Week 6 Movement Disorders Flashcards
Define hypokinesias: akinesia, bradykinesia, rigidity.
hypokinesias-too little movement
akinesia-loss or absence of movement
bradykinesia-slowness of movement
rigidity-stiffness of muscle tone with passive movement of the joint
Define tremor.
Oscillatory, rhythmical, and regular movement affecting one or more body parts.
-at rest-limb supported against gravity
Action Tremor
-kinetic tremor-while performing task
-postural tremor-during a sustained posture, usually limb outstretched
-intention tremor-present during pursuit of a goal, usually increasing as target is approached (from cerebellar lesion)
causes: damage to substantia nigra, cerebellum
Define chorea.
Involuntary, irregular, nonrhythmic, rapid jerky movements that flow from one body part to another
- looks like fidgeting or clumsiness
- gait can be lurching or “dancing”
- associated w/ cell loss in caudate and putamen
Define ballism.
large amplitude, proximal movements resulting in flinging limb movements
- can be considered variant of chorea
- associated with lesion in STN
Define dystonia.
Sustained involuntary abnormal posturing. Continuous muscle contractions cause sustained and painful postures.
- focal: single muscle group
- segmental: 2 contiguous areas of body
- generalized: legs and 2 contiguous parts of the body
- unclear pathophysiology
Define myoclonus.
Sudden, brief, twitch like involuntary movements usually caused by muscular contractions (like the twitch/jerk while falling asleep)
- can be focal, segmental, generalized
- can be assoc. w/ lesions of cortex, brainstem, spinal cord
Define tics.
Semi-voluntary, repetitive, intermittent, stereotypic movements or sounds. Preceded by an urge to perform the movement, followed by temporary relief of urge after the tic
-tics can be suppressed temporarily, but often have rebound in tics afterward
List the movement time and the anatomic region involved for the following syndromes: Parkinson’s, Hemiballism from stroke, Hungtinton’s disease, idiopathic torsion dystonia, Tourette’s syndrome, essential palatal myoclonus
- Parkinson’s disease: rest tremor & bradykinesia, substantia nigra
- Hemiballism: ballism, STN
- Huntington’s disease, chorea, caudate
- Idiopathic torsion dystonia: dystonia, putamen
- Tourette’s syndrome: tics, Basal ganglia/limbic
- essential palatal myoclonus: myoclonus (palate), Mollaret’s triangle
What are the cardinal signs of parkinson’s disease?
TRAP: tremor, rigidity, akinesia, postural disturbances
- diminished facial expression
- diminished movements, e.g. swinging arms while walking, blinking
- reduction in speed and amplitude of voluntary movements
- freezing: intermittent, severe inability to initiate walking
What are some late complications of PD treatment?
- motor complications and psychosis
- wearing off:when patient loses sustained effect of medication and needs the next dose earlier
- dose related dyskinesias: abnormal involuntary movements in any body location which occur following each medication dose at peak bioavailability
- on-off fluctuations: knife edge phenomenon where with abrupt on and off periods of improvements and periods of parkinsonian state
Describe Essential Tremor (ET)
features: causes action tremor with prominent postural and kinetic components
- usually upper extremities
- any age, more common in elderly
- etiology: family hx common
- treatment: beta blocker, primidone (barbiturate anticonvulsant), deep brain stimulation, thalamotomy
What are diseases that have chorea as a component?
Sydenham's chorea Huntington's Disease Wilson's disease hyperthyroidism Drug related, Tardive's syndrome
Describe the clinical features of Huntington’s Disease.
Progressive chorea and dementia
-inherited: autosomal dominant
-onset: age 30-50
Major features:
1. psychiatric disturbance: personality changes, depression, schizophrenia
2. progressive dementia
3. Progressive chorea
-milk maid grip: inability to squeeze examiner’s fingers
-motor impersistence: inability to maintain a sustained posture
Pathology: neuronal loss in caudate and putamen
Describe Sydenham’s Chorea.
- late feature of acute rheumatic fever
- 7-12 year olds, commonly female
Describe Idiopathic torsion dystonia
syndrome of progressive generalized dystonia with no identifiable cause
- DYT1: autosomal dominant disorder
- limbs, neck, head, trunk twist into particular postures
- mentation spared
- treatment with anticholinergics, benzodiazepines, anti spasticity agents
Describe focal dystonias.
- Limited to one or two body areas
- begins in adulthood
- e.g. writer’s cramp
- treat with botulinum toxin
Describe Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
- symptoms start before 21
- motor and vocal tics
- last more than 6 months
- frequently associated with OCD and ADHD
- treat with dopamine antagonists
Describe tardive syndromes
- associated with use of neuroleptics, which block dopamine receptors
- Tardive Dyskinesia*: months to years after neuroleptic started, oral facial, choreaathetosis
- acute dystonia: spasms of neck, tongue, face
- akathesia: motor restlessness
- Parkinsonism: bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor
- neurolepic malignant syndrome: catatonia, fever, unstable BP
Describe wilson’s disease.
present with any combination of abnormal movement types
- defect in copper metabolism
- copper deposition and damage to putamen and globus pallidus results in movement disorders
- Kayser fleisher ring
- treatment: copper chelator