WEEK 3 Flashcards
- Modem content fires have spurred the FDNY to issue a Ventilation Bulletin. Which point
found in the Glossary is correct? (Glossary)
(A) Auto-exposure is the extension of fire via the exterior of the building from a fire originating
in an adjoining building.
(B) The Fully Developed Stage is the stage of fire development which has reached its peak heat
release rate, usually occurring after flashover.
(C) Rollover occurs in the incipient stage. When observed at the ceiling level, it usually
indicates that the fire is beginning to diminish.
(D) Flow path is the movement of heat and smoke from the lower pressure within the fire area
towards the higher pressure accessible via doors, window openings and roof structures.
(E) Ventilation is the controlled and coordinated removal of heat and smoke from a structure,
replacing the escaping gases with fresh air. This exchange is bi-directional with heat and smoke
exhausting at the bottom and air flowing in towards the fire at the top.
- Modem content fires follow a different progression than the traditional fire development
curve. Which choice concerning modem content fires is incorrect? (Sec. 2.1.6)
(A) A rapid growth stage that consumes the available oxygen very quickly follows the incipient
(B) Since modem content fires rapidly consume the available oxygen within the fire area, they
enter into an earlier oxygen limited Decay stage when compared to legacy fires, and will remain
in the Decay stage if no additional oxygen is added to the fire area.
(C) When units encounter an earlier Decay stage, they shall perform rapid horizontal
ventilation of the fire apartment to remove the smoke.
(D) If additional oxygen is admitted to a fire area that is in an earlier Decay stage, the fire can
enter into a rapid second Growth stage, followed by a ventilation induced flashover and
transition into the fully developed stage.
(E) A second Decay stage will follow the fully developed stage as the fuel load is depleted or
the fire is extinguished.
- Several developments in firefighting equipment and modem building construction have affected ventilation tactics. Which choice is incorrect concerning these changes? (Sec. 3.1)
(A) Energy efficient building construction results in increased heat release rates and convective heat along the flow path from the area. Convective heat is absorbed by members PPE at a rate faster than radiant heat.
(B) PPE was not designed to allow members to go further within a fire area; it was designed to protect members in the event conditions transitioned to an untenable situation.
(C) Units equipped with Thermal Imaging Cameras must carry and use them at all structural fires.
(D) Until a charged hoseline is available to advance on the fire, it is critical to maintain control of the entrance doorway to the fire occupancy, unless there is a known life hazard.
- The Ventilation Profile is the appearance of the fire building’s ventilation points showing
the flow paths of heat and smoke out of the structure as well as any air movement into the
structure. Which point about the Ventilation Profile is incorrect? (Sec. 4.1)
(A) Smoke or fire movement is normally downward, horizontally or pulsing from an opening in
the building.
(B) With modem content fires, it is no longer accurate to assume that the absence of smoke
pushing from a building is a positive sign.
(C) With modem content fires, heavy flames out the window are usually an indicator of high
heat and smoke conditions within the interior.
(D) The more that venting flames fill the open window at modem content fires, the more
members can anticipate severe interior conditions.
- The OV FF from Ladder 100 is on the rear fire escape in position to perform ventilation of
the fire apartment windows as Engine 200 stretches a hoseline to the fire apartment. When
would the OV FF be permitted to perform horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment?
(Sec. 7.1, 7.2, 10.2.1, 11.4)
(A) Upon hearing that Engine 200 was entering the fire area with a charged hoseline.
(B) When the Officer of Engine 200 called for water.
(C) When the Officer of Ladder 100 granted permission.
(D) Upon hearing that the door to the fire area was controlled.
(E) When the Officer of Engine 200 requested ventilation be performed.
- While conducting a search for a reported missing occupant while the first Engine Company
arrived on scene, Lt. Green encountered a high heat condition in a front bedroom while using a
Thermal Imaging Camera. What would be an incorrect action for Lt. Green to take? (Sec.
(A) Immediately exit the front bedroom and shut the door to the bedroom.
(B) Notify the OV FF to delay performing horizontal ventilation of the front bedroom.
(C) Request that the Engine Company advance a charged hoseline into the front bedroom.
(D) Immediately order the Inside Team to exit the fire apartment and request the OV FF to
perform horizontal ventilation of the front bedroom to cool the room.
- The Roof FF may break the skylight over the interior stairs at a fire in a Brownstone in all
but which one of the following choices? (Sec. 10.2.1)
(A) After communicating with and receiving approval from the Ladder Company Officer
operating inside the fire area to be vented.
(B) Only when the Incident Commander gives approval.
(C) Upon hearing a HT transmission that the interior team has door control on the fire floor.
(D) Upon hearing a HT transmission that a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire
- In which choice were proper procedures followed regarding horizontal ventilation for
search and extinguishment? (Sec. 11.2, 11.4, 12.1)
(A) The OV FF performed ventilation for extinguishment of the fire apartment upon hearing
the HT transmission of the Engine Officer requesting the ECC to start water.
(B) The OV FF ventilated the windows in the fire room upon hearing the Engine Officer notify
the IC that they were knocking down visible fire.
(C) After performing his initial duties at a fire on the 3
floor of a 4 story OLT, the 1
st Roof FF
contacted his Officer and requested permission to ventilate the top floor rear apartment from the
fire escape.
(D) Prior to performing ventilation of the fire apartment from the front fire escape of a NLT,
the 1st
arriving OV FF contacted his Officer via HT and requested permission.
(E) Prior to performing ventilation for search in the fire apartment, the l
sl OV FF contacted the
IC to request permission to enter.
- A member would be required to team up with another member before performing
ventilation for search in which choice? (Sec. 12.2, 12.3, 12.3.1)
(A) A member in a TL bucket sees a civilian in a front bedroom.
(B) The OV FF, operating on a rear fire escape, hears a person coughing in a medium smoke
condition on the floor above the fire.
(C) A member ascends a portable ladder to the apartment above the fire and sees through heavy
smoke that the lights and the television are on.
(D) Upon arrival, the Engine Officer is met by a civilian who states that her mother is still in
the fire apartment.
(E) The Dispatcher contacts the first arriving Engine Company via Department radio and tells
the Officer that they are on the phone with an occupant of the fire apartment, who is non�ambulatory and unable to evacuate.
- BC Question - If individual action (member entered alone for search) was taken in all of
the choices in Question #9, how many situations would require the IC to forward a report to the
Chief of Operations detailing full particulars? (Sec. 12.3, 12.3.1)
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5
- While conducting a drill on Ventilation for Search, Capt. Jones made several statements.
Which one was incorrect? (Sec. 12.6)
(A) The Ladder Company Officer shall be notified when a search team enters from the exterior
to conduct a search for a known life hazard or for standard search procedures.
(B) If the Ladder Company Officer and the interior team have quicker access to the victim or
area requiring a search, the Ladder Officer may disapprove the entry to search.
(C) Upon completion of clearing a window in order to search, before entering, reassess the
smoke and heat conditions to determine if area is tenable.
(D) If a victim is found prior to isolating the room, the victim shall be immediately removed
from the IDLH. Isolating the room is only required if a victim is not found.
- The best lifesaving tactic we have is a systematic search plan, coupled with rapid water on
the fire. Choose the incorrect point concerning searches conducted in the modem fire
environment. (Sec. 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.5, 4.6)
(A) Synthetic materials have a higher heat release rate, giving off heat more quickly than
ordinary combustibles.
(B) With modem synthetic contents and new building construction, conditions may become
untenable in as little as 1 ‘A minutes after entry (ventilation).
(C) A search of a building is conducted for the purpose of locating people only.
(D) Prior to reaching the fire floor, a survey can be conducted of the floor below to determine
the interior hallway layout, floor plan of the apartment, apartment numbering system, and closest
means of access to a fire apartment.
(E) Members of the outside team must report wind conditions and its effect on the fire and
smoke conditions to their Officer and the IC.
- Size-up starts with the receipt of the alarm. Which point about size-up performed at
different types of occupancies is incorrect? (Sec. 4.7)
(A) ft can be assumed there will be a large number of sleeping occupants in a multiple dwelling
at night.
(B) Commercial buildings may have watchmen or cleaning personnel working after normal
business hours.
(C) Commercial loft buildings may have been converted into residential buildings.
(D) Office buildings often have cleaning and maintenance people present day and night.
Computer personnel are often present 24 hours a day.
(E) When taxpayers have roll down security doors with padlocks in place, assume that no one
is present inside.
- Upon arriving at the fire apartment on the 3
floor of a Row Frame multiple dwelling, the
Inside Team of Ladder 100 forces entry to the apartment and begins a primary search for life.
Which thought was incorrect? (Sec. 6.1,6.3, 6.4)
(A) The primary search is rapid but thorough and systematic, and should be performed quickly.
(B) If entry can be made and members can conduct a search without the protection of a
hoseline, the members may attempt to locate and contain the fire area of origin, and then start the
search for life from that point.
(C) If untenable, members shall move in behind the engine company advance and search from
behind the hoseline.
(D) The search for life in the areas adjacent to or above the fire area/floor should start after
searching for the extension of fire
- Upon conclusion of operations at a fire in a Brownstone building, the IC conducted a
critique. Which statement made concerning secondary searches should be corrected?
(Sec. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)
(A) If the Forcible Entry team of Ladder 200 performed the primary search of the fire
apartment, it is permissible for the LCC and OV FF from Ladder 200 to perform the secondary
search of the fire apartment.
(B) A secondary search shall be completed before any extensive overhauling of the fire area is
(C) The secondary search is a thorough and painstakingly complete search for life of all areas
that required a primary search. Time is not as important as accuracy.
(D) The secondary search must also include the entire outside perimeter of the building and all
shafts, basements, cellars, elevators and roofs.
- After the Ladder Company Officer ordered the Forcible Entry Team to force the main door
that the occupants use, he considered several points. Which one was correct? (Sec. 9.5,
9.6, 9.8)
(A) If the fire is wrapping around the door jamb as the door is being forced open, a hoseline
must be called for before the door is opened.
(B) The area in the vicinity of, and behind, the entrance door must be checked as soon as entry
is made.
(C) Upon entering the occupancy, place a small sure search door marker around the interior
door knob only to prevent the door from locking while permitting easy removal.
(D) Upon entering an IDLH area, members can begin the search in an upright stance if
conditions are not severe
Ladder 90 arrives at the entrance door to the fire apartment, located on the 4th floor of a 5
story OLT. Engine 30, the first due engine, is delayed due to Building Inspection and
arrives on scene as Ladder 90 is forcing entry to the fire apartment.
6. Ladder 90 operated incorrectly in which choice? (Sec. 9.10.1)
(A) Prior to entering the fire apartment, the Officer of Ladder 90 notified the IC and Officer of
Engine 30 the identity of the fire apartment. The Officer notified the IC and the Officer of
Engine 30 that the door was being maintained closed.
(B) The Forcible Entry FF of Ladder 90 was ordered to remain at the door inside the fire
apartment, and to maintain the door closed but not locked.
(C) The Hydra Ram was brought inside the fire apartment after forcing entry, in case the door
was accidentally locked.
(D) When the members of Ladder 90 Inside Team were forced to evacuate the fire apartment,
the Forcible Entry FF accounted for the interior team and closed the door after all members had
exited the fire apartment.
Ladder 90 arrives at the entrance door to the fire apartment, located on the 4th floor of a 5
story OLT. Engine 30, the first due engine, is delayed due to Building Inspection and
arrives on scene as Ladder 90 is forcing entry to the fire apartment.
- When Engine 30 arrives at the door to the fire apartment with a charged hoseline, the
Officer of Engine 30 would be operating properly in which choice? (Sec. 9.10.1)
(A) He notified the Officer of Ladder 90 that Engine 30 had a charged line and then entered the
fire apartment.
(B) He notified the Officer of Ladder 90 that Engine 30 had a charged line and then entered
when the Officer of Ladder 90 acknowledged the transmission.
(C) He notified the Officer of Ladder 90 that Engine 90 had a charged line and was ready to
enter the fire apartment, but did not enter until the Officer of Ladder 90 acknowledged and
(D) He notified the Forcible Entry FF at the door that Engine 30 had a charged line and then
entered the fire apartment.
- While teaching a new member the proper way to VEIS through a window, Capt. Tom made
several statements. Which one was correct? (Sec. 9.11, 9.12)
(A) Prior to entering a window to perform a search, a member shall notify the IC.
(B) Before entering, probe for possible victims and then check the floor for stability.
(C) If possible, clear out only the lower window pane in order to limit the flow path.
(D) Immediately upon entering the room from a window, members should close the door to the
- Company Officers must evaluate the risk of going above a fire without a protective
hoseline and determine the benefits and consequences. In which choice did the 2
nd arriving
Ladder Company Officer not operate correctly at a fire with reported people trapped on the floor
above the fire? (Sec. 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6)
(A) After notifying the 1
st Ladder Company Officer via HT that they were proceeding to the
floor above, she ascended the stairs without receiving acknowledgement due to heavy radio
(B) She ensured that members got up and off the stairs immediately.
(C) Upon reaching the floor above the fire, she ordered the Forcible Entry team to force the
door to the apartment adjacent to the apartment over the fire to provide an area of refuge.
(D) Upon hearing an “Urgent” HT transmission that the 1
st Engine Company had a burst length
and the fire was burning out of control, she ordered members to return to the fire floor prior to
determining if the fire had extended.
- All of the following points concerning searches are correct with the exception of which
one? (Sec. 12.4, 12.7)
(A) A locked bathroom door is usually an indication that someone is inside.
(B) If a room has a padlock on it, assume it is unoccupied.
(C) When forcing an apartment door, if the night latch chain is in place, this indicates a strong
possibility that victims will be present.
(D) Ensure that all interior walls of a closet are touched when searching the closet floor. This
will ensure the search reaches the back of the closet.
- When members have located a victim, they must transmit signal 10-45 and remove the
victim via the safest route available. Which choice shows the correct priority order of removal?
(Sec. 13.2) - Fire Escape
- Ladders
- Life Saving Rope
- Interior Stairs
- Horizontal Exits
(A) 1,2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 4,5, 1,2,3
(C) 4, 5, 1,3, 2
(D) 5, 4, 3, 2,1
- BC Question - Which choice is correct concerning the transmission of injuries to members
on the Department radio? (Sec. 8.2.5, 8.2.6, Safety Bulletin 7 Sec. 2.1.3)
(A) The name and unit number of a member with a first degree bum on their arm may be
transmitted after requesting “Mixer off.”
(B) The unit number of a member who suffered a minor abrasion may be transmitted after
requesting “Mixer off.” The name of a member may never be transmitted on the Department
(C) Initial notification to the Dispatcher of a member who has suffered third degree bums to
their knees shall be made by a telephone call to the Dispatcher, and shall not include the name or
unit of the member. Injuries of this nature shall not be transmitted on the Department radio.
(D) When a member has suffered a serious injury, particulars shall be telephoned to the Fire
Department Operations Center. As soon as possible thereafter, the dispatcher shall be notified
via a “Mixer off’ message, followed immediately by a telephone notification to the Dispatcher
with full particulars.
(E) When an on-duty member has suffered a serious injury, the signal 10-45 must be
transmitted as soon as possible via Department radio after requesting “Mixer off.”
Engine 300, a Queens unit, attempts to transmit a 10-18 for a rubbish fire that they have
extinguished. After the first call is not acknowledged within 30 seconds, the Officer attempts to
repeat the call and contact the Queens Dispatcher a second time. If the second call is not
acknowledged, what would be a correct action to take? (Sec. 8.4.2)
(A) Assume the apparatus radio is inoperative and transmit the message from the Ladder
Company apparatus on scene.
(B) Attempt to contact the Queens Dispatcher a third time from the Engine 300 apparatus.
(C) After attempting to contact the Queens Dispatcher for a third time from the Engine 300
apparatus, and not receiving a response, switch to the Citywide Dispatcher and attempt to
transmit the 10-18.
(D) After attempting to contact the Queens Dispatcher for a third time from the Engine 300
apparatus, and not receiving a response, immediately call the Queens Dispatcher via telephone.
- It is extremely important for members to know the restrictions on using various
communication devices at incidents involving or possibly involving explosives. Which choice is
incorrect? (Sec. 8.4.5)
(A) Handie-Talkies shall not be used within 150 feet of vehicles transporting explosives,
explosive magazines, areas where blasting operations are in progress, or at emergencies for
reported explosive devices.
(B) Handie-Talkies shall not be operated in a building where police personnel are searching for
an explosive device.
(C) Cell phones shall not be used within 300 feet of vehicles transporting explosives, explosive
magazines, areas where blasting operations are in progress, or at emergencies for reported
explosive devices.
(D) Apparatus, Post and Marine radios shall not be operated within 300 feet of vehicles
transporting explosives, explosive magazines, areas where blasting operations are in progress, or
at emergencies for reported explosive devices.
- If the transmitting button on the apparatus radio is depressed for longer than , an
audible signal will alert the user that the transmission has been automatically interrupted. To
transmit a lengthy message, it is necessary to release and re-depress the transmitting button at
intervals ofor less. (Sec. 8.4.6)
(A) 30 seconds
(B) 45 seconds
(C) One minute
(D) Two minutes
- A young Firefighter making entries in their training notebook asks the Officer for an
explanation of several radio signals. Which one was correct? (p. 7-8)
(A) 10-8 Code 1 is used by an Engine or Ladder Company to indicate it is in-service by radio
when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms
had been routed.
(B) 10-8 Code 2 is used by any unit to indicate it is on air outside its response area. When the
unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8.
(C) A 10-14 signal is used when an Engine or Ladder Company is staffed with 4 Firefighters is
assigned to a structural response.
(D) Only a Chief Officer can transmit a 10-18 or 10-19 signal.
(E) When a 10-20 signal is transmitted, sirens shall not be used, but warning lights shall remain