Lesson 6 Flashcards
Alimentary (adj)
Relating to food and nourishment
Abstemious (adj)
Holding back from eating or drinking too much
Antediluvian (adj)
Very, very, old; antiquated
Antiquated (adj)
Very old and no longer in use; obsolete
Antiquity (n)
Ancient times
Chary (adj)
Cautious; wary
Clandestine (adj)
Hidden, secret, concealed
Conscientious (adj)
Relating to doing what one knows is right; aware
Contemporary (adj)
Modern, new; relating to the same time period
Covert (adj)
Secret, hidden
Culinary (adj)
Having to do with cooking, preparing meals
Delectable (adj)
Emaciated (adj)
Very thin due to lack of adequate food
Epicurean (adj)
Having to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking
Evanescent (adj)
Vanishing quickly; short-lived
Exacting (adj)
Requiring a great deal of care or effort; painstaking
Fleeting (adj)
Furtive (adj)
Gingerly (adj)
Very carefully
Glutton (n)
One who overindulges in food and drink
Needful (adj)
Paying careful attention to
Itinerant (adj)
Wandering about; tending to move around, travel
Inception (n)
The start, the beginning of something
Inconspicuous (adj)
Hardly noticeable
Innovation (n)
Something new
Nomadic (adj)
Novel (adj)
Obsolete (adj)
Old; outdated, no longer in use
Palatable (adj)
Pleasing to the taste buds
Peripatetic (adj)
Moving or walking about; itinerant
Ravenous (adj)
Very hungry
Relic (n)
A custom or object that has been around for a very long time
Savory (adj)
Tasty or good smelling
Transitory (adj)
Fleeting; short-lived
Volatile (adj)
Explosive or changing very quickly
Unprecedented (adj)
Novel; unparalleled
Voracious (adj)
Greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable
Wary (adj)
Cautious, careful