Week 2 - F - Parkinsons Disease (symptoms, treatment) and Parkinsonism Flashcards
Where specifically in the substantia nigra does the loss of dopaminergic neurons occur in Parkinson’s disease?
It is the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta
There are two common types of increased muscle tone What are they and how are they differentiated? What are the different regions of the brain affected?
Spasticity - occurs with upper motor nueron lesions affecting motor pathways in the motor cortex, cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and spinal cord - pyramidal display and velocity dependent
Rigidity - occurs in extrapyramidal conditions affecting the basal ganglia, commonly Parkinsons - this is extra-pyramidal and non-velocity depndent
Is rigidity or spascticity seen in Parkinsons and therefore what region of the brain is affected?
Rigidity is seen in Parkinsons - meaning the basal ganglia is affected
Movement disorders in the cerebellum show ataxia
What are the features of cerebellar lesions?
Cerebellar lesions - DANISH
Diadochokinesis - inability to make antagonist movements in succession
Ataxia - balance, co-ordination and speech
Intention tremor - finger-nose testing
Slurred speech
What are the hyperkinetic movement disorders as seen in extrapyramidal lesions?
Chorea - rapid, irregular voluntary movements typically involving proximal and distal muscles
Tremor - oscillation of agonist & antagonist muscle groups
Tics - sudden fast irregular movement usually in the same muscle group
Myoclonus - sudden fast irregular movement usually in the same body part
Sustained muscular spasms - dystonia
Chorea is the rapid irregular inovluntary muscle movements WHat type of appearance does this give? What are the three hallmark symptoms of parkinson’s?
Gives a dance like appearance in chorea
Parkinson’s - rigidity, bradkinesia, tremor
What are the dance like movements in chorea known as if the amplitude of the movements is large?
This would be Ballismus
What are the five regions of the basal ganglia? Name the groups they are sometimes called
- Caudate nucleus
- Putamen
- Globus Pallidus
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Substantia nigra
Caudate nucleus + Putamen + Globus Pallidus - corpus striatum
Cuadate nucleus + putamen - striatum
Putamen + Globus Pallidus - lentiform nucleus
Which part of the basal ganglia lies lateral to the lateral ventricles? Which is medial, putamen or globus pallidus? Which lies inferior immediately to the thalamus? What lies between the thalmus and the globus pallidus?
Caudate nucleus is lateral to lateral ventricles
Globus pallidus is medial to the putamen
Subthalamic nucleus is inferior to thalamus
INternal capsule is located between the globus pallidus and thalamus
What are the main functions of the cerbellum and the basal ganglia?
Cerebellum - mainly controls movement and coordination
Basal ganglia - Facilitates purposeful movement and inhibits unwanted movement - also has a role in posture and muscle tone
When the cortex tries to form a movement, the information are relayed via the basal ganglia and cerebellum before retunring to the cortex and then the motor tracts
When information reaches the basal ganglia, what region of the basal ganglia recieevs the info?
This would be the caudate nucleus
What are the four cardinal symptoms of Parkinsons disease?
Rest tremor
Postural and gait impairment
Motor features in PD are heterogenous, but there are broadly 2 subtypes What are the two subtypes of Parkinsons?
Tremor dominant where other motor symptoms such as bradykinesia and postural and gait disturbances arent as bad and Non-tremor dominant where all other motor symptoms are seemingly worse
Non-‐motor symptoms are common in earlyPD (as well as before the onset of motor features) and associated with reduced health-‐related quality of life What are some non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease?
Sleep disorders (insomnia)
Memory problems
Olfactory dysfunction - anosmia
Autonomic dysfunction may also present eg urinary incontinence and constipation
Diagnosis occurs with the onset of motor symptoms Non-‐motor symptoms can be present for more than a decade before motor onset What is Parkinson’s disease due to?
It is due to the degeneration of the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta
What type of dementia occurs with Parkinson’s disease? Seen in over 80% of patients after having Parkinson’s for at least 20 years
This would be Lewy-body dementia