week 12 Flashcards
High power distance
hierarchical organizations; they develop rules, mechanisms, and rituals that serve to maintain and strengthen
status and power dynamics among members;
Low power distance
more egalitarian organizations, minimizing rules and customs.
Hofstede –> four (classic) dimensions
- individualism / collectivism
2.power distance
3.masculinity / femininity - uncertainty avoidance
Uncertainty Avoidance:
highly refined rules and rituals vs. a more relaxed attitude concerning uncertainty and ambiguity and mandate
fewer rules and rituals for their employees.
Masculinity versus Femininity:
value success, money, and achievements vs. prioritize nurturing and caring of its members over money and achievement
Long- versus Short-Term Orientation
focus on building relationships
and market position vs. short-term, bottom-line profits
Indulgence versus Restraint
relatively freer gratification (bevrediging) of basic and natural human desires
suppress the gratifications of such desires and regulate through stricter social norms
Criticism of Hofstede’s cultural values:
Minkov, 2017
(4 questions)
- Do IBM employees represent national culture? Do the values replicate with other groups and the general public?
- Does the questionnaire measure the values well?
- Is the cultural variation meaningful?
- Ecological fallacy: Some caution with interpretation
Criticism 1: do IBM employees represent national culture? Do the values replicate with other groups?
Whole model doesn’t replicate
* Several FAILED attempts to replicate
the whole model with other professional groups e.g. pilots or with representative samples
* What replicates: Individualism-collectivism and Power distance
* What doesn’t replicate: Uncertainty
avoidance and masculinity-femininity +
2 dimensions added to revised model
Why not?
* IBM employees more or less
representative of the population in
different countries
* Original studies 50 years ago, cultures
Companies higher on collectivism value company policies more, conformity, unit behavior, harmony within groups. More individualistic foster less sacrifice for the group and prioritize individual goals, wishes, desires
Hofstede –>* Leaders in high power distance culture….
- Tend to be autocratic or paternalistic in their decision making and interactional style
- Close supervision positively evaluated by subordinates.
Hofstede –> Leaders in low power distance cultures …
- Participative and consensual
- Close supervision negatively evaluated by subordinates.
Decision-making across cultures - Hofstede: individualistic and collectivistic
- Individualistic: Individual decisions are considered better than group decisions.
- Collectivistic: Group decisions are considered better than individual
Decision-making across cultures - Hofstede: Low power distance and high power distance
- Low power distance: managers are seen as making decisions after consulting with subordinates, and informal employee consultation is
very possible. - High power distance: managers are seen as making decisions autocratically and paternalistically.
: Organizational structure where rule- or decision-making power is held by few