Weather Flashcards
I can hear the raindrops falling and see the dew on the window.
drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside during the night
Air pollution causes smog and gloomy weather.
Smog: a cloud of pollution
The sky is so dismal and overcast when it’s raining.
Dismal: very bad , sad
overcast:with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny.
In other places like mashhad, esfahan, wheather changes to drastically.
severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects:
drastic measures
Inclement weather
Inclement: (of the weather) not pleasant, cold, wet
a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain
It’s absolutely bucketing down.
Bucket down: to rain heavily.
Don’t forget to take your umbrella - it’s raining cats and dogs out there.
Rain cats and dogs: to rain very heavily
You’re soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?
Snow showers are expected at the end of the week.
Shower: n and v
A short period of snow and rain.
Lightning and thunder
رعد و برق
It was a damp, misty morning.
Damp: slightly wet often after the rain has stopped.
The airplane could not take off, because of the blizzard.
Blizzard: a storm with lotfs of snow and wind.
There are a few flurries but the snow isn’t stcking to the roads.
Flurries: very light snowfall
I lost my hat while I was skiing, and I was ended up with frostbite on my ears.
Frostbite/ a skin condition caused by over exposur to the cold.
The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no precipitation expected.
Precipitation: water that falls from the clouds towards he ground , especially as a rain or snow.
sleet brought more problems to the county’s roads last night.
If you have to drive in sleet, all weather-tires are best.
Sleet: rain that freezes as it falls
Average tempreture
a balmy summer evening
Balmy: (of weather) pleasantly warm
In the summer, it’s sweltering in the smaller classrooms.
Sweltering: extremely and uncomfortably hot
Muggy , humid , clammy
It’s a little nippy today - you might need a coat.
Nippy: informal Nippy weather or air is quite cold
When you see the cherry trees in blossom you know spring is on its way
In blossom: many flowers opening
The scientific study of climate
Annual rainfall
We’re off to sunnier climes next week.
Climes: a place where the weather is different in a particular way
the scientific study of the processes that cause particular weather conditions
Weather station
A place where metrological data is collected
Weather forcast
Weather forcaster