Week 5 Homework - Urinary Flashcards
Identify the equation that is correctly setup to calculate the net filtration pressure at the kidney.
a. NFP = HPg - (OPg + HPc)
b. NFP = OPg - (HPc + HPg)
c. NFP = HPg - (HPc - OPg)
d. NFP = HPc - (OPg + HPg)
NFP = HPg - (OPg + HPc)
What is an ACCURATE statement regarding the relationship between environmental temperature and kidney function?
a. In warm temperature more urine is produced.
b. In cold temperature less filtration occurs.
c. People are more likely to experience a heart attack while performing physical activity in summer due to high systemic blood pressure from peripheral vasoconstriction in response to environmental temperature than when being physically active in cold temperatures.
d. In hot environments peripheral vasodilation reduces blood flow to the renal system.
e. None of the listed options are accurate.
In hot environments peripheral vasodilation reduces blood flow to the renal system.
Which of the following statements is NOT true for the hormone ADH?
a. ADH will decrease the amount of urine produced.
b. ADH will lead to an increase in plasma volume.
c. ADH secretion can be stimulated due to high blood pressure.
d. The actions of ADH will eventually impact the osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus via negative feedback.
e. ADH will lead to a decrease in osmolality of the blood
ADH secretion can be stimulated due to high blood pressure.
What is the DIFFERENCE between the lowest and the highest solute concentration in the extracellular fluid within the kidney (compare cortex to medulla)?
a. 300 mOsm.
b. 700 mOsm.
c. 900 mOsm.
d. 500 mOsm.
e. 1200 mOsm.
900 mOsm (1200-300)
What structure acts as the countercurrent exchanger within the kidney?
a. Proximal convoluted tubule.
b. Vasa recta.
c. Loop of Henle.
d. Peritubular capillary.
e. Collecting duct.
Vasa recta
What term specifically refers to inflammation of the urinary bladder?
a. Glomerulonephritis.
b. Cystitis.
c. Pyelonephritis.
d. Pyelitis.
e. Nephritis.
What condition is associated with leukocytes in the urine?
a. Hematuria.
b. Albuminuria.
c. Acetonuria.
d. Pyuria.
e. Glycosuria.
Pyuria (white blood cells/pus)
Diagnose the Acid-Base condition. pH = 7.47, pCO2 = 33, and HCO3- = 20.
a. Partially compensated metabolic alkalosis.
b. Partially compensated respiratory alkalosis.
c. Fully compensated respiratory alkalosis.
d. Uncompensated respiratory alkalosis.
e. Fully compensated metabolic alkalosis.
Partially compensated respiratory alkalosis
What specific component of the kidney does ADH act upon? Study the diagram from lecture about ADH for help!
a. Collecting ducts.
b. Loop of Henle.
c. Distal convoluted tubule.
d. Proximal convoluted tubule.
e. Glomerulus.
Collecting ducts
What form of nitrogenous waste is most toxic?
a. Urea.
b. Amino acids.
c. Ammonia.
d. Uric acid.
What form of nephron activity is associated with moving a solute from a peritubular capillary into the tubule?
a. Secretion.
b. Collection.
c. Urine concentration.
d. Reabsorption.
e. Filtration.
What condition is associated with plasma proteins in the urine?
a. Albuminuria.
b. Pyuria.
c. Glycosuria.
d. Acetonuria.
e. Hematuria.
Albuminuria (albumin is protein)
What factor of the net filtration pressure equation in the kidneys helps to pull fluid from the capsule back into the glomerulus?
a. HPg.
b. HPc.
c. OPg.
In addition to Bowman’s capsule, what other component is part of the renal corpuscle?
a. Collecting duct.
b. Glomerulus.
c. Loop of Henle.
d. Renal medulla.
e. Renal cortex.
What is a normal blood pressure value for the glomerulus? Keep in mind that most body capillaries have a pressure from 15-20 mmHg.
a. 55 mmHg.
b. 15-20 mmHg.
c. 25-30 mmHg.
d. 0-10 mmHg.
e. 35-45 mmHg.
55 mmHg
Select the list that places the components of the urinary pathway from first to last. Fluid to be filtered will enter the…
a. Nephron, glomerulus, renal pelvis, calyces, urethra, bladder, ureter.
b. Glomerulus, nephron, renal pelvis, calyces, urethra, bladder, ureter.
c. Calyces, nephron, glomerulus, renal pelvis, urethra, bladder, ureter.
d. Glomerulus, nephron, calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra.
e. Nephron, glomerulus, calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra.
Nephron, glomerulus, calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra.
Which layer associated with the kidney is most superficial?
a. Renal fascia.
b. Renal capsule.
Renal fascia
Where are the renal pyramids located within the kidney?
a. Renal pelvis.
b. Renal medulla.
c. Renal calyces.
d. Renal cortex.
Renal medulla
Diuretics and other health conditions can have a variety of impacts on the kidneys. Identify the one option that would DECREASE urine production.
a. Inhibit release of ADH.
b. Decrease blood osmotic pressure.
c. Hypoaldosteronism.
d. Inhibit reabsorption of sodium ions.
e. Decrease systemic blood pressure.
Decrease systemic blood pressure
What net filtration pressure is a normal value for the kidneys?
a. 40 mmHg.
b. 0 mmHg.
c. 10 mmHg.
d. 20 mmHg.
e. 30 mmHg.
Consider a specific substance that has been reabsorbed by the nephron to a maximal degree, but some of the substance still remains in filtrate and then shows up in the urine. What term helps describe this concept?
a. Tubular maximum.
b. Secretion.
c. Reabsorption maximum.
d. Membrane transport maximum.
e. Filtration maximum.
Tubular maximum
Podocytes are a component associated with what other structure to create filtration slits.
a. Proximal convoluted tubule.
b. Loop of Henle.
c. Distal convoluted tubule.
d. Glomerulus.
e. Collecting duct.
If osmotic pressure in the glomerulus is 31, hydrostatic pressure in capsule is 14, and hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus is 49 calculate the net filtration pressure.
a. 10 mmHg.
b. 4 mmHg.
c. 6 mmHg.
d. 18 mmHg.
e. 32 mmHg.
4 mmHg.
HPg - (OPg +HPc)
Identify the two components that are associated to create the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) that monitor composition of the filtrate.
a. Afferent arteriole and the distal convoluted tubule.
b. Afferent arteriole and the proximal convoluted tubule.
c. Peritubular capillaries and collecting duct.
d. Glomerulus and collecting duct.
e. Efferent arteriole and the collecting duct.
Afferent arteriole and the distant convoluted tubule
What coloration of urine may be associated with cirrhosis of the liver or urobilinogen in the urine? Look this up from the urinalysis lecture (you do not need to memorize these colorations for exams).
a. Red amber.
b. Red brown.
c. Milky.
d. Brown green.
Red amber
Consider the blood flow through the kidney. What blood vessel comes after the segmental artery in the kidney blood supply?
a. Interlobar artery.
b. Arcuate artery.
c. Cortical radiate artery.
d. Interlobar vein.
e. Renal artery
Interlobar artery
Diagnose the Acid-Base condition. pH = 7.36, pCO2 = 33, and HCO3- = 20.
a. Partially compensated metabolic acidosis.
b. Fully compensated metabolic acidosis.
c. Fully compensated respiratory acidosis.
d. Uncompensated respiratory acidosis.
e. Partially compensated respiratory acidosis.
Fully compensated metabolic acidosis.
Identify the list that correctly separates solutes into those that are commonly secreted versus those that are commonly reabsorbed.
a. Commonly reabsorbed = NH4+, H+. Commonly secreted = Na+, K+, H2O.
b. Commonly reabsorbed = Na+, K+, H2O. Commonly secreted = NH4+, H+.
c. Commonly reabsorbed = Na+ K+. Commonly secreted = H2O, NH4+, H+.
d. Commonly reabsorbed = K+, NH4+, H+. Commonly secreted = Na+, H2O.
e. Commonly reabsorbed = Na+, H2O. Commonly secreted = K+, NH4+, H+.
Commonly reabsorbed = Na+, H2O. Commonly secreted = K+, NH4+, H+.
Identify the one TRUE statement regarding the hormone aldosterone. Study the diagram from the lecture about Aldosterone for help!
a. Aldosterone is released when blood K+ is low in concentration.
b. Aldosterone is released from the adrenal medulla.
c. Aldosterone acts only on the proximal convoluted tubule in the kidney.
d. Aldosterone can eventually be produced when Renin is released from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in response to low systemic blood pressure.
e. Aldosterone leads to vasodilation in the peripheral blood vessels.
Aldosterone can eventually be produced when Renin is released from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in response to low systemic blood pressure.
If a patient has an acid-base imbalance that is ‘partially compensated’ what statement MUST apply to their condition?
a. Both pCO2 and HCO3- is outside of normal range, but pH is normal.
b. The pH is outside of normal range, and either HCO3-, or pCO2 is off, but not both HCO3- and pCO2 values are outside of normal range.
c. All three values are outside of normal range (pH, HCO3-, and pCO2).
d. The pH value is outside of normal range, but all other values (HCO3- and pCO2) are normal.
All three values are outside of normal range (pH, HCO3-, and pCO2).
Select the option that ranks nitrogenous wastes based upon how much energy it takes to produce them from highest to lowest.
a. Urea - ammonia - uric acid.
b. Urea - uric acid - ammonia.
c. Ammonia - urea - uric acid.
d. Uric acid - urea - ammonia.
Uric acid - urea - ammonia
What region of the spinal column are the kidneys located within?
a. Thoracic vertebrae 10 to lumbar vertebrae 5.
b. Thoracic vertebrae 12 to lumbar vertebrae 3.
c. Lumbar vertebrae 1-5.
d. Thoracic vertebrae 5-8.
Thoracic vertebrae 12 to lumbar vertebrae 3
What structure acts as the countercurrent multiplier within the kidney?
a. Proximal convoluted tubule.
b. Peritubular capillary.
c. Collecting duct.
d. Loop of Henle.
e. Vasa recta.
Loop of Henle.
During respiratory acidosis what is ONE action that should NOT occur?
a. Secrete acid.
b. Reabsorb H+.
c. Reabsorb HCO3-.
d. Secrete NH4+.
Reabsorb H+.
Which sphincter of the urinary system is under autonomic nervous system control?
a. External sphincter.
b. Internal sphincter.
Internal (autonomic)
External (somatic)
What alteration (through disease or normal response) will elevate both net filtration pressure and glomerular filtration rate?
a. Sympathetic nervous system control during fight or flight.
b. Kidney disease.
c. Hemorrhage.
Kidney disease.
What form of nephron activity is driven by the hydrostatic pressure of the glomerulus?
a. Urine concentration.
b. Filtration.
c. Collection.
d. Secretion.
e. Reabsorption.