Week 10: Mind✅ Flashcards
What is the main goal of the WELL Mind concept?
MIND > General
To promote mental health through policy, program, and design strategies.
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This information comes from Page 246-247 of the WELL V2
What percentage of the global burden of disease is attributed to mental health and substance use conditions?
MIND > General
13% of the global burden of disease and 32% of years lived with disability.
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This information comes from Page 246-247 of the WELL V2
How many deaths per year are attributable to alcohol consumption?
MIND > General
3.3 million deaths per year.
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This information comes from Page 246-247 of the WELL V2
What is the estimated annual cost of depression and anxiety to the global economy due to lost productivity?
MIND > General
$1 trillion.
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This information comes from Page 246-247 of the WELL V2
What are some strategies promoted by the WELL Mind concept to support mental health?
MIND > General
Mental health literacy, stress management programs, and design strategies such as nature contact and restorative spaces.
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This information comes from Page 246-247 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the M01 Mental Health Promotion feature?
To promote mental health and well-being through programs, policies, and resources.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What percentage of adults experience common mental health conditions over a 12-month period?
18% of adults.
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What is the estimated annual cost of depression and anxiety on the global economy due to lost productivity?
$1 trillion.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What workplace outcomes can result from failing to address mental health?
High turnover, presenteeism, absenteeism, and burnout.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What strategies can support mental health in the workplace?
Mental health literacy, stigma reduction, and mindfulness programming.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What is the requirement for promoting mental health and well-being in all spaces?
M01 | Part 1 Promote Mental Health and Well-being
At least two resources or programs must be available to employees and students at no cost.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What are some examples of resources or programs that can fulfill the requirements of Part 1.a?
M01 | Part 1 Promote Mental Health and Well-being
Education efforts on mental health, mental health training, mindfulness programming, policies on healthy working hours, or dedicated relaxation spaces.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
How often must education or awareness efforts on mental health be offered?
M01 | Part 1 Promote Mental Health and Well-being
Quarterly, either in-person or virtually.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What communication must be provided annually to regular occupants regarding mental health?
M01 | Part 1 Promote Mental Health and Well-being
Annual communication addressing all mental health benefits, resources, and programs available through the organization.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What additional communication is required for new employees?
M01 | Part 1 Promote Mental Health and Well-being
Onboarding communications about available mental health resources and programs.
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This information comes from Page 248-249 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of M02 Nature and Place?
To support occupant well-being by incorporating the natural environment and design that celebrates the project’s unique identity.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What benefits are associated with exposure to natural elements like plants and daylight?
Decreased levels of depression and anxiety, increased attentional capacity, better recovery from stress, improved pain tolerance, and enhanced psychological well-being.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
How can natural elements be incorporated into buildings?
Through direct exposure (e.g., plants), indirect exposure (e.g., window views), or representational exposure (e.g., photographs).
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What impact does nature have in workplace environments?
Improved employee morale, job satisfaction, and productivity, along with reduced absenteeism and job stress.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What role do other aesthetic elements play in this feature?
Local culture, materials, and art can help celebrate the project’s unique identity and enrich the space for occupants and visitors.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What elements must be integrated throughout the space according to M02 Part 1?
M02 | Part 1 Provide Connection to Nature
Natural materials, patterns, shapes, colors, images, or sounds.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What are the options for providing a direct connection to nature in spaces?
M02 | Part 1 Provide Connection to Nature
Plants (e.g., potted plants, plant walls), water (e.g., fountain), or nature views (e.g., outdoor or simulated views).
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
Where should the integration of natural elements occur?
M02 | Part 1 Provide Connection to Nature
In common circulation routes, shared seating areas, rooms (e.g., conference rooms), and workstations, as applicable.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What additional guidance is provided for WELL Core projects?
M02 | Part 1 Provide Connection to Nature
These requirements must be met in non-leased spaces.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What design elements must be addressed to provide a connection to place?
M02 | Part 2 Provide Connection to Place
Celebration of culture, celebration of place, integration of art, and human delight.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
How can the project celebrate culture?
M02 | Part 2 Provide Connection to Place
By integrating elements reflecting the culture of occupants, workplace, or surrounding community.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What aspects should be considered to celebrate place?
M02 | Part 2 Provide Connection to Place
Local architecture, materials, flora, or artists.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
Where should these requirements be implemented for WELL Core projects?
M02 | Part 2 Provide Connection to Place
In non-leased spaces.
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This information comes from Page 250-251 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the M03 Mental Health Services feature?
To increase awareness of mental health conditions and offer supportive workplace services and accommodations for those living with such conditions.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What percentage of people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment for mental health conditions?
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What barriers contribute to the lack of mental health treatment?
Inequity in healthcare coverage, insufficient mental health promotion, and stigma associated with mental health conditions.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
How can equitable access to mental health services benefit occupants?
It encourages care utilization, supports early diagnosis, and mitigates poor mental health outcomes.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What services are critical during and after emergencies to support mental health?
Psychological first aid, crisis counseling, and bereavement counseling.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What is required for Part 1 of M03 Mental Health Services?
M03 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Screening
A clinical screening or self-assessment screening tool for common mental health conditions available at no cost to all employees and students.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What conditions must the screening tool address?
M03 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Screening
Stress, depression, anxiety, and substance use.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
How must the screening be provided?
M03 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Screening
Confidentially, either in-person or virtually, through a licensed mental health professional, third party organization, online screening, or health insurance offering.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What must the screening include for those who screen positive or at risk?
M03 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Screening
Directed feedback, guidance on interpretation of results, and next steps.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What services must be offered as part of M03 Part 2?
M03 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Services
Clinical screening, referral to licensed mental health professionals, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and prescription medication coverage.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What must organizations commit to regarding mental health services?
M03 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Services
Mental health parity in health service coverage.
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How must information on benefits coverage be made available?
M03 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Services
Easily and confidentially available, such as through a health portal or employee website.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What support is available for benefits consultation?
M03 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Services
Confidential benefits consultation with clearly identified and qualified support staff, such as a benefits counselor or human resources representative.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What workplace accommodations must be available for employees?
M03 | Part 3 Offer Workplace Support
Sick leave for mental health needs, short- or long-term leave, increased interpersonal support, adjustment of work schedule, and adjustment of the physical environment.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What is required for employees returning from mental health leave?
M03 | Part 3 Offer Workplace Support
Phased return to work after leave.
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How should work schedules be adjusted for mental health needs?
M03 | Part 3 Offer Workplace Support
Adjustment of work schedules to support mental health needs, such as for appointments or optimal productivity.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What physical environment adjustments may support mental health?
M03 | Part 3 Offer Workplace Support
Moving a workstation, providing a quiet space, offering earplugs or headphones, increasing personal space, and allowing work from home.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What mental health services should be offered to support recovery from a traumatic event?
M03 | Part 4 ? Support Mental Health Recovery
Crisis counseling, psychological first aid training, bereavement counseling, and information on benefits coverage.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What is required for employees in response to traumatic events?
M03 | Part 4 ? Support Mental Health Recovery
Crisis counseling or trauma-focused psychotherapy and psychological first aid training for all employees or manager-level employees.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
Where must mental health services be accessible to support recovery?
M03 | Part 4 ? Support Mental Health Recovery
Services must be available on-site within 0.25 miles (400 m) of the project boundary or virtually.
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What resources should be provided for bereavement support?
M03 | Part 4 ? Support Mental Health Recovery
Bereavement counseling and materials on coping with grief, including resources for returning to work after a loss.
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This information comes from Page 252-254 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of the M04 Mental Health Education feature?
Promote mental health awareness and education through training or education offerings.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What is the impact of workplace mental health education?
It can reduce stigmatizing attitudes, improve employee mental health, and encourage earlier help-seeking.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What are the outcomes of Mental Health First Aid training?
Increased knowledge of mental health, decreased negative attitudes, and greater confidence in supporting others.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
Why is mental health education important in the workplace?
It helps recognize mental health conditions, reduces stigma, and provides appropriate support for employees.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What are the training requirements for Part 1 of M04 Mental Health Education?
M04 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Education
Trainings must be offered twice per year and cover at least two of the following topics: personal mental health, common mental health conditions, and signs of mental health distress.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What topics should be covered in the mental health education trainings?
M04 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Education
Topics should include managing personal mental health, common mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety), and signs of mental health distress (e.g., Mental Health First Aid).
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
How should the mental health education trainings be provided?
M04 | Part 1 Offer Mental Health Education
The trainings can be offered in-person or virtually, in group or individual settings, and by qualified programs (e.g., Mental Health First Aid).
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What are the training requirements for managers under Part 2 of M04 Mental Health Education?
M04 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Education for Managers
Managers must undergo annual mental health training that addresses at least three of the following topics: identifying and reducing workplace stress, recognizing common mental health conditions, supporting employee mental well-being, and recognizing employee mental health concerns.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What topics should the mental health education for managers cover?
M04 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Education for Managers
The training should cover workplace stress issues, common mental health conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety), employee well-being strategies, and recognizing mental health crises.
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
How should the mental health education for managers be provided?
M04 | Part 2 Offer Mental Health Education for Managers
The training can be provided in-person or virtually, in group or individual settings, through vendors, on-site staff, or qualified programs (e.g., Mental Health First Aid).
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This information comes from Page 255-256 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of M05 Stress Management?
The intent of M05 Stress Management is to identify stress within the workplace and create a plan for stress relief or modification.
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What are the health consequences of stress mentioned in the summary?
Stress is linked to seven of the ten leading causes of death and negative health issues such as obesity, high cholesterol, muscle tension, and migraines.
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What are some factors that increase workplace stress?
Workplace stress can be increased by factors such as low support from supervisors, lack of control over work, high demands, job insecurity, and limited opportunities for advancement.
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What are the required metrics to assess in the stress management plan?
M05 | Part 1 Develop Stress Management Plan
The project must assess at least three of the following metrics:
1. Frequency of employees working more than 48 hours per week
2. Absenteeism and use of sick days or leave
3. Employees not using allocated paid time off
4. Performance issues
5. Employee retention and turnover rates
6. Employee survey responses
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What should the stress management plan include to address employee stress?
M05 | Part 1 Develop Stress Management Plan
The plan should include opportunities for:
1. Organizational change to address stress (e.g., work environment adjustments, workload shifts, staffing changes)
2. Employee participation in decisions regarding workplace stress factors (e.g., scheduling, work processes)
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What are the implementation details required for the stress management plan?
M05 | Part 1 Develop Stress Management Plan
The plan must outline:
1. Who is leading the initiative
2. What is to be completed
3. Where and who will be impacted
4. When and how it will be implemented
5. Availability of management support
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This information comes from Page 257-258 of the WELL V2
What does the M06 Restorative Opportunities feature aim to support?
Support employee well-being by providing opportunities for recovery and restoration within and outside the workplace.
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This information comes from Page 259-261 of the WELL V2
What are the negative effects associated with long working hours and insufficient recovery opportunities?
Increased risk for stress, burnout, excessive alcohol use, poor diet, cardiovascular and immunologic reactions, and reduced sleep quality and duration.
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This information comes from Page 259-261 of the WELL V2
What are some recommended solutions to support employee recovery and well-being?
Provide opportunities for sleep, breaks throughout the workday, and sufficient paid time off. Additionally, encourage psychological detachment from work, and offer targeted interventions such as limits on working hours and schedule adjustments.
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This information comes from Page 259-261 of the WELL V2
What are the requirements for working hours under Option 1?
M06 | Part 1 Support Healthy Working Hours
A minimum of 11 consecutive hours off from work per 24-hour period and 24 consecutive hours off from work per 7-day period.
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What are the paid time off requirements under Option 2?
M06 | Part 1 Support Healthy Working Hours
A minimum of 20 days paid time off per calendar year (excluding sick days and holidays), and work and communications are discouraged during this time.
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What is the requirement for student start times under Option 3?
M06 | Part 1 Support Healthy Working Hours
The school day must start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for secondary school students.
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What is the nap policy requirement under Option 1?
M06 | Part 2 Provide Nap Policy and Space
Employees must be allowed to engage in at least one nap or rest break of at least 30 minutes during the workday, separate from meal breaks.
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What are the requirements for nap space under Option 2?
M06 | Part 2 Provide Nap Policy and Space
Access to at least one acoustically and visually separated environment in a designated quiet zone, and one fully reclining furniture option (e.g., bed, daybed, couch) for every 100 eligible employees.
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This information comes from Page 259-261 of the WELL V2
Can nap space and restorative space be combined?
M06 | Part 2 Provide Nap Policy and Space
Yes, one room can be used as both nap space (M06) and restorative space (M07), but both feature requirements must be met.
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This information comes from Page 259-261 of the WELL V2
What is the primary purpose of restorative spaces in the workplace?
To promote restoration and relief from mental fatigue and stress by allowing individuals to recharge and refocus.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What issues are associated with prolonged workplace fatigue?
Prolonged fatigue is linked to decreased mental acuity, deficits in motivation, irritability, and psychological distress caused by prolonged exposure to stress.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
How do restorative spaces benefit employees?
They help alleviate workplace fatigue, reduce stress and mental fatigue, support focus, and enhance overall mental well-being.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What is the impact of incorporating natural elements into restorative spaces?
Exposure to nature is associated with decreased diastolic blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, as well as increased attentional capacity and better recovery from job stress.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
Can restorative spaces accommodate diverse needs?
Yes, they can support individuals of various beliefs, religions, and traditions, providing spaces for activities like prayer and meditation.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What is the size requirement for a restorative space?
M07 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Space
At least 75 ft^2 (7 m^2) plus 1 ft^2 (0.1 m^2) per regular occupant, up to a maximum of 2,000 ft^2 (186 m^2).
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What are restorative spaces designated for?
M07 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Space
Relaxation and restoration, not for work.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
How many elements must a restorative environment include, and provide examples?
M07 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Space
At least five elements, such as lighting, sound, thermal comfort, seating arrangements, and nature incorporation.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What resources must be included in a restorative space?
M07 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Space
Signage, educational materials, or other resources explaining the purpose and intended use of the space.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What is required if the restorative space is only provided outdoors?
M07 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Space
It must be functional year-round.
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This information comes from Page 262-263 of the WELL V2
What is the primary intent of the Restorative Programming feature?
To support ongoing programming focused on relaxation, restoration, or mindfulness for occupants.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What are some benefits of introducing mindfulness into the workplace?
Lower employee stress, improved focus, clarity of thinking, decision-making, and emotional intelligence.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
How does mindfulness meditation impact employees?
It helps reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, while improving mood and sleep quality.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) known for?
Reducing symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and enhancing self-esteem, mood, and coping with health problems like chronic pain and fatigue.
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How do mindfulness-based practices benefit employers?
By improving employee focus and productivity and reducing employer costs through better overall health and well-being.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What are the requirements for restorative programming under M08 Part 1?
M08 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Programming
Offer at least two options to all eligible employees at no cost or subsidized by at least 50%.
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What is required for the mindfulness training course?
M08 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Programming
It must be offered live, in-person or virtually, at least twice a year by a qualified instructor and cover mindfulness definition, research, formal, and informal practices.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What is an example of mindfulness programming offered weekly?
M08 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Programming
Live sessions such as guided meditation or yoga, provided at least once a week in a designated quiet zone.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What must be included in digital mindfulness offerings?
M08 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Programming
Employees must have unlimited access to at least one digital mindfulness tool and a designated quiet zone.
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What is a formal mindfulness practice taught in courses?
M08 | Part 1 Provide Restorative Programming
Mindfulness meditation or yoga postures.
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This information comes from Page 264-265 of the WELL V2
What is the intent of M09 Enhanced Access to Nature?
To support access to nature by incorporating natural elements into interior and exterior design and providing views of and access to nearby nature.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What are the benefits of exposure to plants and natural elements?
Decreased diastolic blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, increased attentional capacity and psychological well-being, and improved job satisfaction and recovery from stress.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
How does the incorporation of water into built spaces affect occupants?
It can relieve stress, promote satisfaction, and enhance performance.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What are the mental health benefits of access to outdoor green spaces?
Improved mental recovery from stress and fatigue, and lower levels of anxiety and depression.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What relationship has been found with exposure to indoor nature?
A dose-response relationship, where increased workday nature contact is linked to reduced job stress, health complaints, and sickness absence.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What does M09 Part 1 require for providing nature access indoors?
M09 | Part 1 Provide Nature Access Indoors
The project must include indoor plants, water features, or views of natural areas like green or blue spaces.
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What percentage of workstations and seating areas must have a direct line of sight to natural elements?
M09 | Part 1 Provide Nature Access Indoors
At least 75%.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum distance allowed between workstations and natural elements?
M09 | Part 1 Provide Nature Access Indoors
Within 33 ft (10 m).
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Are there restrictions on water features in certain settings?
M09 | Part 1 Provide Nature Access Indoors
Yes, water features that produce water aerosols cannot be installed in hospitals, healthcare settings, or senior living facilities.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What is the WELL Core Guidance for M09 Part 1?
M09 | Part 1 Provide Nature Access Indoors
Meet the requirements for the whole building.
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What does M09 Part 2 require for outdoor nature access?
M09 | Part 2 Provide Nature Access Outdoors
Outdoor space or nearby nature access must be provided.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What is the minimum size for outdoor space access?
M09 | Part 2 Provide Nature Access Outdoors
At least 5% of the project interior area, with 70% including plants or natural elements as viewed from above.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What is the maximum walk distance for nearby nature access?
M09 | Part 2 Provide Nature Access Outdoors
Within 650 ft (200 m) of the project boundary.
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What is the minimum size for combined green space for nearby nature access?
M09 | Part 2 Provide Nature Access Outdoors
At least 1.25 acre (0.5 hectare).
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What does Option 2 for outdoor nature access encourage?
M09 | Part 2 Provide Nature Access Outdoors
Occupants are encouraged through signage, maps, or breaks during the workday to visit outdoor nature.
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This information comes from Page 266-267 of the WELL V2
What is the main intent of the M10 Tobacco Cessation feature?
To reduce tobacco use through interventions that support cessation and prevent sale and advertisement of tobacco products.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
How does tobacco use affect employees in the workplace?
Employees who smoke incur greater absences, take more sick days, and have higher healthcare costs than non-smokers.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What is the role of employers in supporting tobacco cessation?
Employers can provide counseling and medication, worksite-based incentives and competitions, and restrict the sale of tobacco to support employee cessation.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What is a key strategy for preventing tobacco use?
Restricting the sale of tobacco on-site is a key strategy for curbing use and supporting those trying to quit.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What is the global impact of tobacco use?
Tobacco is responsible for an estimated 6 million deaths per year globally, including 890,000 deaths from second-hand smoke.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What does the tobacco cessation incentive program focus on?
M10 | Part 1 Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources
The program focuses on increasing motivation or action to quit, or maintaining quit efforts.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What types of resources are available to support tobacco cessation?
M10 | Part 1 Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources
Resources include quit lines, tobacco cessation counseling, and prescription or over-the-counter nicotine replacement products.
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How are incentives provided in a tobacco cessation program?
M10 | Part 1 Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources
Incentives or rewards such as financial payments or lottery prizes are given for participation in quit efforts or success in abstaining from tobacco use.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What types of professionals can provide tobacco cessation counseling?
M10 | Part 1 Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources
Counseling can be provided by tobacco cessation specialists, qualified professionals, or community groups in individual or group settings.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What types of nicotine replacement products are included in tobacco cessation resources?
M10 | Part 1 Provide Tobacco Cessation Resources
The resources may include prescription medications, nicotine inhalers, nasal sprays, gum, patches, and lozenges.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What is prohibited in buildings where retail products are sold?
M10 | Part 2 Limit Tobacco Availability
The sale of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, is prohibited within the building site.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What must not be marketed or promoted within the building site?
M10 | Part 2 Limit Tobacco Availability
Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, must not be marketed or promoted.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
Which spaces need to meet the requirements for limiting tobacco availability?
M10 | Part 2 Limit Tobacco Availability
These requirements apply to retail spaces where products are sold on a daily basis within the building site.
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This information comes from Page 268-269 of the WELL V2
What percentage of global deaths is attributed to harmful alcohol use annually?
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What percentage of the global burden of disease was caused by harmful alcohol use in 2014?
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What is the estimated proportion of social costs of alcohol due to lost productivity?
Approximately half
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
How many people aged 15–64 used illicit drugs in 2013?
246 million
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What is the cost-saving ratio for each dollar invested in screening and brief counseling interventions for substance use?
Approximately $4 in healthcare costs saved
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What is required under Option 1: Substance use policy?
M11 | Part 1 Offer Substance Use Education
A policy regarding alcohol and legal recreational drug use on-site that is clearly communicated to all regular occupants.
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What are the three main topics covered in substance use education under Option 2?
M11 | Part 1 Offer Substance Use Education
1. Management of personal substance use (safe habits, signs of dependency, health risks).
2. Prescription opioid education (questions at prescribing, safe use, risks, signs of addiction).
3. Responding to a peer struggling with substance use (supporting recovery, addressing emergencies).
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
How often must substance use education be offered to regular occupants?
M11 | Part 1 Offer Substance Use Education
At least once per year
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
In what formats can substance use education be provided?
M11 | Part 1 Offer Substance Use Education
In-person or virtually, in group or individual settings, through various providers (e.g., vendors, on-site staff, health plans).
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
For WELL Core, who must the substance use education requirements apply to?
M11 | Part 1 Offer Substance Use Education
Direct staff
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What substance use and addiction services must be provided to all eligible employees at no cost or subsidized?
M11 | Part 2 Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
1. Clinical screening and referral to licensed mental health professionals and support resources.
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
What organizational commitment is required under this feature?
M11 | Part 2 Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
Commitment to mental health parity in health service coverage.
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
How must information about substance use services and benefits be made available?\
M11 | Part 2 Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
Easily and confidentially accessible (e.g., via a health portal or employee website).
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
Who should provide confidential benefits consultation?
M11 | Part 2 Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
Clearly identified and qualified support staff, such as a benefits counselor or HR representative.
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2
For WELL Core, to whom must these requirements apply?
M11 | Part 2 Provide Substance Use and Addiction Services
Direct staff
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This information comes from Page 270-272 of the WELL V2