Week 4 - F - Sleep, Narcolepsy (parinsons association), Parasomnia, hypersomnolence Flashcards
a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost. It involves a complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli. Is this describing sleep or unconsciousness?
This is describing someone who is unconscious Consciousness is an awareness of self and the environment Coma/unconsciousness is opposite even when stimulated It is clear that sleep lies in between as they can be awoken by an external stimulus
Is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or non rapid eye moment (non REM) sleep a deep sleep?
Non-REM sleep is a deep sleep
How much of sleep for young adults is nonREM sleep? Is there more non-REM sleep at the beginning or end of the night?
3/4 of sleep for young adults is non REM sleep There is more non REM sleep at the start of the night
At what time of the night does rapid eye movement occur? Is there an increased blood flow in REM sleep or non-REM sleep?
REM sleep mostly occurs at the end of the night There is an increased cerebral blood flow in rapid eye movement sleep
Atonic muscles occur in rapid eye movement sleep, which muscles are not atonic? Which state of sleeping do dreams occur in? (narrative dreaming)
The extraocular muscles and the diaphragm are the muscles that do not become atonic Dreaming occurs in rapid eye movement sleep
Which of the following physiological responses does not occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep? a) blood flow to the brain is increased b) muscle paralysis normally occurs c) breathing is more irregular d) pulse become slower and more regular e) metabolic rate increases
Answer: d) in non-REM sleep, the pulse becomes slower and more regular, not REM sleep

Deep sleep (NREM sleep (non-rapid eye movement)) is essential sleep as it allows the cortex to recover after a busy day What common drugs can suppress the rapid eye movement sleep hence a deeper sleep? (give an example of one of the drugs)
Tricylics suppress rapid eye movement sleep Amitriptyline is an example of a trcicylic anti-depressant
How many hours per day do neonates spend sleeping? What percentage of this is REM sleep?
Spend 16 hours per day sleeping of which 50% is in REM sleep - rapid eye movement sleep may stimulate the brain in neonates
Biology and physiology control sleep, not psychology What two hormones are important in the sleep cycle?
Cortisol and melatonin (melatonin is more specifically for sleep) are the two sleep hormone
Where is melatonin synthesised?
Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland

What is the blue arrow pointing to?

The blue arrow points to the tectum (corpora quadrigemina)

Cortisol values vary over a 24 hour period, when are cortisol levels high and when are they low?
Cortisol levels are low throughout the night (sleep) and levels increase to peak around 8 in the morning before gradually declining throughout the day

How long does the normal circadian rhythm last? What is the nucleus in the hypothalamus that is responsible for controlling circadian rhythms? Light controls the body clock as the retinal ganglion cells project information back to this nucleus
Normal circadian rhythm actually lasts 25 hours This is the suprachiasmatic nucleus - situated in the hypothalamus directly above the optic chiasm

Protein synthesis occurs in which part of the sleep cycle?
Protein synthesis occurs in the non-REM part of the sleep cycle
What percentage of road traffic accidents attended by police are sleep related?
About 10% of road traffic accidents attended by police are sleep related
Most studies suggest how much sleep per night is enough? How long is a 15 minute mid afternoon nap equivalent to overnight?
Most studies suggest 7-7.5 hours of sleep per night is enough a 15 minute mid afternoon nap is the equivalent to 90 minutes of overnight sleep
Two different types of sleeping disorder are parasomnias and narcolepsy Parasomnias are a category of sleep disorders that involve abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, and dreams that occur while falling asleep, sleeping, between sleep stages, or during arousal from sleep Which parasomnias are associated with dreams and occur in the latter third of the night?
Rapid eye movement parasomnias (REM parasomnias)
In rapid eye movement parasomnia, there muscle atonia is absent and therefore individuals are able to carry out thier dreams and can hurt themeselves What usually happens in non-REM parasomnias?
Sleep walking Non dreaming Sleep terrors and paralysis Restless elgs
Narcolepsy is a rare long-term brain disorder that causes a person to suddenly fall asleep at inappropriate times. The lack of which brain chemical which regulates wakefulness will cause narcolepsy?
The lack of the chemical hypocretin (also known as orexin) regulates wakefulness and is present in smaller amounts in narcolepsy
What diseases is narcolepsy associated with?
Has an association with Parkinson’s disease
What are the symptoms of narcolepsy?
Daytime sleepineesss Sudden loss of voluntary muscle tone triggered by strong emotions
What two tests can be useful in diagnosing narcolepsy?
Overnight polysomnography and Lumbar puncutre to measure the hypocretin (orexin) levels (expect the levels to be lower)
What is hypersomnolence?
This is another word for hypersomnia “hyper” means more, and “somnia” means sleep; together they mean more sleep. If you suffer hypersomnia it means you sleep too much, which can be a secondary symptom of other medical or psychological problems. People with nrcolepsy fall into deep sleep very quickly and randomly