Week 7: Thermal Comfort✅ Flashcards
What is the main goal of the WELL Thermal Comfort concept?
The WELL Thermal Comfort concept aims to promote human productivity and provide maximum thermal comfort through improved HVAC system design and control, meeting individual thermal preferences.
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This information comes from Page 159-160 of the WELL V2
How is thermal comfort defined?
Thermal comfort is defined as the “condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment” and is assessed through subjective evaluation.
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This information comes from Page 159-160 of the WELL V2
What percentage of U.S. office buildings met thermal satisfaction goals, and what percentage of workers expressed dissatisfaction?
Only 11% of U.S. office buildings met thermal satisfaction goals, while 41% of office workers expressed dissatisfaction with their thermal environment.
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This information comes from Page 159-160 of the WELL V2
What is the impact of thermal discomfort on productivity in hot and cold conditions?
Employees perform 15% poorer in hot conditions and 14% poorer in cold conditions compared to those satisfied with the thermal environment.
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This information comes from Page 159-160 of the WELL V2
Why is a one-size-fits-all approach to thermal comfort ineffective?
A one-size-fits-all approach fails because thermal comfort is subjective, and individual preferences vary, making it difficult to satisfy all occupants with uniform conditions.
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This information comes from Page 159-160 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the T01 Thermal Performance feature?
To provide a thermal environment that the majority of building users find acceptable, supporting their health, well-being, and productivity.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What percentage of a building’s energy consumption is typically used for heating and cooling?
In many countries, heating and cooling account for approximately half of a building’s energy consumption.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What health issues are linked to overly warm indoor spaces?
Overly warm spaces are linked to sick building syndrome symptoms, irregular heart rate, respiratory issues, fatigue, and negative mood.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
How does the thermal environment affect cold work environments?
Cold work environments increase effort in maintaining posture and raise the risk of chronic musculoskeletal issues.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What are the six core parameters of thermal comfort in mechanically conditioned spaces?
The six core parameters are air temperature, humidity, air movement, mean radiant temperature, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What are the thermal comfort conditions for mechanically conditioned spaces in Option 1?
T01 | Part 1 Provide Acceptable Thermal Environment
PMV range of ”+/-“0.5 for at least 90% of occupied hours in at least 90% of regularly occupied spaces or PMV range of ”+/-“1.0 for at least 98% of occupied hours in at least 95% of regularly occupied spaces.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What are the acceptable indoor operative temperature ranges for naturally conditioned spaces?
T01 | Part 1 Provide Acceptable Thermal Environment
Minimum: t x 0.31 + 47.9 oF (14.3 oC), Maximum: t x 0.31 + 60.5 oF (16 oC), where t is the prevailing mean outdoor temperature.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What is the air velocity requirement for spaces using dry bulb temperature in Option 2?
T01 | Part 1 Provide Acceptable Thermal Environment
The designed air velocity must not exceed 40 fpm (0.2 m/s) at 5.6 ft (1.7 m) above the floor.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What temperature limit is required for commercial kitchen spaces?
T01 | Part 1 Provide Acceptable Thermal Environment
The operative temperature in commercial kitchens must not exceed 80 oF (27 oC).
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What additional requirement must multifamily residential projects meet to achieve Gold or Platinum WELL Certification?
T01 | Part 1 Provide Acceptable Thermal Environment
They must conduct thermal testing in dwelling units as part of the certification process.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What thermal parameters must be monitored under Option 1 for annual testing?
T01 | Part 2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, air speed (if elevated air speed method is used), and mean radiant temperature must be monitored at least twice a year.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
When must annual testing take place for thermal parameters in Option 1?
T01 | Part 2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
Once in June, July, or August and once in December, January, or February.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What compliance is required for the number and location of sampling points in Option 1?
T01 | Part 2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
Sampling points must comply with the requirements outlined in the Performance Verification Guidebook.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for continuous monitoring in Option 2?
T01 | Part 2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
The project must meet Feature T06: Thermal Comfort Monitoring.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
Where must these monitoring requirements be met according to WELL Core Guidance?
T01 | Part 2 Monitor Thermal Parameters
They must be met in non-leased spaces.
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This information comes from Page 161-163 of the WELL V2
What percentage of occupants must be satisfied with the thermal environment to meet WELL standards?
At least 80% of occupants must be satisfied with the thermal environment.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What method is used to determine occupant satisfaction with thermal comfort?
Occupant satisfaction is determined through a thermal comfort survey.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What percentage of office workers have expressed dissatisfaction with their thermal environment according to studies?
As many as 41% of office workers have expressed dissatisfaction with their thermal environment.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What are the benefits of thermal comfort satisfaction in the workplace?
Thermal comfort satisfaction is linked to increased productivity and reduced sick building syndrome symptoms.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What must be done if a thermal comfort survey shows that dissatisfaction exceeds the targeted threshold?
A detailed plan for action must be developed to address occupant dissatisfaction with thermal conditions.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
How often must a post-occupancy survey for thermal comfort be administered?
T02 | Part 1 Survey for Thermal Comfort
The survey must be administered twice a year, once in June, July or August and once in December, January or February.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What percentage of respondents is required for surveys with more than 45 regular occupants?
T02 | Part 1 Survey for Thermal Comfort
At least 35% of regular occupants must respond to the survey.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What is the minimum number of responses needed for a building with 20 to 45 regular occupants?
T02 | Part 1 Survey for Thermal Comfort
15 regular occupants must respond.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What satisfaction threshold must be met to earn 2 points for thermal comfort satisfaction?
T02 | Part 1 Survey for Thermal Comfort
At least 80% of regular occupants** must be satisfied to earn 2 points.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
What must be included in the thermal comfort survey?
T02 | Part 1 Survey for Thermal Comfort
The survey must assess overall satisfaction with thermal performance and identify thermal comfort-related issues.
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This information comes from Page 164-165 of the WELL V2
How much poorer do employees perform in hot conditions compared to optimal thermal environments?
Employees perform on average 15% poorer in hot conditions.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What is the impact on performance for every 1.8 oF (1 oC) rise in temperature above 77 oF (25 oC)?
There is an average 2% decrease in work performance for every 1.8 oF (1 oC) increase in air temperature above 77 oF (25 oC).
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What factors make it challenging to satisfy all individuals in the same thermal environment?
Personalized factors such as metabolism, body type, and clothing make it challenging to satisfy everyone in the same space.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What solution is recommended to improve individual thermal comfort in a building?
Individually accessible thermostats that allow people to set their own thermal conditions independently of other zones should be used.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What is the relationship between air temperature and student performance in mathematics?
A 1.8 oF (1 oC) decrease in air temperature within the range of 77 oF (25 oC) is linked to increased student performance in mathematics.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What percentage of regularly occupied spaces must meet the thermostat control requirements?
T03 | Part 1 Provide Thermostat Control
At least 90% of regularly occupied spaces must meet the thermostat control requirements.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum size of each thermal zone?
T03 | Part 1 Provide Thermostat Control
The maximum size of each thermal zone is 650 ft^2 (60 m^2) or 10 occupants, whichever is larger.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
How can occupants control the temperature in their space?
T03 | Part 1 Provide Thermostat Control
Control over temperature is available through thermostats present within the thermal zone or a digital interface accessible on a computer or phone.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
How far must temperature sensors be positioned from sources of heat or cold?
T03 | Part 1 Provide Thermostat Control
Temperature sensors must be positioned at least 3.3 ft (1 m) away from exterior walls, windows, doors, direct sunlight, air supply diffusers, mechanical fans, heaters, or any other significant sources of heat or cold.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
How do projects earn points based on the number of thermal zones?
T03 | Part 1 Provide Thermostat Control
Projects earn points based on the following:
- 1 point for one thermal zone per 650 ft^2 (60 m^2) or 10 occupants
- 2 points for one thermal zone per 320 ft^2 (30 m^2) or 5 occupants.
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This information comes from Page 166-167 of the WELL V2
What is the main intent of the T04 feature?
The main intent of the T04 feature is to maximize and personalize thermal comfort among all individuals.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What factors influence individual thermal comfort beyond the primary factors?
Secondary factors influencing individual thermal comfort include age, sex, health condition, personal thermal adaptation, thermal history, temperament, preferences, social and cultural norms, and seasonal variation.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
How does providing individual thermal control devices benefit occupants?
Providing individual thermal control devices results in improved individual thermal comfort and expands the thermal comfort acceptability limits, allowing for a broader range of recommended indoor air temperatures linked to energy savings potential.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is one example of personalized equipment that can help with thermal comfort?
An example of personalized equipment is a chair equipped with fans, which allows the room air temperature to increase without compromising thermal comfort.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
Why are flexible dress codes important in relation to thermal comfort?
Flexible dress codes are important because clothing insulation is one of the primary forms of intervention for addressing suboptimal thermal conditions.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What options are available for regular occupants to cool their individual environment?
T04 | Part 1 Provide Personal Cooling Options
Regular occupants can cool their individual environment through options such as a user-adjustable thermostat, a desk fan, a chair with a mechanical cooling system, or any solution that can affect a PMV change of -0.5 within 15 minutes without changing the PMV for others.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for a user-adjustable thermostat connected to the cooling system?
T04 | Part 1 Provide Personal Cooling Options
The room or thermal zone controlled by the user-adjustable thermostat may not be regularly occupied by more than one person.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the purpose of the desk fan or ceiling fan provided for cooling?
T04 | Part 1 Provide Personal Cooling Options
The desk fan or ceiling fan is meant to cool individual occupants without increasing air speed for other occupants.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
How can additional points be earned under the T04 feature?
T04 | Part 1 Provide Personal Cooling Options
Additional points can be earned by meeting the cooling options requirements in the whole building.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the performance criterion for other solutions used to cool individual environments?
T04 | Part 1 Provide Personal Cooling Options
Any other solution must be capable of affecting a PMV change of -0.5 within 15 minutes from activation without changing the PMV for other occupants.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What options are available for regular occupants to warm their individual environment?
T04 | Part 2 Provide Personal Heating Options
Regular occupants can warm their individual environment through options such as a user-adjustable thermostat, an electric parabolic space heater, an electric heated chair or footwarmers, blankets, or any solution capable of affecting a PMV change of +0.5 within 15 minutes without changing the PMV for others.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for a user-adjustable thermostat connected to the heating system?
T04 | Part 2 Provide Personal Heating Options
The room or thermal zone controlled by the user-adjustable thermostat may not be regularly occupied by more than one person.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
How often must blankets be washed to meet the requirement?
T04 | Part 2 Provide Personal Heating Options
Blankets must be washed at least weekly.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the performance criterion for other heating solutions used to warm individual environments?
T04 | Part 2 Provide Personal Heating Options
Any other solution must be capable of affecting a PMV change of +0.5 within 15 minutes from activation without changing the PMV for other occupants.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
How can additional points be earned under the T04 feature for personal heating options?
T04 | Part 2 Provide Personal Heating Options
Additional points can be earned by meeting the heating options requirements in the whole building.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the flexible dress code policy in WELL Certification?
T04 | Part 3 Allow Flexible Dress Code
The policy allows regular occupants to dress for individual thermal preferences.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
In which spaces is the flexible dress code policy applicable?
T04 | Part 3 Allow Flexible Dress Code
It is applicable for all spaces except Commercial Kitchen Spaces and Dwelling Units.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
How many points does the flexible dress code policy contribute to WELL Certification?
T04 | Part 3 Allow Flexible Dress Code
The policy contributes 1 point to WELL Certification and 0.5 points to WELL Core.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
Who must meet the flexible dress code requirements according to WELL Core Guidance?
T04 | Part 3 Allow Flexible Dress Code
The requirements must be met for direct staff.
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This information comes from Page 168-169 of the WELL V2
Radiant systems aim to enhance thermal comfort and reduce dust transmission. What are two benefits of using radiant heating and cooling systems?
They maximize the volume of space and improve ventilation control.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is the role of mean radiant temperature in thermal comfort?
It is one of the six core thermal comfort parameters, affected by a surface material’s ability to absorb or emit radiant heat.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
How do radiant heating systems function in terms of heat transfer?
They supply heat directly to surrounding surfaces (floors, walls, ceilings), increasing radiation and decreasing convection.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is a significant advantage of coupling a radiant system with an independent ventilation system?
It allows for better control of the thermal environment by separating the roles of heating/cooling and ventilation.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
How does radiant heating and cooling impact air quality?
These systems reduce the number of allergens circulated in the air, as they do not use forced air to distribute heating or cooling.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What percentage of the regularly occupied project area must be heated using radiant systems for WELL certification?
T05 | Part 1 Implement Radiant Heating
At least 50% of the regularly occupied project area.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What types of systems can be used to heat the space for this WELL feature?
T05 | Part 1 Implement Radiant Heating
Radiant ceilings, walls, floors, or radiant panels covering at least half of the wall or ceiling.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
Can steam radiators be used to meet the requirements for radiant heating?
T05 | Part 1 Implement Radiant Heating
No, steam radiators do not qualify for this feature.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum percentage of tenant-occupied area that can be excluded from the radiant heating requirement?
T05 | Part 1 Implement Radiant Heating
Up to 10% of the total area occupied by tenants can be excluded.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is the required condition for radiant panels in order to qualify for WELL certification?
T05 | Part 1 Implement Radiant Heating
Radiant panels must cover at least half of the wall or ceiling to which they are attached.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What percentage of the regularly occupied project area must be cooled using radiant systems for WELL certification?
T05 | Part 2 Implement Radiant Cooling
At least 50% of the regularly occupied project area.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What types of systems can be used to cool the space for this WELL feature?
T05 | Part 2 Implement Radiant Cooling
Radiant ceilings, walls, floors, or radiant panels covering at least half of the wall or ceiling.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
Can radiant panels that cover less than half of a wall or ceiling qualify for this feature?
T05 | Part 2 Implement Radiant Cooling
No, radiant panels must cover at least half of the wall or ceiling to qualify.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum percentage of tenant-occupied area that can be excluded from the radiant cooling requirement?
T05 | Part 2 Implement Radiant Cooling
Up to 10% of the total area occupied by tenants can be excluded.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
Is the requirement for radiant cooling applicable to all spaces in the building?
T05 | Part 2 Implement Radiant Cooling
Yes, it must be met in the whole building.
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This information comes from Page 170-171 of the WELL V2
What is the main purpose of the thermal comfort monitoring feature in WELL?
To monitor and effectively address unacceptable thermal comfort conditions and inform building managers and users of thermal comfort parameters.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What are the key thermal comfort parameters that should be monitored?
Indoor air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity, and air movement.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What negative experiences are associated with unfavorable thermal comfort conditions?
Itchy eyes, headache, and throat irritation.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
How does monitoring thermal comfort help building users?
It helps them to be aware of and promptly fix deviations in thermal comfort metrics.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
Is simply monitoring thermal comfort enough to resolve issues?
No, monitoring raises awareness but does not resolve potential thermal discomfort issues directly.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What are the requirements for thermal comfort monitors in a project?
T06 | Part 1 Monitor Thermal Environment
Sensors must be located in occupiable areas at a height of 3.6-5.6 ft (1.1-1.7 m) and 3.3 ft (1 m) away from exterior walls, doors, and significant sources of heat or cold.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
How often must measurements be taken from the thermal comfort monitors?
T06 | Part 1 Monitor Thermal Environment
Measurements must be taken at least once every 15 minutes.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What are the requirements for reporting and maintenance of thermal comfort sensors?
T06 | Part 1 Monitor Thermal Environment
Data must be submitted annually through the WELL digital platform, and sensors must be recalibrated or replaced at least every three years.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What options are available for displaying thermal environment data to occupants?
T06 | Part 1 Monitor Thermal Environment
Data can be displayed through real-time screens, a website, or a mobile application in each 3,500 ft (325 m^2) zone of regularly occupied space.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
Where must data displays be located according to WELL Core Guidance?
T06 | Part 1 Monitor Thermal Environment
Data displays must be placed in tenant-accessible areas or made available to tenants.
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This information comes from Page 172-173 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the Humidity Control feature in WELL certification?
The intent is to limit the growth of pathogens, reduce off-gassing, and maintain thermal comfort by providing the appropriate level of humidity.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What are the potential issues caused by high humidity in warm indoor spaces?
High humidity can lead to mold and fungal growth, limit the human body’s ability to cool down through sweating, and promote the growth of microbial pathogens.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What can result from cold and dry indoor spaces according to the WELL feature?
Cold and dry spaces can cause discomfort, irritation of the airways, skin, eyes, and throat, and facilitate the spread of the influenza virus.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for maintaining humidity levels in buildings with varying climates?
Buildings must maintain relative humidity within healthy and comfortable levels by adding or removing moisture from the air.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
Why is humidity important in relation to thermal comfort?
Humidity can influence the degradation of building materials and affect the ability of the human body to release heat through evaporation, impacting overall thermal comfort.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What are the options for managing relative humidity in WELL certification?
T07 | Part 1 Manage Relative Humidity
The options include: Mechanical humidity control, Humidity modeling, and Long-term humidity data.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What is the required relative humidity range for mechanical systems in all regularly occupied areas?
T07 | Part 1 Manage Relative Humidity
The mechanical system must maintain relative humidity between 30% and 60% at all times.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
How long must humidity levels be modeled or monitored to comply with WELL requirements?
T07 | Part 1 Manage Relative Humidity
Humidity levels must be between 30% and 60% for at least 98% of all business hours of the year.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What additional requirement must be met for long-term humidity data monitoring?
T07 | Part 1 Manage Relative Humidity
The project must meet Feature T06: Thermal Comfort Monitoring.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
For projects pursuing Option 1, what space access requirement is necessary?
T07 | Part 1 Manage Relative Humidity
Projects must have access to at least 10% of leased space for testing.
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This information comes from Page 174-175 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the Enhanced Operable Windows feature in WELL certification?
The intent is to provide the benefits of increased outdoor air supply while minimizing any resulting thermal discomfort.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What are the requirements for the operable windows according to this WELL feature?
Windows must be capable of being opened at different elevations to provide desired airflow at various outdoor temperatures.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What are the potential negative aspects of using operable windows?
Using operable windows may have negative effects if outdoor air is polluted or if outdoor weather is very hot or cold, potentially causing drafts in cold weather.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
How can multiple modes of window operation enhance thermal comfort?
Windows that open in multiple modes can provide thermal comfort over a variety of weather conditions.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What is the advantage of small openings near the ceiling in operable windows?
Small openings near the ceiling allow some air exchange while minimizing draft, enabling outdoor air to warm before reaching the occupants.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for the design of operable windows in this WELL feature?
T08 ? | Part 1 Provide Windows with Multiple Opening Modes
At least 70% of operable windows must be openable such that at least half of the opening is not more than 5.9 ft (1.8 m) above the finished floor, with a minimum opening dimension of 1 ft (0.3 m).
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for windows in projects equipped with heating?
T08 ? | Part 1 Provide Windows with Multiple Opening Modes
If equipped with heating, at least 30% of operable windows must be openable such that the entirety of the opening is at least 5.9 ft (1.8 m) above the finished floor.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What are the maximum height and dimensions for window operation controls?
T08 ? | Part 1 Provide Windows with Multiple Opening Modes
Controls for window operation must be positioned not more than 5.6 ft (1.7 m) above the finished floor.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What information should be provided to occupants regarding window operation?
T08 ? | Part 1 Provide Windows with Multiple Opening Modes
Instructions should indicate that low-opening windows are to be used during mild and/or warm weather, high-opening windows are for cold weather, and windows should not be opened when mechanical cooling is in operation.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What is required of all projects pursuing this feature during documentation review?
T08 ? | Part 1 Provide Windows with Multiple Opening Modes
All projects must submit the WELL beta feature implementation feedback form for every WELL beta feature pursued during documentation review.
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This information comes from Page 176-177 of the WELL V2
What is the main intent of the outdoor thermal comfort feature?
The main intent is to address the thermal comfort needs of project occupants in the exterior spaces of the project.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What phenomenon is described as leading to sustained elevated temperatures in urban areas?
The urban heat island phenomenon develops when natural features are replaced with heat-retaining structures, resulting in sustained elevated temperatures compared to surrounding areas.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What strategies can be employed to mitigate urban heat island effects?
Strategies include adding vegetation, providing shading structures, increasing the reflectance of building materials, and introducing water features.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
How much cooler can shaded surfaces be compared to unshaded surfaces?
A shaded surface can be up to 25 oC (45 oF) cooler than the peak temperature of a nearby unshaded surface.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What benefits do small water bodies provide in urban areas?
Small water bodies, such as fountains and ponds, can moderate extreme temperatures, with studies suggesting they can be 1-2oC (2-4oF) cooler compared to surrounding areas.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What is the minimum shading requirement for pedestrian pathways and building entrances?
T09 ? | Part 1 Manage Outdoor Heat
At least 50% of pedestrian pathways and building entrances must be shaded for more than half of daylight hours each day.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
How much of the parking spaces must be shaded under this feature?
T09 ? | Part 1 Manage Outdoor Heat
At least 25% of parking spaces (if present) must be shaded for more than half of daylight hours each day.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What options can be pursued for managing outdoor heat?
T09 ? | Part 1 Manage Outdoor Heat
Option 1 is outdoor shading of specific areas, while Option 2 involves temperature modeling to assess thermal perception and recommend countermeasures.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What should be included in the temperature modeling option?
T09 ? | Part 1 Manage Outdoor Heat
The highest expected measure of thermal perception for each month must be provided, along with a list of countermeasures if heat stress is assessed as moderate or more severe.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What types of countermeasures can be listed if heat stress is high?
T09 ? | Part 1 Manage Outdoor Heat
Countermeasures can include landscaping and greenery, manufactured shading systems, reflectance of manufactured surfaces, and water features.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum expected wind speed for seating areas according to the computational fluid dynamic model?
T09 ? | Part 2 Avoid Excessive Wind
Winds are not expected to exceed 11 mph (5 m/s) for more than 5% of hours in the year in seating areas.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum expected wind speed for paths and parking lots?
T09 ? | Part 2 Avoid Excessive Wind
Winds are not expected to exceed 11 mph (5 m/s) for more than 10% of hours in the year on paths and parking lots.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What is the threshold for wind speeds on paths, parking lots, or seating areas for more than 0.05% of hours?
T09 ? | Part 2 Avoid Excessive Wind
Winds are not expected to exceed 33 mph (15 m/s) on paths, parking lots, or seating areas for more than 0.05% of hours in the year.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What must be demonstrated using a computational fluid dynamic model?
T09 ? | Part 2 Avoid Excessive Wind
The model must demonstrate wind speeds not exceeding specified limits for seating areas, paths, and parking lots based on at least one day per season (i.e., per quarter).
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What guidance is provided for interior projects regarding wind requirements?
T09 ? | Part 2 Avoid Excessive Wind
Interior projects may achieve this part if the grounds of the base building meet the requirements, even if they are outside of the interior project boundary.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What features must a project achieve to support outdoor nature access?
T09 ? | Part 3 Support Outdoor Nature Access
The project must achieve Feature T09? Outdoor Thermal Comfort, Part 1 or Part 2, and Feature M09, Part 2: Provide Nature Access Outdoors.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What is the certification point value for supporting outdoor nature access?
T09 ? | Part 3 Support Outdoor Nature Access
Supporting outdoor nature access is worth 1 Pt for WELL Certification and 2 Pt for WELL Core.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What documentation is required for projects pursuing this feature?
T09 ? | Part 3 Support Outdoor Nature Access
All projects must submit the WELL beta feature implementation feedback form for every WELL beta feature pursued during documentation review.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2
What guidance is provided for meeting the requirements?
T09 ? | Part 3 Support Outdoor Nature Access
WELL Core Guidance states to meet the requirements in the whole building.
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This information comes from Page 178-180 of the WELL V2