Chapter 5 Flashcards
The stable and distinct ways in which individuals think, feel and behave in social interactions
Psychodynamic Perspective
Personality is the product of a dynamic interaction between conscious and unconscious mental structures
Early developmental conflicts
Trait Perspective
Personality is the combination of various stable dispositional qualities that a person exhibits
Sigmund Freud
Conscious - You can answer right away (your birthday)
Preconscious - Something you can easily access
Unconscious - Much of who we are is contained here (dreams, when your thought slip out under pressure)
EROS - Drive for affection
Thanatos - Death, he belives we had a death drive, fantasised about it but afraid of it
Basic unconscious human drive (going to the washroom, eating)
Pleasure Principle
Reality Principle
when you become aware of all the rules on behaviour
Knowing your consequences
Internalization of a moral code
Internalized standards of right and wrong
Psychosocial sexual Stages of Development
A series of age-dependent stages requiring the resolution of particular conflicts or tasks
Oral Stage
Birth to 1 year
Erogenous Zone - Mouth
Failure to resolve a conflict at a particular stage of development
Fixation at the oral stage
Anxiety and defence mechanisms
The ego’s protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
When you direct your anger off the original object and onto someone else
Thinking your own thoughts and feelings are the same as someone else (you hate someone, so they do to)
Reaction Formulation
Guarding your emotions
Pushing bad thoughts into the unconscious
Someone who experienced child abuse doesn’t remember the events
Getting your anger out with something else like sports
Attachment Theory
The idea that early relationships and bonds formed with caretakers in infancy significantly influence our capacity to form meaningful relationships with others as adults
The strange situation
An experimental research procedure in which researchers observe children’s responses to separation form, and reunion with, their primary caretakers
Internal Working Models
Mental templates of expectations about other people’s trustworthiness and potential helpfulness
Positive view of others and yourself
Someone who likes other people, but dont think they are capable of being liked
Like themselves, but dont like others, dont have trust
Someone who has a poor self-image but they also think they world is a scary place
General Crime
Insecure patterns of attachment
Predatory Crime
Potential development to psychopathy
Mixed results
Sexual Violence
Fearful/Disorganized Patterns
Insecure patterns of attachment and jealousy and insecurity in interpersonal relationships
Personality Trait
A durable disposition to behave in a particular way in a v variety of situations
Cardinal Traits
Dominant personality traits that are external characteristics of an individual
- Talk in front of big crowds, but mostly introverted
Central Traits
General characteristics that form the basic foundation of personality but are not necessarily dominant aspects of an individuals dispositional style
Secondary Traits
Personality traits that are related to specific attitudes or preferences and typically appear only in certain situations or under specific circumstances
Inventive/Curious vs Consistent/Cautious
Efficient/Organized vs Easy going/Careless
Outgoing/Energetic vs Shy/Reserved
Friendly/compassionate vs Cols/unkind
Sensitive/Nervous vs Secure/Confident
Stable Extravert
outgoing, social, life of the party, doesn’t like to stay home
Stable Introvert
More introverted, but still stable, enjoy cooking and reading
Neurotic Extravert
Emotionally unstable, highest risk of crime, prone to getting angry quickly
Neurotic Introvert
Quiet, reserved high in anxiety, dont like change
Personality Disorder
An enduring pattern of thinking and feeling about oneself and others that significantly and adversely affects how one functions in many aspects
Anti-Social Personality Disorder
Failure to conform to social norms
Can’t plan ahead
Lack of remorse
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Lack of empathy
Thinking they are special and unique
Sense of entitlement
Weak ego Offender
Stumbling into trouble]
Poor social skills
Neurotic Offender
The feeling of guilt of something they did a while ago but never was caught
Weak superego
Normal Offender
Criminal parent