Week 12 Flashcards
Recurrent and persistent thought, urges, or impulses that are experienced, at some during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted
A pattern of repeated contact with a person that is unwanted and causes the person to reasonably fear for their safety of people known to them
Section 264
Repeatedly follow another person from place to place
Repeatedly communicate with, directly or indirectly the other person
Beset or watch a place where the other person is living or working
Engage in threatening conduct directed at the other person or family members
Prevalence Rates
Men are typically the stalkers and women are the victims
Characteristics of Stalkers
Most are male
Former intimate partners
Interpersonal and mental health difficulties
Victims of Stalking
Simple Obsessional Stalker
Prior relationship between victim and offender
Male perpetrators, Female victims
Love Obsessional Stalker
No prior intimate relationship with victim
Eg. Casual acquaintance
Erotomanic Stalker
Delusions belief that there is an existing relationship with the victim
Intimate Partner Violence
Acts of physical, psychological, and/or sexual violence and other forms of controlling behaviour abasing a current or former intimate partner
Battered Women Syndrome
The collection of psychological responses experiences by female victims of persistent IPV, including depression, low helplessness, and powerless
Learned Helplessness
A psychological condition in which an individual learns to accept their current conditions or situation a unchangeable regardless of their actions
Cycle of abuse theory
Abusive relationships exhibit a predictable cycle of behavioural characteristics in which the abusive partner becomes increasingly tense, irritable, angry, and psychologically abusive
Dysphoric/Borderline Assaulter
Engages in moderate to serious form of ilv
Borderline personality Disorder
Family-only assaulter
Abusive behaviour in the household
No generalized antisocial behaviour
Poor coping communication skills
Generally violent/antisocial assaulter
Frequent violent in intimate relationships
Events or stimuli in the environment that trigger learned behaviours
Aversive Instigators
Cues in the environment that produce specific negative emotional responses that may trigger IPV
Incentive instigators
Cues in the environment that act as perceived rewards for abusive behaviour
Maintenance of control
Various from of punishment that potentially inhibit PIV if present or enacted
social disapproval