Lesson 8 Flashcards
Aplomb (n)
Composure; skill in challenging situations
Aggregate (n)
A sum total or mixture
Audacious (adj)
Very bold
Aviary (n)
An enclosed space for birds
Axiom (n)
A true or wise saying; a maxim
Cavalier (adj)
Arrogant; showing a lack of respect toward someone or something
Complementary (adj)
Serving to complete another
Compunction (n)
A feeling of remorse for doing something wrong; regret; shame
Diffident (adj)
Lacking confidence in oneself; shy
Dilettante (n)
One who dabbles in the arts and sciences but is an expert in neighter
Discrepancy (n)
A difference or inconsistency
Egalitarian (adj)
Equal political, social, and economical rights for all mankind
Excerpt (n)
A portion of a text or musical piece that is taken from the whole
Glacial (adj)
Very cold or very slow moving
Heretic (n)
One who challenges societal and religious tradition
Idiosyncratic (adj)
Of or relating to strange behavioral habits that are peculiar to an individual
Insuperable (adj)
Unable to be overcome
Insurgent (n)
A rebel; one who revolts against a government or political party
Irrefutable (adj)
Unable to be argued against; indisputable
Lithe (adj)
Nimble and flexible; agile
Melancholy (adj)
A feeling of sadness and gloominess
Mimetic (adj)
Pertaining to imitation or mimicry, biological or otherwise
Misanthrope (n)
Someone who dislikes all people
Palpable (adj)
Able to be touched or felt; tangible
Pitfall (n)
An unseen danger, risk, or drawback
Portentous (adj)
Ominous; foreshadowing
Replete (adj)
Filled-up; overflowing
Respite (n)
Period of inactivity; a lull; a reprieve
Saturate (v)
To wet or soak completely; to totally fill up
Scrutinize (v)
To read or look at very closely and carefully
Spurious (adj)
False; counterfeit; lacking logic; specious
Surpass (v)
To go above and beyond; to be better than
Tentative (adj)
Hesitant; not definite
Thrive (v)
To grow strong; to flourish
Tranquility (n)
Peacefulness; calmness
Vaporize (v)
To turn to vapor, foam, or mist; to disappear
Uniformity (n)
Sameness; consistency; regularity
Vilify (n)
To slander or defame someone’s name or reputation