Week 8 Glutamates, opiates, neuropeptides, anandamines, and neuromodulators Flashcards
Describe the biosynthesis and recycling of glutamate (GLU) and aspartate (Asp).
Glu and Asp are major excitatory neurotransmitters, especially glu.
- synthesized in the brain and released in Ca2+ dependent manner from synaptic vesicles (Ca influx cause release of synaptic vesicles)
- reuptake: amino acid transporters, ion gradients, and ATP needed. Glial cells also collaborate in recycling
Give a general description of glutamate receptors
- gated ion channels or G protein coupled
- 3 families of glu receptors: AMPA, Kainate, NMDA (N-methyl D aspartate)
- agonist increase ion channels’ tendency to open
Describe AMPA receptors.
- receptors made of 16 different subunits, various pentameric forms
- structures determine receptors desensitization rate
- allow inward flow of Na+ and outward flow of K+
- overexcitement can lead to neuronal death (caused by rush of Ca2+ ions)
- AMPA receptors found in striatum, hippocampus, cerebellum
Describe Kainate receptors
- agonist-Kainic acid (KA)-bind with high affinity
- high levels kill these neurons
- neuro-active endogenous steroids effective in protecting against KA induced seizures in mice
Describe NMDA receptors.
- voltage sensitive
- regulated by Mg2+ ions inside ion channels, must be displaced by membrane depolarization.
- permeable to Na, Ca, and K once Mg is dispaced
- Glycine is an essential co-agonist
- associated with spacial learning and learning capacity
What is the mechanism of phencyclidine (PCP)?
- Angel’s dust
- compete with regulatory Mg2+ binding site of NMDA receptor
- lower concentrations: psychotomimetic, causing delusions, hallucinations, cognitive defects
- higher doses: dissociative anesthetic effects
Dinoflagellates and MSG act on which receptors?
-dinoflagellates red tide: NMDA antagonist
What are the agonists and antagonists of opiate receptors?
- Agonist: morphine
- antagonist: naloxone
- mixed function: pentazocine
Describe the biosynthesis of endogenous opiates.
- precursor to beta endorphin: pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)
- precursor for met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin: proenkephalin
- precursor for dynorphin: prodynorphin
- peptides are destroyed by specific peptizes
Describe the opioid receptors.
3 major families: mu, kappa, delta
- most opiod analgesics used clinically bind to mu, also respiratory depressants
- codeine is low affinity mu receptor agonist
- mu: cAMP mediated potassium channel, reduces excitability and Ca2+ influx
- heroin overdose can be rescued by naloxone
Describe the mode of action of opiates.
- inhibition of pain pathways includes presynaptic modulation of Substance P
- acupuncture, runner’s high, painless birth-may utilize enkephalins or endorphins
- SID increases in newborns whose mothers had opiate addiction (affects respiratory centers in brain stem)
- non-neuronal cells may have receptors for neuropeptides, e.g. immune system cells
Other neuropeptides
- nociceptin and nocistatin: pain perception
- tachykinins: includes substance P (capsaicin induces release of substance P, low dose =hyperalgesia, high=analgesia)
Describe anandamide.
- they are endogenous cannabinoids
- THC binds to cannabinoid receptors
- CB1 receptor found in CNS, CB2 has peripheral distribution and is expressed on leukocytes and testicles
What is a neuromodulator?
- may not cause immediate change in membrane potential, but change membrane’s capacity to respond to further signals
- can tune membrane potential and their action is longer lasting. May induce a change in gene expression.
- e.g. nitric oxide