Week 7 & 8: Histology of Lower Digestive system Flashcards
Common featues of GIT - inside to outside
Mucosa, submucosa, Muscularis externa, serosa or adventitia
What dos mucosa of GIT have?
Epithelium, LP, muscularis mucosae
What does submucosa of GIT have?
connective tissue
+/- glands, lymph nodules
large vessels
nerve plexi
Muscularis externa of Oesophagus
Striated in upper 1/3, striated and smooth in middle 1/3, Smooth in lower 1/3
Gastro-oesophageal junction
Stratified squamous epithelium – simple columnar epithelium
Stomach distinguishing histological features
- simple columnar epithelium creating gastric pits.
- Gastric glands
- three layers of smooth muscle in muscularis externa
- Rugae
Where is Meissner’s nerve plexus?
Submucosa of Stomach
Where us myenteric /auerbachs plexus?
Muscularis excterna of stomach - inbetween alyers
Enteroendocrine cells
Hormone secreting, Gastrin .. Small cells, +- short microvilli
Mucous cells (stomache)
Between epithelial cells, most abundant in NECK - nucelus at base fof cell, apical fuilled with mucus
Parietal cells
secrete HCl and intrinsic factor (help absorb VB12), LArge cells, trianglualr, Bright pink with H+E, lots microvilli ++ mitochondria
Chief cells
Deep in gland - base. SEcrete (pepsinogen) rER , zymogen granules.
Small intestine - modifcations to increase surface area
- Plicase circularis, ridge of submucosa & mucosa. Seen in longitudinal sections, greatest number in duodenum. 2. Villi - projections of mucosa. 3. Striated (brush) border - microvilli on apical surface
Small intestine distinguishing features
- plicae circularis & villi. 2. Paneth cells (antibacterial & phagocytic). 3. Brunner’s glands in submucosa of duo. 4. Peyer’s patches in ilium
Epithelium of Small int
Enterocytes + goblet cells ( on basemement membrane). Paneth, enteroendocrine
Paneth cells
Secrete lysosome. Located at base or krptt>
What secretions are brunners g;ands
Colon mucosa
• NO villi
• Numerous simple tubular glands = crypts of Lieberkuhn
which extend thru full thickness of the mucosa
• Stem cells in bottom of crypts divide to produce all epithelial cells
Colon epithelium
Enterocytes – simple columnar epithelial cells
• Goblet cells abundant, 4:1 in colon to 1:1 in rectum
and secreting mucus continuously
• Enteroendocrine cells
• Intraepithelial lymphocytes common
Anal canal distinguishing histological geatures
Upper region.
Simple columnar epithelium
Numerous glands & goblet cells.
Lower region.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Numerous glands..
Anal columns
Vertical folds of mucosa & submucosa
Allow stretch
Contain rectal arteries & veins
What is at the centre of a liver lobule?
Central vein
What lies at the periphery of liver lobules?
Portal triads
Where are kupffer cells?
Phagocytes - rest on apical curface of enothelial cells in sinusoid lumen,. Liver
Blood entering liver?
75% portal vein. 25% Hepatic artery. mixess in hepatic sinusoids
Liver functions
Degradation and conjugation of toxins so they can be released from the body • Storage and/or metabolism of nutrients received from the GIT • Vitamin storage, activation, usage • Hormone activation • Production of blood proteins • Production of bile
Liver detoxification - alcohol
In hepatocyte peroxisomes: Alcohol - metabolised to acetaldehyde then acetate. Excess can cause fatty liver.
Where is Vitamin a stored?
Hepatic stellate cells
What hormone doesliver activate?
What is located in Space of Disse
Hepatocyte microvilli project.
• Stellate cells
Stellate cells
Store vit A. Actiated in Liver diseases to secrete collafen = fibrotic cirrhosis. locaed in Space of Disse
Gallbladder function
Stores, concetrates & adds mucus to BILE. 2. Bile released in response to fatty foods in duodenum
What happens when u eat dietary fast
Cholecystokini hormone relesead by enterocytes in duo. SM contraction in gallbladder - bile discharged in duo.
Gallbladder epithelium
Cholangeocytes = simple columnr
Gallbladder features
- No muscularis mucosae or submucosa. - Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses.
Exocrine pancreas
Acini - Secretions conotain over 20 digestive enzymes (inactive) = zymogens. Pancreatic ducts add bicarbonate ions. Enteroeptidases released from duodenal mucoas - activates them
Acini (pancreas)
Secretory cells - triangular, basal nucleus, eosinophillic granules. Centroacinar cells - pale nucleus & cytoplasm
Islets of langerhans
alpha = glucagon and delta (somatostatin) (purple) . Beta cells (insulin) - yelow