Week 6: Trauma and Increased intracranial pressure, and Headache Flashcards
Define concussion.
Altered consciousness as a result of closed head injury (transient disturbance in neuronal function)
- no gross or microscopic parenchymal abnormalities
- no CT or MRI findings
Define contusion
A bruise of the brain where sudden head deceleration causes the brain to impact on bony prominences (temporal, frontal, occipital)
What are characteristics of a linear skull fracture.
- substantial force
- relation to suture line
- relation to vascular structure
What is a comminuted skull fracture?
-multiple fragments
What is an open or compound fracture?
-fracture underlying a scalp laceration, predisposes to infection
What is a depressed skull fracture?
-fragments indented greater than width of inner and outer tables. laceration of underlying dura or brain my result in seizure, focus, or focal neurologic deficits, and infection
What is the exception or contraindication for surgery in a depressed skull fracture?
If depressed fracture is overlying and depressing a dural sinus, may be dangerous to elevate
What is the Monroe-Kellie Doctrine?
Sum of the intracranial volumes of BLOOD, BRAIN, and CSF is other components is constant. Increase in any one of these is offset by a decrease in another
-since volumes are contained in rigid container
What is normal cerebral perfusion pressure? How is CPP calculated? What is normal intracranial pressure?
- normal is >50mm Hg
- CPP=mean arterial pressure-intracranial pressure
- normal ICP>20 mm Hg in adults
What are the characteristics of epidural hematomas?
- between dura and skull
- lens shaped
- restricted by sutures where dura are tightly adhered
- arterial bleeding
- bleeding from middle meningeal artery
What are the characteristics of subdural hematomas?
- between dura and arachnoid
- crescent shaped
- venous bleeding
- bridging veins
What are the characteristics of intracerebral bleeds?
- in parenchyma
- delayed from contusion
- penetrating
- generally more focal deficits than extra cerebral hematomas
What is Cushing’s Triad? (signs of increased intracranial pressure)
- Hypertension
- bradycardia
- respiratory irregularity
What are the characteristics of a tentorial herniation? (uncal)
- lateralized mass
- unilateral compression of brainstem
- compressed 3rd nerve
- compressed cerebral penduncle
What are treatments for increased intracranial pressure?
- hyperventilation: removes CO2, makes body believe has more oxygen, causes constriction of the vessels
- mannitol (pharmacological)
- Catheter to remove CSF fluid
- barbiturates for vasoconstriction
- hemicraniectomy
- ventriculostomy
what are indications for ICP monitoring based on the Glascow Coma Scale?
- GCS3-8 severe head injury: if abnormal CT scan, Age > 40 or BP < 90mmHg or abnormal motor posturing
- GCS 9-12 moderate head injury: if abnormal CT
How is the Glascow Coma Scale calculated?
-Eye opening spontaneously 4, to voice 3, to pain 2, not 1.
-Motor response to command 6, localizes 5, withdraws 4,
Abnormal flexion 3, abnormal extension 2, not 1.
-Verbalizes normally 5, confused 4, abnormal words 3,
Abnormal sounds 2, not 1.
-Score of 15 means minimal head injury severity
List the types of primary headaches.
- migraine
- cluster
- tension
- other syndromes
What is the workup for a first or worst headache?
- CT head scan
- lumbar puncture: look for xanthochromia (bilirubin making CSF yellow due to blood breakdown in CSF)
- Arteriogram
What are the red flags in someone who presents with a headache?
- Systemic symptoms: fever, weight loss or secondary risk, e.g. HIV, malignancy
- Neurologic signs: confusion, seizures
- Onset: sudden
- Older: >50 years old
- Previous headache history: first or different, change in frequency, severity, or clinical features
What are findings in the physical exam of an individual with a first or worst headache?
- systemic signs–>secondary headache
- stiff neck
- fundus: papilledema, venous pulsation, retinal hemorrhage
- trigger points
What is the IHS classification for secondary headaches?
- head trauma
- vascular disorders, e.g. venous sinus thrombosis
- non vascular disorders, e.g. hydrocephalus
- substance use
- non cephalic infections
- metabolic syndromes
- cranium, neck, ear, eye disorders
- cranial neuralgias
- psych disorders
What is the IHS criteria for migraine?
- 5 or more episodic headaches lasting 4-72 hours with
1. any 2 of the following: - unilateral
- throbbing
- worsened by movement
- moderate or severe
2. any 1 of: - nausea or vomiting
- photophobia or phonophobia
What is the criteria for a migraine with aura?
-2 or more attacks Any 3 of: -fully reversible -evolves over 4 minutes -lasts less than 60 mins -headache onset within 1 hour
What is the pathogenesis for migraine headaches?
- brainstem has pontine generator for headaches that trigger CN V (trigeminal) –>vessel dilation and constriction as a consequence
- this is what is believed to happen
- therapies target the vascular changes
When should an acute migraine attack be treated?
- treat mild pain
- within 15 minutes of onset of pain
- prior to development of cutaneous allodynia (pain due to things that normally don’t cause pain)
- cutaneous allogynia indicates central sensitization
What are the indications for prophylaxis for migraines?
- 2+ migraine attacks per month
- single attacks lasting >24 hrs
- major disruptions in life style
- complicated migraine
- failed or overuse of abortive therapy
Describe cluster headaches.
- mainly males affected
- onset 20-40 years old
- unique time pattern
- unilateral
- severe, excruciating
- red eye, nasal signs
- ipsilateral sweating
- lasts 15-80 mins
- ppte. by alcohol or vasodilators
- restless patient
What is the treatment for cluster headaches?
- 100% oxygen for 15-30 mins
- drugs
What is a analgesic rebound headache?
- use of more than 10-15 pills of common NSAIDS per week
- headache due to medicine overuse and body adapting to medicine