Week 5 Objectives Flashcards
Give an example of an animal health emergency response team a practicing veterinarian could be a part of and how would they become part of the team?
My example:
NVRT (national veterinary response team) - would need to apply and get accepted into the program
Why must veterinarians be part of a recognized emergency response team when assisting with an animal health emergency rather than just showing up to help?
Veterinarians should be trained and aware of the health/safety risks involved and also be able to work with the team as an organized unit
If they just show up they can cause problems or get in the way
Who is in the command staff of the incident command system?
Incident commander, liason, safety, public information
What sections is the general staff composed of in the incident command system?
planning section, operations section, finance/admin section, logistics section
Typically where are veterinarians working in the incident command system?
operations section
What are the three branches of the operations section?
disease surveillance branch, disease management branch, and disease support branch
What does the disease surveillance branch do?
mortality surveillance, diagnosis and inspection, vaccination
What does the disease management branch do?
depopulation/euthanasia, disposal, cleaning and disinfection
What does the disease support branch do?
vector control, biosecurity and disease prevention, animal movement and permits
What influenza A types infect birds?
H1-H16, N1-N9
What hemagglutinin types do HPAI viruses almost always have?
H5 or H7
Which HPAI subtypes played a role in the HPAI outbreak in the US?
H5N8, H5N1, H5N2
Which subtype was the main virus in the 2015 outbreak in the Midwestern US?
Where, when, and how did the HPAI outbreak (2015) occur in the US?
Scientists believe that the HPAI H5N8 virus was carried to Alaska by infected migratory waterfowl migrating on the East Asia/Australia flyway
How is HPAI transmitted and what species are involved?
It is shed in feces. fecal contamination and contact leads to disease
Turkeys, chickens, and wild fowl/birds (reservoir hosts)
What challenges arose in responding to the 2015 HPAI outbreak?
The logistics of depopulating a facility, disposing of carcasses, and cleaning and disinfecting the barns were initially beyond the capabilities of industry, state, and federal responders
What was the economic impact of the 2015 HPAI outbreak?
1.2 billion dollars was spent
Thousands of poultry workers were laid off
Affiliated businesses were also affected
What are some positive outcomes relating to preparedness plans and efforts have resulted from the 2015 HPAI outbreak?
The USDA has enhanced its HPAI preparedness and response planning efforts
The USDA has also developed additional guidance documents to help producers and states prepare for HPAI viruses