, passes seminal vesicle before enters bladder
Ureter relationships female
passes under uterine artery, runs lateral to cervix and vagina before enters the bladder
Bladder external features
Apex anterior (urachus), base = posterior, receives ureters - superior surface covered by peritoneum, inferolateral surface rests of pelvic diaphragm
Bladder internal features
detrusor muscle, rugae, trigone = smooth area, neck, internal urethral orifice
Bladder relationships = female
Superior: Coils of intestine, uterus
Posterior: vagina, cervix
Inferior: pelvic diapragm?
Urethra sphincter
External urethral sphincter in pelvic diaphragm = skeletal muscle/ voluntary. internal urethral sphincter - bladder neck = smooth muslce/ involuntary
What muscles do kidneys sit on? Posterior realtionships
PM, QL, TA and inferior aspect of diaphragm
What lies medial to the kidneys?
Superior mesenteric artery and vein
What vessel hooks under superio mesenteric artery?
Left renal vein
What is at the midpoint of the ureters?
Origin of external iliac artery
Where do the ureters travel in abdomen?
Down Psoas major muscle, run vertically along tips of lumbar transverse processes -
Where do the ureters travel in pelvic cavity?
run posterolaterally, turn medial at base of ischial spine, pass obliquely through wall of bladder base
Where do the ureters enter the bladder?
Superior portion of the base
What lies immediately inferior to the bladder in males? females?
Prostate gland, Pelvic diaphragm
What lies posterior to bladder in males?
Seminal vesicles, vas deferens, rectum
Where is internal urethral orifice?
At bladder neck
Urethra female - posterior
Fused posteriorly with lower vagina
Urethra female - laterally
flanked by vestibular bulbs of clitoris
How long is male & female urethra?
20cm, 4cm
What portion of urethra runs through prostate gland?
Prostatic urethra
What portion of urethra runs through pelvic diaphragm?
Membranous urethra