Week 3 - C - CNS infections (meningitis and encephalitis) Flashcards
Is grey or white matter in the inside or outside in the brain and spinal cord?
Brain Grey matter outside White matter inside Spinal cord Grey matter inside White matter outside
Pyogenic means involving or relating to the production of pus Is pyogenic meningitis bacterial or viral?
Pyogenic meningitis is also known as bacterial meningitis
What are the leptomeninges? Pyogenic meningitis shows a thick layer of suppurative exudate covers the leptomeninges over the surface of the brain. What cells are found in the subarachnoid space in pyogenic meningitis?
The leptomininges are the arachnoid and pia mater collectively Neutrophils are found in the subarachnoid space
What is an acute infection of the brain parenchyma known as?
This is acute encephalitis
What are the three main bacterial causes of community acquired meningitis?
Pneumococcus (streptococcal pneumonia) Meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) Haemophilus influenza type b
What is given as the immediate treatment of bacterial meningitis?
Give IV ceftriaxone and IV dexamthasone
Once the cause of bacterial meningitis is confirmed, ie streptococcal pneumonia (pneumococcal), neissiria meningitidis (meningococcal) or haemophilus influenza, what happenes with the cntinuation of dexamthesone?
Dexamthasone is only continued if the bacterial cause is found to be streptococcal pneumonia
In what cases is listeria monocyogenase cover required? What are the antibitoics given for this?
If patient is over 60, meningitis off the new born, or immunocompromised (includes alcohol dependency and diabetes)
Give IV ampicillin or IV amoxicillin
If patient is beta lactam/penicillan resistant, what is given instead of ceftriaxone in bacterial community aqcquired meningitis? what is given instead of amox/ampicillin to cover the listeria monocytogenase?
Chloramphenicol is given instead of ceftriaxone
Co-trimaxazole is given instead of amp/amoxicillin
Treatment would be chloramphenicol + co-trimoxazole if someone was pen allergic (or beta lactam resistant)
What is given for pneumococcal meningitis? What is given for meningococcal and Hinfluena type B? What is given if the patient is above 60, or immunocompressed, or newborn and why? What is given if pen allrgic?
Pneumococcal meningitis - IV ceftriaxone and IV dexamethasone
Meningococcal and HiB - IV ceftriaxone - stop the dexamethasone
Above, 60, newborn, immunocompromised - Listeria cover, give ampicillin or amoxicillin (IV)
Give chlorampehnicol instead of ceftriaxone and co-trimaxoaole instead of amox/ampicilkin if pen allergy
What is the most common cause of viral meningitis? How is it diagnosed?
Entoviruses most commonly Echo virus Diagnosed by throat swab, stool culture and CSF PCR
Once it is confirmed that the meningitis was caused by a virus, what is carried out?
Once it is confirmed, stop the IV ceftriaxone and dexamethasone - treatment from here is sually supportive and self limiting
Viral meningitis commonly occurs in late autumn/winter, what is generally the treatment?
Generally the treatment is self limiting
If the viral cause of the viral meningitis is HSV or VZV, what treatment is started?
Start on IV acyclovir (Initial early management and treatment for viral meningitis is same as for community acquired bacterial meningitis.) Stop antibacterials, antivirals and steroid treatment if enteroviral or mumps meningitis is diagnosed and manage symptomatically. Continuation of antivirals for HSV/VZV should be discussed with ID.
What is encaphilitis? What are the clincial feature of encephalitis?
Encephalitis is infection of the brain parenchyma Clinical features include an insidious onset of stupor and confusion, fever and difficulty speaking
What investigations should be carried out when suspecting encephalitis?
CT then LP (Lumbar puncture), EEG and MRI
In encephalitis, if there is a delay in diagnosis, what is the treatment that is given if it suspected? What is the most common cause of encephalitis?
Start patient on IV acicylovir Most common cause is herpes simplex virus
What are the symptoms of meningitis?
Stiff neck Photophobia Seizures High temperature Drowsiness Vomiting Petechial rash that does not blanch
What are the bulging soft spots in the babies head in mengitis?
These are bulging fontanelles, soft spots before they close - they should all be closed by the 2year mark
What is the main fungis to cause meningitis? What type of patients is it seen in?
Although anyone can get fungal meningitis, people with weakened immune systems, like those with HIV infection or cancer, are at higher risk. The most common cause of fungal meningitis for people with weakened immune systems is Cryptococcus Cryptococcus neoformans Seen in patients wth HIV
What is the viral infection usually seen in children that appears in people with a weakened immune system? Cryptoccal meningitis skin lesions can mimic this virus in HIV patients
Molluscum contagiosum
How is cryptococcal meningitis diagnosed? It causes a chronic type of meningitis eg with no neck stiffness What is given as treatment of cryptococcal meningitis?
Diagnosed using INdia Ink stain Treatment - oxford clinical handbook pg 411 1st line - amphotericin B + 5-flucytosine Give fluconazole as follow up

What are the three common cause of bacterial meningitis in the neonate? What is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children?
Neonates - Listeria (monocytogenase), Group B streptococci, E.coli Children - H.Infleunza B
Vaccines are causing the prevalence of Hinfluenza bacterial meningitis to decrease When are the vaccinations given?
8 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, one year