What are the three criteria’s that characterize personality traits.
1) Consistency
2) Stability
3) Individual difference
Name and explain the OCEAN model
Openness: Tendency to appreciate new art, ideas, values, feelings, and behaviors.
Conscientiousness: Tendency to be careful, on time for appointments, follows rules, and hardworking.
Extraversion: Tendency to be talkative, sociable, and enjoy others (confident).
Agreeableness: Tendency to agree and go along with others rather than assert their own opinions.
Neuroticism: Tendency to experience negative emotions such as anger, worry, and sadness.
Explain the scores on the big 5:
These scores are mostly independent meaning someones score on one trait tells us very little how they score on another. Like if your extraverted how do you score on openness.
What are lower levels of personality traits?
Referred to as facets, there more descriptive traits of a certain personality.
What is the Broad personality?
Traits that can be broken into narrow facets or aspects of the trait.
What is the lexical Hypothesis:
The idea that the most important differences between people will be encoded in the language that we use to describe people
What is the Hexaco Model
Explain Heterotypic stability
Consistency in the level or amount of a personality attribute overtime
Explain differential stability
Consistency in the rank ordering of personality across two or more measurement occasions.
Explain Hanatypic stability
Consisency of the same thought, feelings, and behaviors across development.
Explain changes in personality across a lifetime. (OCEAN)
In general, average levels of extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness appear to increase with age whereas neuroticism and openness decreases with age. These are viewed as positive trends given the levels that increase and decrease.
Explain changes in personality across a lifetime. Give examples of benefits
Stable relationships, succuss at work, better health, reduced risk of criminality, and mental health problems.
Explain the maturity principle of adult personality development
Personality attributes are associated with fulfillment of adult roles increasing with age and experience. These are associated with positive adaption and fufillment.
Explain the continuity principle of personality development
Personality attributes show increasing stability within age, meaning less variation in personality with age.
Explain the corresponsive principle of personality development (Do it again).
Personality traits get matched with environment condition. Such as social environments reinforce personality traits.
Explain person environment transactions (Hand and hand).
The interplay between individuals and their circumstances ends up shaping both personality & environment.
Explain active person-environment transactions (Search)
Interplay between individuals and their circumstances occur whenever people seek, select, or manipulate aspects of their environment. Hence, individuals seek certain environments/experiences that match personality traits. Risk takers take leisure time differently than cautious people.
Explain reactive person-environment transactions? (goals reached differently).
Individuals act differently to the same objective situation because of their personality. Interplay between person and environment depends on how the person perceives/responds to the circumstance. For example, large social gatherings represents a different context for an extraverted person vs. introverted person.
Explain evocative person environment transactions
Individuals draw or evoke certain kinds of responses from their social environments because of personality traits. Like a calm person invites different interactions compared to a stressed person.
What are the four processes that promote personality stability (ASAM)
Attraction: Individuals select careers, friends, social clubs, and lifestyles based on their personality attributes (attracted to environment).
Select: Gatekeepers such as employers, admission officers, and potential relationship partners often select individuals because of their personalities. Extraverts would make greater sales people than introverts.
Attrition: Individuals with particular traits drop out from certain environment (lazy employee).
Manipulate: their environment to match their personality. Helping them shape and guide conversation.
Explain the objective tests
the most familiar and used approach to assessing personality. Involves administering a set of items, answered using a limited set of response options. Self report measures and informant ratings.
Explain Projective tests
Represents influential examples that are important thoughts, feelings, and motives that operate outside of conscious awareness.
What are the projective tests hypothesis? What is action of projection?
When people are confronted with ambiguous stimuli, their responses will be influenced by their unconscious thoughts, needs, wishes and impulses. This is based off the action of projection, which is the idea that people attribute their own undesirable/unacceptable characteristics to other people or objects.
What are implicit tests?
Implicit tests have been used by researchers to infer important personality characterestics from direct samples of behavior.