WEEK 3 Flashcards
cognitive development
5 domains of development:
- Physical
Age Periods: Prenatal; infancy; early childhood; middle childhood; adolescence
Piaget (1896-1980)
- First to propose a theory of cognitive development
-Cognitive development; how a child learns to think/ use language
Development of the theory:
-children’s thinking different from adult thinking
- children of similar ages make similar mistakes
- proposed cognitive development occurs in stages
- constructivist theory: child has an active role
Key aspects of Piagetian theory:
- Schemas
Piaget’s stage theory
4 main stages:
1. Sensori-motor
2. Pre-operational
3. Concrete operational
4. Formal operational
- Sensori-motor stage
-Learns through sense
-Learns through reflexes
- Manipulates materials
-Thought and language begins
- Pre-operational stage
2years- 7 years
-Ideas based on perception
-Over-generalise based on limited experience
-Focus on one variable at a time; ‘centration’
- Yet to acquire logical thinking
Pre-operational stage behaviours
- Egocentrism
- Rigidity of thought
- Limited social cognition
-Become more imaginative
-Display animism
- Concrete operational stage
7years-12 years
- Form ideas based on reasoning
- Limit thinking to objects and familiar events
-can conserve
- no longer egocentric
- Formal operational stage
12 years +
- Think conceptually
-Think hypothetically
-Abstract thought
-Applying logic
-Advanced problem solving
Object Permanence
*Understanding about objects’ existence
Objects tied to infants awareness of them
Piaget: changes in cog development areas
- Appearance reality distinction
- Spatial cognition
-Class inclusion
-Transitive inferences
-Perspective taking
- Piaget influential in educational psychology and schooling
-child-centred learning
-Children can only learn when at the right stage - child learns alone ‘ little scientist’
Problems with Piaget
- Experimental concerns: three mountains, conservation tasks
- Theoretical concerns: socio-cultural critiques (Vygotsky, Bruner)
+inspirational insights into cog development
- lack of detail about pp’s or success rates
- Fails to explain why transition occurs
- Overlooks cultural factors involved in change