Lesson 13 Flashcards
Altruistic (adj)
showing an unselfish concern for others; generous
Adversity (n)
great trouble or difficulty
Animosity (n)
hatred; ill-will
Antagonism (n)
hatred or hostility
Avaricious (adj)
Baneful (adj)
causing ruin; harmful; deadly
Bellicose (adj)
of a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; warlike; belligerent
Benevolent (adj)
giving freely and easily to others; charitable; kind
Captious (adj)
made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling
Conflagration (n)
a huge fire, an inferno
Confounding (adj)
puzzling; baffling
Congenial (adj)
Convivial (adj)
sociable, outgoing in a festive way
Cordial (adj)
warm and friendly; amiable
Cryptic (adj)
hidden; hard to understand; mysterious; obscure
Detrimental (adj)
Devious (adj)
dishonest or deceptive; tricky
Disputatious (adj)
likely to dispute or argue
Frugal (adj)
careful with money; thrifty; not prodigal or wasteful
Gregarious (adj)
sociable, outgoing
Iniquitous (adj)
showing a lack of fairness; wicked; vicious
Levity (n)
lightheartedness; carefree disposition, particularly when not appropriate
Labyrinth (n)
a maze from which it is very hard to extricate or free oneself
Largess (n)
generous giving
Miserly (adj)
careful with how money is spent; thrifty
Munificent (adj)
very generous
Parsimonious (adj)
overly thrifty or miserly
Penurious (adj)
stingy; relating to great poverty
Polemical (adj)
inclined to argue or debate; controversial
Precarious (adj)
dangerous or risky; uncertain
Predator (n)
one who takes advantage or, exploits or feeds on another
Prodigal (adj)
Pugnacious (adj)
war-like; eager to fight; belligerent
Quagmire (n)
a difficult or troubling situation; a swampy ground, bog, mire
Quandary (n)
a dilemma; a confusing or puzzling situation
Thrifty (adj)
showing care with how money and resources are spend or used
Turbulence (n)
great unrest; turmoil or disorder
Turmoil (n)
a difficult situation; great unrest