Week #11 Flashcards
What are the two growth forms of fungi?
Single-celled: Yeasts
Multicellular, filamentous structures: Mycelia (singular: Mycelium) | Comprised of hyphae (have cell walls, mainly of chitin)
T/F - Hyphae can be modified for predation?
What is Haustoria?
Appendage or portion of a parasitic fungus (the hyphal tip) that penetrates host’s tissue & draws nutrients from it
What are some characteristics of the fungal lifestyle?
Heterotrophs that acquire nutrients by absorption (Extracellular digestion & Exoenzymes)
As decomposers (saprobes): Absorb nutrients from nonliving organisms
As parasites: Absorb nutrients from living hosts’ cells
Some are pathogenic
Mutualistic symbionts: Absorb nutrients from a host organism, but reciprocate with something beneficial
What are the 5 phyla of fungi?
Chytridiomycota (Chytrids), Zygomycota (Zygote fungi), Glomeromycota (Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi), Ascomycota (Sac fungi), Basidiomycota (Club fungi)
What are traits of Chytrids (Chytridiomycota)?
Freshwater, live in herbivores guts (help digest food)
What are traits of Zygote fungi (Zygomycota)?
Soil + wet environments, common bread mold + fruit rot
What are traits of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota)?
90% of plants have relationship with mycelia
What are traits of Sac fungi (Ascomycota)?
“Ascot”, 70% of fungi belong to group, yeast, penicillin, morels, lichens
What are traits of Club fungi (Basidiomycota)?
Typical mushroom, lichens, mutualistic with insects
Draw Fungi Phylogeny with common and scientific names
Rate yourself
What are some important roles of fungi?
Consumption (Yeast in baking, wine, beer)
Antibiotics (Penicillin)
Pathogens: Fungal infection = Mycosis
Mostly infect plants: Some attack food crops and make compounds toxic to humans
Athlete’s foot; Candida albicans - Normally inhabits body, can become pathogenic = yeast infections
What are important symbiont roles of fungi?
Mycorrhizae “fungus roots” (Hyphae of certain fungi and roots of most seed plants; feed land plants)
Fungal-animal symbiosis (Help animals digest tough materials: E.g., leaf-cutting ants & termites)
What are the 4 phyla of plants?
Bryophytes (mosses), Pteridophytes (ferns), Gymnosperms (conifers), Angiosperms (flowering plants)
What are Bryophytes?
Mosses; Nonvascular plants: No vascular tissue to conduct water or provide support
What are Pteridophytes?
Ferns; Seedless Plants: Have vascular tissue but do not make seeds
What are Gymnosperms?
Conifers; Seed Plants: have vascular tissue and make seeds; pollen & “naked” seeds
What are Angiosperms?
Flowering plants; Seed Plants: have vascular tissue, make seeds, flower, and fruit
What are Spermatophytes?
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms; plants that bear seeds
Draw Plant Phylogeny with common and scientific names and traits
Rate yourself
T/F - Protista are single-celled Eukaryotes and most are water dwelling?
What is Endosymbiotic Theory?
Unicellular organisms engulfed other cells, which became organelles: chloroplasts, mitochondria