Lesson 7 Flashcards
Accessible (adj)
Available; ready for use
Abridge (v)
To shorten
Allusion (n)
An indirect reference, often to a character or theme found in some work of literature
Antidote (n)
A remedy that counteracts the effects of poison
Aspire (v)
To work toward or to have a goal
Autonomous (adj)
Avid (adj)
Showing enthusiasm; ardent
Candor (n)
Honesty, sincerity
Coalesce (v)
To have different opinions join together; fuse; converge
Cynical (adj)
Believing that all others are motivated by self-interest
Deride (v)
To mock contemptuously
Gratify (v)
To please or indulge
Hamper (v)
To hinder; to prevent something from happening
Hardy (adj)
Healthy and strong; robust
Homogeneous (adj)
Of the same kind; alike; uniform
Illusion (n)
Something unreal that gives the appearance of being real; misconception
Imprudent (adj)
Careless; rash
Impudent (adj)
Rude; disrespectful
Indigenous (adj)
Native; originating in a specific country or region
Indigent (adj)
Poor; impoverished; needy
Indignant (adj)
Angry; resentful
Integrity (n)
Holding firmly to values, such as honesty; completeness
Intimate (v)
To suggest; to hint at
Intimidate (v)
To frighten; to coerce into action
Intrepid (adj)
Fearless; brave
Linger (v)
To hang around; to stay
Lofty (adj)
Very high; towering; grand or noble
Mock (v)
To make fun of; to imitate
Nurture (v)
To care for, to nourish
Obscure (adj)
Hard to understand; abstract
Obtuse (adj)
Stupid; not clear or precise
Opportunist (n)
A person who seeks self-gain even at the expense of others
Ponderous (adj)
Very heavy or bulky; dull or lifeless
Proximity (n)
Nearness in time, location, relation
Querulous (adj)
Whining; complaining; quarrelsome
Recount (v)
To tell a story
Rigor (n)
Harshness; severity; strict adherence to standards
Venerate (v)
To show deep respect for; to honor