Lesson 10 Flashcards
Amalgam (n)
A combination of diverse elements; a mixture
Alleviate (v)
To ease a pain or burden; to make less
Ambiguous (adj)
Unclear; open to more than one interpretation
Ambivalent (adj)
Simultaneously feeling opposing feelings; uncertain
Ameliorate (v)
To make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension
Apathetic (adj)
Feeling or showing little emotion
Belie (v)
To misrepresent or disguise
Beneficial (adj)
Producing or promoting a favorable result; helpful
Capricious (adj)
Impulsive and unpredictable
Complement (n)
Something that completes, goes with, or brings to perfection
Curative (adj)
Able to heal or cure
Debunk (v)
To expose untruths, shams, or exaggerated claims
Dubious (adj)
Doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
Duplicitous (adj)
Deliberately deceptive
Epitome (n)
A perfect example or representative of
Equivocal (adj)
Intended to mislead; ambiguous
Erratic (adj)
Markedly inconsistent
Fabricate (v)
To lie; to make up in order to deceive
Fallacy (n)
A false notion
Felicitous (adj)
Admirably suite; apt
Flag (v)
To decline in vigor or strength; to tire; to droop
Impetuous (adj)
Suddenly and forcefully energetic or emotional; immature
Impetus (n)
A driving force or stimulus
Inundate (v)
To overwhelm as if with a flood; to swamp
Mendacious (adj)
Lying; untruthful
Multifarious (adj)
Diverse; various
Multiplicity (n)
State of being various; a great number
Onerous (adj)
Troublesome or oppressive, burdensome
Palliative (adj)
Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease
Specious (adj)
Having the ring of truth but actually false
Sporadic (adj)
Occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time
Temporal (adj)
Of, relating to, or limited by time
Therapeutic (adj)
Having or exhibiting healing power
Ubiquitous (adj)
Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
Vacillate (v)
To sway from one side to the other
Vicarious (adj)
Felt as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another
Vignette (n)
A short scene or story
Whimsical (adj)
Unpredictable; carefree