week 5 Flashcards
Cognitive representations of who one is, that is the ideas or images that one has
about oneself, how and why one behaves; partially conscious and partially unconscious or inferred in a given situation; dynamic, multifaceted/context-specific
Independent and Interdependent construal of the self – Markus & Kitayama
* the self as a bounded entity, clearly
separated from relevant others
* be unique and expressive, realize
and actualize the inner, and promote personal goals
* most salient self-relevant
information relates to attributes
thought to be stable, constant, and
intrinsic to the self
* abilities, goals, attitudes, and
perceived rights
* view of self as an unbounded, flexible, contingent on context; fundamental connectedness among people.
* focus on their interdependent
status with others and strive to
meet or even create duties,
obligations, and social responsibilities
* most salient aspects of the self
(shown by bold Xs) are defined in
* features of the self associated with
and inseparable from specific social
Different Contexts of the Self
- At home with family
- At a restaurant with friends
- In public with strangers
Different Domains of the Self
- Physical
- Moral
- Personal
- Family
- Social
- Work
- Academic
the cognitive and affective evaluations we make about ourselves
=a collection of psychological processes by which individuals maintain or
enhance their self-esteem (universal)
example: most people rate themselves ‘above avarage’when asked to rate their abilities and rate others as ‘below avarage’
=tendency to downplay one’s virtues (more common in collectivistic cultures)
(someone who is shy and likes to stay out of the spotlight.)
Terror management theory
because humans are aware and terrified of their inevitable death,
they create psychological phenomena as a buffer against the terror of dying
(people feel threatened by their own death and therefore adopt worldviews that allow them to find meaning and worth in their lives.)
Better-than-average effect
false uniqueness, underestimating the commonality of desirable traits and to overestimate their uniqueness
Mutual self-enhancement
=self-enhancement that is achieved through the giving and receiving
of compliments between partners in close relationships
Enhancement may occur on different traits, explicitly or implicitly, or in different contexts
Tactical self-enhancement
people of different cultures all self-enhance, but they choose to do it
in different ways
Types of identities
- personal identity
- collective identity
- relational identity
personal identity
qualities and attributes that distinguish onseself form others
relational identity
ourselves in relation to others
types of collective identity