Lesson 14 Flashcards
Acclaim (v)
to express strong approval or praise; hail
Acoustics (n)
the quality of sound
Accolade (n)
an award given as a sign of appreciation or respect
Adamant (adj)
stubborn; unwilling to bend; unyielding
Adulate (v)
to praise greatly; fawn over
Ample (adj)
abundant; plentiful; enough or more than enough
Clamor (n)
unpleasant sound; noise
Din (n)
ongoing loud sound; noise
Discordant (adj)
lacking harmony or agreement
Effervescent (adj)
lively; full of uplifted spirit; vivacious
Euphony (n)
pleasing sound
Fanatical (adj)
full of great enthusiasm or devotion
Fervent (adj)
filled with passion or intensity
Eulogize (v)
to praise; to say good things about
Exalt (v)
to praise or glorify; to lift up in status, dignity, or power
Hidebound (adj)
strongly opinionated; narrow-mindedly stubborn
Impassioned (adj)
filled with passionate emotion
Intractable (adj)
stubborn; hard to manage
Laud (v)
to praise; extol
Mellifluous (adj)
sweet and smooth sounding
Myriad (adj)/(n)
countless; a very large number
Obdurate (adj)
stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
Panegyrize (v)
to praise a person or event in a formal speech or writing; to praise highly
Plethora (n)
excess; abundance
Profuse (adj)
abundant; more than enough
Prolific (adj)
abundant; producing a great deal; fertile
Raucous (adj)
coarse-sounding; loud and unruly
Recalcitrant (adj)
stubborn, disobedient; defiant
Resolve (n)
firmness, determination
Revere (v)
to regard highly with love and respect
Surfeit (n)
an oversupply
Unwavering (adj)
firm and determined
Unyielding (adj)
stubborn; inflexible
Vibrant (adj)
lively; full of vitality
Vociferous (adj)
loud and noisy regarding one’s own voice, especially shouting
Willful (adj)
Zealous (adj)
filled with enthusiasm; fervent