Explain social psychology?
the study of social interactions, including how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of an individual are affected by the presence of others.
Explain social cognition?
Study of our thoughts about our social world. The understanding of oneself and others in social situations, and how we process social information.
Explain social neuroscience?
Hour our brain is influenced by social behavior.
Explain social situations?
How our behavior is not only influenced by our personality traits but instead social situations, which comprise of people we interact with on a daily basis.
Social situations create what?
Social influence: where our thoughts and behaviors can change based on the influence of others.
Explain attitudes
An evaluation of a person, place, or thing that has a positive or negative component toward it.
Strength of an attitude can be assessed by…
How quickly it is expressed - they are cognitively accessible and come to mind. For example, attitudes that make a greater impact on your life are strong.
What is a weak attitude?
do not have much influence on behavior
What are the three main components of an attitude? (ABC)
1) Affect: How does this object make you feel.
2) Behavior: How does this object make you behave.
3) Cognition: How does this object change your thoughts.
What is the theory of attitude consistency? (EX: RECYCLE).
Tells us that attitude behavior consistency is present when there is strong relationship between cognitions, affects, and behavior.
- I recycle because i care about the environment.
Explain the process of persuasion
- Involves changing the attitude of others through delivered messages.
- The persuaders credibility is key; if they are perceived as trustworthy, and an expert they are judged as more credible.
- Effective communication; appear unbiased and likeable, similar to us.
Explain “The message”
- Presenting two sides of an argument to appear unbiased.
- Using moderate examples instead of extreme ones.
- Speaking faster in a straightforward manners makes the speaker appear to be an expert.
What’s door in the face technique?
Appeals to our principle of reciprocity.
Briefly describe the elaboration likelihood model?
- Explains attitudes and how to change them. Elaboration is the time and effort put into processing a message before either accepting or rejecting it.
Messages are received via?CP
1) Central processing (thoughtful) route.
2) Peripheral processing (spontaneous) route.
What is central processing?
Examine the message and find it compelling – leads to a long lasting attitude change – usually a message that is personally relevant and thoughtfully processed.
What is Peripheral Processing?
Does not examine the message but is persuaded by the speakers attractiveness, emotional appeal, or other factors. Issue is not as important.
The message route is determined by three components (MAO)
Motivation: Relevance/importance.
Ability: Cognition/logical
Opportunity: Time to process.
Explain social identity theory?
Refers to our self-concept that comes from membership in a social group.
What is self-categorize theory?
We categorize ourselves into social categories (Man, women, student, elderly). As well, stereotype ourselves based on categories we identify with.
Please explain self-esteem?
Collective self esteem?
Sociometer theory?
- Refers to how one feels about themself.
- Collective self-esteem is when our self-esteem is attacked, so we can focus on the groups successes. We can also put down other groups to collectively feel better about ourselves.
- Sociometer theory measures our acceptance or inclusion in a group.
explain evolutionary advantage of groups?
Individuals who are “loners” were less likely to survive than groups, hence their genes were less likely to be passed on.
Explain social facilitation? Included example
Where an individuals performance is improved by the presence of a group. Example, a musician tends to perform better with a large crowd cheering them on. Vice versa, if your bad at a performance than a group makes you worse (social interference).
Explain evaluation apprehension?
Happens when we feel that our performance will be judged negatively.
Explain social loafing?
(Think about group projects).
When a group, tends to give less than their expected effort because they believe others will pick up their slack. (GROUP PROJECTS).
How to overcome social loafing?
- Groups overcome this through teamwork, where teams goals are made.
- Teamwork arises through shared mental models and group cohesion.
Explain group polarization?
Occurs when the presence of a group leads to people developing more extreme opinions than when they first started.
Explain group think?
When a group tends towards the same opinion in order to preserve harmony and unity. This can be problematic because it can lead to incomplete work or one opinion dominating.
Explain prejudice in context to groups?
A negative thought or idea you have towards an individual or group.
Explain common knowledge effect?
Occurs when groups spend more time discussing shared information then examining information that only a few members know; limits the spread of new ideas.
Explain stereotype in context to groups?
Generalization of groups. These tend to be negative but can be positive. Like all Asian people are smart or Irish people love drinking.
Explain discrimination in context to groups?
Treating people differently based on their group membership.
Explain the implicit association test (IAT)? blatant/subtle biases?
- People react quickly when they believe that two words are associated, and will have a longer reaction time when there is underlying negativity.
- Blatant biases are openly hostile feelings/behaviors, as opposed to subtle biases.
Explain social identity theory and social categorization theory?
SIT: Tendency to favor in-groups over out-groups which can underscore biases.
SCT: We categorize ourselves, just like we categorize animals, foods…etc.
Explain social dominance orientation?
A belief that group hierarchies are natural and inevitable and help society maintain stability.
Explain right-wing authoritarianism?
Willingness to submit to authorities and hostile to those who don’t adhere to social norms.
Explain aversive racism theory?
States that negative evaluations of minorities are realized through complex interactions than overt hatred seen with racism.
Stereotype model claims all groups fall under two dimensions
warmth and competence.