Week 3 Flashcards
Ascetic (adj)
practicing seld-denial; austere
Ascendancy (n)
Controlling influence
Aspire (v)
seek to attain; long for
Assuage (v)
ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)
Astute (adj)
wise; shrewd
Atrophy (v)
waste away
Attentive (adj)
considerate; thoughtful; paying attention
Attribute (v)
ascribe; explain
Audacious (adj)
daring; bold
Augment (v)
increase; add to
Austerity (n)
sternness; severity; strict economy; lack of luxuries
Authentic (adj)
Authoritarian (adj)
favoring or exercising total control; nondemocratic
Autonomous (adj)
Aversion (n)
firm dislike
Banal (adj)
hackneyed; commonplace; trite
Bane (n)
cause of ruin
Belie (v)
contradict; give a false impression
Belittle (v)
disparage; make fun of
Belligerent (adj)
Benevolent (adj)
generous; charitable
Benign (adj)
kindly; favorable; not malignant
Bequeath (v)
leave to someone by a will; hand down
Biased (adj)
soothing; mild; dull
Bland (adj)
soothing; mild; dull
Blasphemy (n)
irreverence; sacrilege; cursing
Bolster (v)
support; reinforce
Braggart (n)
boastful person
Brawn (n)
muscular strength; sturdiness
Brevity (n)
conciseness; briefness