Lesson 11 Flashcards
Anachronistic (adj)
out of place in time
Aesthetic (adj)
having to do with artistic beauty
Archaic (adj)
Aural (adj)
of or related to the ear or the sense of hearing
Cacophony (n)
discordant, unpleasant noise
Dearth (n)
scarce supply; lack
Debacle (n)
complete disaster; fiasco
Debilitate (v)
to impair the strength of; weaken
Dilatory (adj)
Habitually late
Diligent (adj)
Marked by painstaking effort; hardworking
Dirge (n)
a funeral hymn or lament
Eclectic (adj)
made up of a variety of sources of styles
Ephemeral (adj)
lasting for only a brief time
Extraneous (adj)
irrelevant; unnecessary
Jaded (adj)
worn out; wearied
Juxtapose (v)
to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast
Incongruous (adj)
lacking in harmony; incompatible
Ingenuous (adj)
lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness
Maverick (n)
one who is independent and resists adherence to a group
Mercenary (adj)
motivated solely by a desire for money or material gain
Modicum (n)
a small, moderate, or token amount
Obstinate (adj)
stubbornly attached to an opinion or a course of action
Paucity (n)
smallness in number; scarcity
Proliferate (v)
to grow or increase rapidly
Redolent (adj)
fragrant; aromatic
Sonorous (adj)
producing a deep or full sound
Squander (v)
to spend wastefully
Strident (adj)
loud, harsh, grating, or shrill
Subterfuge (n)
a deceptive stratagem or device
Superfluous (adj)
extra; unnecessary
Surreptitious (adj)
secretive; sneaky
Synergy (n)
combined action or operation
Tangential (adj)
merely touching or slightly connected; only superficially relevant
Temperate (adj)
moderate; restrained
Tenacity (n)
Tenuous (adj)
having little substance or strength; shaky
Tumultuous (adj)
noisy and disorderly
Vigilant (adj)
on the alert; watchful