WEEK 1 PD Flashcards
Which feature below would not normally be found in a high-rise office building built BEFORE 1945?
A) The construction techniques used in these buildings resulted in a “heavy-weight” building, usually weighing about 20 to 23 pounds per cubic foot.
B) Exterior walls were substantially tied to all floors. Core construction techniques were used extensively.
C) Plenum type ceilings are generally not found in these buildings. Exterior windows were openable.
D) All buildings erected between 1938 and 1968 were required to have a fire tower. Some built prior to 1938 have fire towers.
Which point below is incorrect when describing the features found in high-rise office FROM 1945-1968?
WEIGHT 10-20
B) Fire towers will not be found in these buildings.
C) The characteristics of these buildings are a mix of the pre 1945 buildings and the post 1968 buildings.
D) These buildings were required to conform to the 1938 Building Code but because of the numerous variances granted, they used many of the construction techniques of the post-1968 buildings.
Which feature below would not normally be found in a high-rise office building built after 1968?
A) The construction techniques used in these buildings resulted in a “lightweight” building, usually weighing about 8 to 10 pounds per cubic foot.
B) The method of securing exterior curtain walls leaves a space of 6 to 12 inches which requires additional fire stopping.
C) The ceiling plenums of these buildings are extensive and lack fire stopping. They are used to return the air to the air-conditioning system and for electrical, communications and other building support equipment.
D) Exterior windows will be openable. Core construction techniques are used extensively.
RC Question - Which choice below contains incorrect information related to fire PROTECTION IN HIGH RISE OFFIC HVAC?
A) Automatic closure of fire dampers is usually affected upon operation of an approved fusible link or other approved heat activated device located where they would be readily affected by an abnormal rise in temperature in the duct.
B) Fusible links should have a temperature rating approximately 50° F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down.
C) Once a fire damper has closed it must be manually opened before air can pass though the opening it is protecting.
D) Activation of any approved smoke/fixed temperature detector installed in an HVAC system shall stop the air supply into and the air return from the affected floor and the floor above.
6) BC Question - Temperature variations that occur in the periphery of the building, due to weather changes and movement of the sun, require supplementary treatment of the air. WHICH IS INCORRECT
A) Air supply may be from the main air supply shaft or from a separate periphery air suppl
B) The air supply is ducted through the plenum on the floor above to the periphery of the BUILDING
C) Flexible connectors are used between the ducts and the periphery air treatment equipment on the floor above.
D) Fire experience has shown that fire entering the plenum can extend from one floor to another when these flexible connectors fail.
high rise fire pumps were able to agree on all points WHICH IS INCORRECT?
A) The 1968 Building Code requires a manual fire pump to supplement the standpipe system in buildings over 300 feet high. The 1938 Building Code requires a manual fire pump in buildings over 250 high.
B) The control cabinet for a 750 gallon fire pump will be in the shape of a large cube. It varies from 6’ x 6’ x 6’ to as large as 8’ x 8’ x 8’ in the older models.
C) Pump capacity is usually 750 gpm. Most high-rise buildings have two pumps side by side which are connected in the parallel position.
D) Some buildings have a combination standpipe/sprinkler system with the Siamese connected to both systems. The usual arrangement for the fire pumps is that both will be automatic. The automatic fire pumps will be of larger capacity (1000 gpm)
8) The operation of manual pumps in the pump room of a high-rise building can be quite complex. Of the following choices, an experienced officer should know which to be incorrect? (HR 4.1.2 C, D, E)
A) Locate the bypass valve on the discharge side of the fire pump. The discharge side can be readily identified by examining the gauges. The discharge gauge is calibrated for higher pressures than the inlet gauge.
B) The bypass valve should be in the closed position (stem in). Some engineers keep them open for test purposes, so they must be checked. If found to be open, they should be closed by turning in a clockwise direction.
C. IT IS PERMISSIBLE TO START THE PUMP WITHOUT CHECKING BYPASS VALVE. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER upon his/her arrival of this and any other actions taken. The efficiency of the pump will be affected if the bypass is open.
D) A loss of 45% can be expected in an 8” riser and a loss of 25% can be expected in a 6” riser with the bypass open.
What is the recommended pump pressure for a fire on the 79th floor of a mega-high-rise
C 500
Of the following choices, which contains incorrect information regarding the operation of fire pumps?
A) When a building is equipped with two manual fire pumps, as is the case in most high-rise buildings, each pump will have its own control panel. Both pumps shall be started and used.
b Since fire pumps are connected in parallel position, it is necessary to have both pumps
C) A visual check should be made of the discharge gauges of both pumps. When both are operating correctly, the pressures should be equal or nearly so.
D) Where one gauge reading is considerably lower than the other, the pumps must be shut down and allowed to cool for 5 minutes.
11) Officers should have a working knowledge of building fire pumps. An experienced officer all are correct except?
A) Building fire pumps shall be capable of delivering their rated capacity at a pressure of 100 psi at the highest floor hose outlet.
B) A relief valve is required at the fire pump limiting the pressure to 15 psi above that required to deliver its rated capacity to the highest floor outlet.
C) The building fire pump may not be capable of supplying adequate nozzle pressure to hoselines at the upper floors. The primary water supply for firefighting in most operations shall be Fire Department Engines.
D) The high pressures required to supply water to the upper floors of a high-rise building limit the amount of water that a Fire Department Engine can supply. A good “rule of thumb” is to have a separate engine supply the standpipe system for each handline in operation.
Concerning high rise office buildings, which consideration below would an experienced probie know is incorrect?
A) The IC should arrange for the fire safety director or the evacuation supervisor to make an announcement over the PA system or the intercom system.
B) The fire safety director must be informed to remain in the lobby where his/her assistance will be available at any time.
C) The CFR Engine Company and FAST Unit shall be assigned to the lobby if fire is below the 6th floor.
D) Obtain copies of the floor plan of the fire floor from the fire safety director.
which are correct hiri office procedures?
- The first and second arriving engine companies shall be teamed to stretch and operate the first line.
- The third and fourth arriving engine companies shall be used to stretch and operate the second line.
- The first arriving ladder company shall be assigned to search and evacuate the fire floor.
- The second arriving ladder company shall be assigned to augment the search and evacuation of the fire floor.
- The third arriving ladder company shall be assigned to search and evacuate the floor above the fire and to initiate the search of the attack stairway, with each member bringing an extra SCBA cylinder.
- The fourth arriving ladder company shall operate on the upper floors, initiate search of the attack stairway, and each member of the 4th due ladder must bring an extra SCBA cylinder.
The second hoseline at a fire in a high rise office building is normally deployed in each of the following ways with the exception of which choice
a) Protect the position of the first line.
B) Stand by on the floor above in case of vertical extension.
C) Contain and confine fire spread and/or prevent fire from wrapping around the core and endangering operation of the first line.
D) Reinforce the position of the first line.
15) It is important for all Officers to be familiar with the Incident Command System as it pertains to high-rise office buildings. which is correct?
A) The Forward Staging Area serves as the primary point outside the structure to which responding resources will report and receive their initial assignments.
D) The Incident Command Post shall be established at a location that provides accessibility to incoming units, control of the elevators and control of the building fire command station.
b . The Staging Area is a designated location on an upper floor where personnel and equipment are maintained in a state of readiness for tactical deployment. It provides logistical support to all the resources assigned to Fire Sector/Branch and/or the SAE Group.
C) The Forward Triage Area is established in an environmentally safe location on the floor below the Fire Sector/Branch.
16) Every Fire Department Sector and Group is important. In order to perform as expected, certain tools and resources must be in position at these designated locations. Whichi is INCORRECT?
A) A supply of at least 20 spare SCBA cylinders shall be maintained at the Forward Staging Area.
B) The first arriving officer shall establish the ICP. In the event that he or she leaves the ICP before the arrival of a Chief Officer, he or she shall designate a member to staff the ICP, preferably the chauffeur of the first arriving engine company.
C) At least three engines and two ladder companies shall be at the Forward Staging Area for immediate support of the Fire Sector/Branch.
D) The SAE Group will require at least one unit for every five floors to be covered.