Lesson 1 Flashcards
Adroit (adj)
Clever and skillful
Acumen (n)
Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgement or insight
Anecdote (n)
A short, usually humorous story
Arcane (adj)
Known or understood by only a few
Ascertain (v)
To find out through investigation or experimentation
Assimilate (v)
To absorb or become absorbed; to make or become similar
Astute (adj)
Shrewd; clever
Autonomy (n)
Independence; self-determination
Callous (adj)
Emotionally hardened; unfeeling
Candid (adj)
Completely honest, straightforward
Catharsis (n)
An emotional cleansing or release of emotional tensions, fears, or pity
Circumspect (adj)
Careful; prudent; discreet
Conjecture (n)
Inference; guesswork
Convoluted (adj)
Intricate; hard to understand
Cosmopolitan (adj)
Worldly; widely sophisticated
Derivative (n)
Something that comes from another source
Didactic (adj)
Disseminate (v)
To scatter widely, as in sowing seed
Enigma (n)
A puzzle, mystery, or riddle
Entourage (n)
A group of associates
Erudition (n)
Deep, extensive learning
Esoteric (adj)
Intended for or understood by only a small group
Euphemism (n)
A mild or indirect term substituting a harsh, blunt, or offensive term
Extrapolate (v)
To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information
Gaffe (n)
A clumsy social error, a faux-pas
Husbandry (n)
The application of scientific principles to agriculture
Incoherent (adj)
Lacking cohesion or connection
Inscrutable (adj)
Difficult to fathom, understand; impenetrable
Insinuate (v)
To imply or communicate stealthily
Lucid (adj)
Easily understood; clear
Perspicacious (adj)
Shrewd; clear-sighted
Pragmatic (adj)
Precocious (adj)
Exhibiting unusual early intellectual aptitude or maturity
Prospectus (n)
Formal proposal
Reticent (adj)
Inclined to keep silent; reserved
Rhetorical (n)
The art of using language effective or persuasively
Rudimentary (adj)
Basic or elementary; in the earliest stages of development
Staid (adj)
Unemotional; serious