WEEK 5 Flashcards
Language and Literacy
What is language?
- Symbolic communication
- Social/ Intellectual
-Written/ Sign/ Spoken
- perception and production of sounds in language
- Phonemes = smallest unit of sound
Chomsky and Halle (1968)
- Rules govern combination
- Graphemes = smallest unit of text
SEMANTICS (meanings)
- Morphemes: smallest meaningful unit
PRAGMATICS (non-linguistic)
- considers communicative function
-adjusting language for context - perspective taking, intonation and prosody
Stages of language development
- Prelinguistic: newborn
newborn: reflexive vocalisations
1month: discriminate virtually all phonemes
2-3months: coo, smile, laugh
Stages of Language development:
Prelinguistic: Year 1
4-6 months: babbling, echolalia
- pragmatics
- turn-taking
6-9 months: canonical babbling, reduplicated babbling
9-12 months: modulated babbling, dyadic > triadic interaction
- pointing
- comprehension of simple instructions
First Words
- comprehension precedes production
- first word around 1yo
- vocab development, 1-3 words per months > 10-20 words per week
- Holophrases: 12-18 months
- 2 word utterances: 1-2 yrs
- 3 word utterances: 2-3 yrs
Logical errors
Theories of language acquisition:
Skinner: Behaviourist
Chomsky: Nativist
= Interactionist
Nature- Nurture debate:
Nativists: Chomsky, Pinker
-only human
-Universal grammar’
-Innate Capacity
-“Language Acquisition Device” (Chomsky)
Behaviourists: Skinner
- Different languages, dialects, accents
-Imitation and Reinforcement
Nativist VS Behaviourist
-Innate desire to communicate
FOR: Universal properties of language
AGAINST: Understates complexity
FOR: Learned behaviour, environmental effects evident
AGAINST: Understates developmental achievement
Literacy: Ability to read and write
- written language
- develops after spoken
-Not all humans acquire (easily) - Requires explicit education
-Development = matching written to spoken
Stage Models:
- Logographic: pre-school
- smaller misread as yellow
Literacy development
- Alphabetic stage (5+ years)
- Convert to known spoken words
- Dependent on knowledge of phonology
Literacy Development
- Orthographic stage (8+ yrs)
-vocab development from text
Piaget: Literacy Development
- Sensori-motor stage: birth- 2 years
- no/ limited language skills
- sensory exploration of the world
Preoperational stage: 2-7/8 years
- rapid language development
- categorise with words
Concrete Operational stage: 7-12 years
- use concrete objects to think about abstract concepts
Formal Operational: 12- adult
- Use language in an abstract way
- proposed 4 key components linking reading to development of oral language skills
- Observation
-observe literacy behaviours from others - Collaboration
- interact with others - Practice
- Practice alone, increase independency - Performance
- share new reading skills with those who support them
Relationship between spoken and written language
- Bi-directional relationship
-Exposure to different language forms - Metalinguistic development (language as an object of thought)