What are three different perspectives necessary to understandings children’s development?
The child’s social context, biological maturation, and developing sense of self are the three different perspectives.
How do you develop secure attachment
If parents respond to their children in a sensitive manner, and reinforce the belief parents will always respond to her/his need, they will develop secure attachment.
Briefly explain the lab experiment “STRANGE SITUATION”
Designed to assess attachment styles in children, and involves exposing a child to separation from their caregiver followed by reunification.
Nick and Brenda are very attentive parents. They are encouraging and warm, yet they are firm with boundaries and make sure the rules of the house are clearly communicated. When their kids make mistakes, Nick and Brenda try to use them as learning experiences, even when punishment is administered. What kind of parenting style is this?
Authoritative parenting style
Why is play essential to children?
Play is essential because it helps children learn complex coordination of goals, actions and understanding.
EXAMPLE of social referencing? (Look around).
Jillian and her mom are playing on the swing set at the park. A man walks up to them. When Killian sees her mother smile and speak warmly to the man Jillian relaxes. Jillian has used social referencing to evaluate the individual. (Infant seeks information from others to inform their behavior and action).
What is the theory of mind?
Childrens growing understanding of the mental states that affect people’s behavior.
DEF of social referencing
The process by which one individual consults another’s emotional expression to determine how to evaluate or respond to social circumstances.
Attachment theory? What is it and what was concluded?
Developed by John Bowlby, who was attempting to understand the intense distressed experienced by infants who had been separated by their parents. He observed infants would go to extraordinary lengths to prevent separation from their parents or reestablish proximity with them.
What are attachment figures?
someone who functions as the primary safe haven and secure base for an individual. In childhood, an individuals attachment figure is often a parent. In adulthood, an individual attachment figure is often a romantic partner.
What is attachment behavioral system?(EVOLUTION)
A motivational system selected over the course of evolution to maintain proximity between a young child and his or her primary attachment figure.
What does intrapersonal mean?
refers to oneself. Thus, the intrapersonal functions of emotion refer to the effects of emotion to individuals that occur physically inside their bodies and psychologically inside their minds.
Refers to the relationship or interaction between two or more individuals in a group. Thus, the interpersonal functions of emotion refers to the effects of ones emotion on others, or the relationship between oneself and others.
How do emotions affect rapid thinking? What happens when triggered?
Are processing system that helps us act with minimal think (no logic) prepares our body for immediate reaction. When triggered emotions orchestrate systems such as perception, attention, inference, learning, memory, goal choice, motivational priorities, physiological reactions, motor behaviors, and behavioral decision making.
Bowlby’s attachment system? (LIST)
- Organized set of behaviors that lead to probable outcome and meets survival/physical needs.
- Evolved motivation to maintain and re-establish contact with attachment figure.
- Facilitated infant survival over evolutionary time.
Explain attachment behaviors? What elicitates them?
- Elicited by internal or external cues such as stress/threat, stranger presence, loud noise.
- Followed by elicited responses of searching, following calling or crying.
Ainsworth strange situation? Name the different types of responses?
Places the child under some stress - in order to assess the amount of attachment to their caregiver.
1) Secure attachment
2) Ambivalent
3) Avoidant
4) Disorganized
Explain secure attachment, ambivalent, avoidant, and disorganized responses.
Secure: When the mother leaves, the baby cries and is in distress, but when she returns the baby is calm again.
Ambivalent: When the parent leaves the child it will throw a fit, and be extremely upset. When the parent returns, the child will continue to be upset, and the parents isn’t actually a soothing base for the infant.
Avoidant: When the parent leaves, the infant isn’t upset at all. When the parents comes back the parent might not elicit any response from the infant.
Disorganized: Show very unusual behavior; may act fearful of their caregiver - refusing to make eye contact with the parents, move slowly.
How does social referencing work?
- Infants refers to caregivers response in the face of novelty or uncertainty.
- Calm face = safe
- Distressed face = unsafe
- Developed by a year of age in the infant.
- Maternal facial expression and visual cliff.
Social referencing through age
0-6 weeks: No discrimination between different care givers.
6wks-8 months: Attachment in the making, prefers familiar caregivers, but not distressed from strangers.
8-18 months: Clear cut-attachment prefers specific caregivers, separation anxiety is evident.
18-24 months: Goal corrected partnership, understands caregivers absence decreased protest and increased negotiation.
Antecedents of attachment style:
Consistent, sensitive, and responsive caregiving critical for infant emotional regulation and feelings of safety.