Week 1 Flashcards
Aberrant (adj)
Abnormal or deviant
Abate (v)
Subside or moderate
Fewer and Less Intense
Abrasive (adj)
Rubbing away; tending to grind down
Abridge (V)
Condense or shorten
Absolute (adj)
Complete; totally unlimited; certain
Abstemious (adj)
Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate
Abstract (adj)
Obscure; profound; difficult to understand
Accessible (adj)
easy to approach; obtainable
Acclaim (v)
applaud; announce with great approval
Accolade (n)
award of merit.
form of praise or award
Acknowledge (v)
recognize; admit
Acquiesce (v)
Assent; agree without protesting
Acrimonious (adj)
Bitter in words or manner
Acute (adj)
Quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe
Address (v)
Direct a speech to; deal with or discuss
Adherent (n)
Supporter; follower
Adjacent (adj)
Neighboring; adjoining
Adroit (adj)
Skillful; nimble
Adulation (n)
Flattery; admiration
Adversary (n)
Adverse (adj)
unfavorable; hostile
Advocate (v)
Urge; plead for
Aesthetic (adj)
Artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful
Affable (adj)
Easily approachable; warmly friendly
Affinity (n)
Natural liking; kinship; similarity
Affirmation (n)
Positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath
Aggressor (n)
Alienate (v)
Make hostile; separate
Alleviate (v)