Week 7 Serotonin, Histamine, GABA, and Glycine Flashcards
Describe the biosynthesis of serotonin.
- Tryptophan (TRP) is precursor
-levels have daily rhythm, as do 5-HT
-converted by tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH)
=rate-limiting step
-inhibited by p-chlorophenylalanine - 5-hydroxytryptophan–>serotonin
enzyme: 5-HTP decarbxylase
How is melatonin produced?
From serotonin pathway
-Serotonin–>N-acetyl serotonin–>melatonin
What is the distribution of serotonin in the body?
- only 1-2% in the brain
- gut, pineal gland, midline or raphe regions of pons and upper brain stem rich in serotonin
What are some agonist and antagonists of serotonin receptors?
Agonist -psilocybin, mescaline, LSD Antagonist -reserpine interferes with reuptake -SSRI such as Prozac
What is the mechanism of MDMA (ecstasy)?
- indirect agonist that releases 5-HT
- use may reduce availability of 5-HT for long periods (months)
- adverse events: paranoia, permanent loss of serotonergic neurons
Where is histamine produced in the brain? in body?
- tuberomammilary nucleus of hypothalamus
- mast cells
Describe the biosynthesis of histamine
- precursor: Histidine
- enzyme: histidine decarboxylase
- metabolized by histamine methyl transferase
What are the histamine receptors and what do some pharmacological applications?
- H-1: causes bronchoconstriction. Anti-histamines block for bronchodilation
- H-2 antagonist used to decrease gastric juices
- H-3 autoreceptors. Antagonists may increase wakefulness
- H-4 on leukocytes
What are effects of histamine on the body?
- hypotension and bronchoconstriction
- may alter food and water intake in hypothalamus
- role in arousal, H-1 antagonist may have sedative effects
- prolonged use of antihistamines may contribute to alzheimer like syndromes
Describe the biosynthesis of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid).
Glutamate–>GABA by GAD (glutamic acid decarboyxlase) = regulatory event
- linked to Krebs cycle
- glial cells participate in GABA metabolism and recycling
How is serotonin broken down?
By MAO and aldehyde dehydrogenase to 5-HIAA
What are some agonist and antagonist of GABA receptors?
Agonist -Bendiazepam (Valium) (Gaba A) -baclofen (gaba B receptor) Antagonist -Bicuculline (convulsant) -Picrotoxin-non competitive inhibitor that is antidote for barbiturates
What is gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)?
- breakdown product of GABA
- liquid ecstasy, liquid X, GHB, etc
- toxicity: coma, seizures, vomiting, respiratory depression, amnesia
Where is glycine normally found? (neurotransmitter)
- major inhibitory transmitter in the brain stem and spinal cord
- used by short axon interneurons usually
- also found in other places in the brain
Describe the biosynthesis and catabolism of glycine.
- synthesized from serene and transported into synaptic vesicle
- glycine action destroyed by glycine cleavage system at neighboring astrocytes or recycled at presynaptic membrane
Describe glycine receptors.
- GLY-R is chloride channel with 5 subunits
- antagonist: strychnine, a convulsant
- Picrotoxin-noncompetitive inhibitor of GLY-R
What is the human startle disease?
- hereditary hyperekplexia
- distint overexcitability and diminished inhibition in patients with hyperekplexia
- overact to unexpected stimuli with myoclonic jerks and stiffness
- single bass mutation resulting in decrease in GLY affinity to receptors